
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

Hapa Eikaiwa on FacebookHapa Eikaiwa on TwitterHapa Eikaiwa on YouTubeHapa 英会話 Instagram



Released: 2023.11.10





【Robert】What do you use social media for and what platform do you use the most?

【Kimi】The platform that I use the most would be Instagram and TikTok…


【Kimi】…is what I use. “Oh.” (laughs) Is that a surprise?

【Robert】Oh, I mean it’s like, I’m always surprised because I think, like TikTok is, like for the younger generation.


【Robert】I mean, like that’s just for me…

【Kimi】Uh huh.

【Robert】…because, like I grew up with, like Myspace and AOL Messenger…

【Kimi】Oh wow!

【Robert】…and, like a bunch of other stuff. And I’ve kind of segued into…Instagram myself because, like I use it for, like photography. And I use Discord as my other one. I—I guess we can’t call it…

【Kimi】Oh, Discord.

【Robert】“…social media,” but it’s more, like a chat service kind of thing.

【Kimi】Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. You didn’t mention Facebook, though. Do you use Facebook?

【Robert】I don’t really use Facebook that much anymore.

【Kimi】How come?

【Robert】Because, not going to lie, a lot of my friends either rotate out of it…

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】…or they only use it for the Messenger service and that’s it. No one posts anything anymore. So, like…

【Kimi】Okay, but it’s funny because you said “TikTok is for the younger generation.” I thought you were going to say Facebook is for the older.

【Robert】Oh, it definitely is. It definitely is.

【Kimi】Right? (laughs)

【Robert】I’m trying to, like avoid that so I don’t seem to make myself look old. (laughs)

【Kimi】No. (laughs) I don’t use Facebook.

【Robert】Yeah, yeah.

【Kimi】I’m still young!

【Robert】Okay. (laughs)

【Kimi】No, I’m kidding. No, but I think there’s some truth to that. A lot of my friends don’t use Facebook anymore. I mean, I’m in my 30s, or I just turned 30.


【Kimi】No shame. I do use TikTok. (laughs)

【Robert】That’s fine.

【Kimi】But I use TikTok to, like learn a lot of things that…oh my God. I feel so old! (laughs)

【Robert】Yeah. (laughs)

【Kimi】To learn a lot of things that these, like young generation people are, like…like, I didn’t know some—some things…I mean, I might…it might sound ridiculous but I didn’t know that the gas pump…when you take off the—the lid of the gas…

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】…you can hang it on the side of the…

【Robert】Yeah, yeah. That’s what the two prongs are for. You put them right there.

【Kimi】Yeah, I didn’t know that until TikTok helped me.

【Robert】Oh. (laughs)

【Kimi】So it’s stuff like that.


【Kimi】So I use TikTok for that. So to learn things like that because… (laughs)

【Robert】Yeah, don’t—don’t—it’s fine.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What social media platform does Robert think is for the younger generation?
  2. What does Robert use Instagram for?
  3. What does Kimi use TikTok for?



  1. He thinks TikTok is for the younger generation.
  2. He uses it for photography.
  3. She uses it for learning new things she might not learn elsewhere.



Kimi and Robert share their favorite social media platforms and what they use them for. Kimi likes using Instagram and TikTok.

Robert generally thinks that TikTok is for the younger generation, in part because he grew up with older platforms like AOL Messenger and Myspace. Robert likes to use Instagram and Discord.

Robert mainly uses Discord as a messaging platform rather than pure social media. As for Instagram, he uses that for photography. Both Kimi and Robert no longer use Facebook. In Robert’s case, he no longer uses it because most of his friends have moved off of it.

Kimi enjoys TikTok because she often learns from the videos she watches on it. For example, she learned from TikTok that the lid to a car’s gas tank can be hung on prongs that are designed into the car’s gas intake area.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Grow up with(〜と共に育つ)

grow up with ~はある何かや誰かと一緒に育つことを意味し、「〜と共に育つ」を意味します。特に子供の頃に身近に感じた物や人を表す状況で使われます。例えば、「私は祖母と一緒に育ちました」は“I grew up with my grandma.”、「私はインターネットと共に育ちました」は“I grew up with the internet.”と言います。“grow up with ~”の代わりに、“grow up watching ~(〜を見て育つ)”や“grow up playing ~(〜で遊んで育つ)”のように表現できます。

  • Kids today are going to grow up with smartphones.
  • I grew up playing Super Nintendo.
  • I grew up reading and watching Japanese anime.

2) Segue into(〜に移行する)

segueはイタリア語で「切れ目なく続く」を意味し、日常会話では会話や話している話題などが途切れることなくスムーズに移行する意味として使われます。特にある話題から別の話題に移る時に使われ、例えば、ミーティングで“Let’s segue into the next topic.”と言って速やかに次の話題に移ることがよくあります。

  • This is a good time to segue into the next topic.
  • Before we segue into the next topic, I’d like to open the floor for questions.
  • She started her presentation with a personal story and smoothly segued into the main topic.

3) There is some truth to that(実際にそうかもしれない)

直訳で「それには少し真実がある」となるこの表現は、誰かが発言したことやある情報が完全に真実ではないが、少なくとも一部が正しかったり、理にかなっていることを意味します。例えば、今日の会話でFacebookは中高年しか使わないと冗談っぽく言ったロバートの発言に対してキミーは“There is some truth to that.”と言いますが、これは完全に真実ではないが、確かにFacebookは中高年ユーザーが多いことを表しています。

  • There is some truth to that. I think TikTok is for the younger crowd.
  • There is some truth to that. Life does get better after 40.
  • I think there is some truth to that. I feel like attractive people do have it easier in life.

4) Ridiculous(馬鹿げた)

ridiculousは「馬鹿げた」を意味し、非常識なアイデアを提案したり、理不尽な発言をしたり、または馬鹿げたことをするような人に対して使われます。例えば、相手が馬鹿げた提案をした時に“That’s a ridiculous suggestion.(それは馬鹿げた提案だよ)”と言ったり、馬鹿げた行動を取っている相手に対して“You are being ridiculous.(あなたは馬鹿げている)”と言ったりするような状況で使います。

一般的には、友達とのふざけ合いで冗談交じりに「くだらない」と言う時に使われます。相手が何か途方もないことを言い出した時や、あまりにもくだらな過ぎて笑ってしまうようなバカバカしい言動を取る際に使われる表現で、呆れて笑うニュアンスを含みます。例えば、友達の一発芸がくだらなすぎて笑ってしまった時に、“That was ridiculous.”と言うことができます。その他、おかしな服装をしている人に対してもよく使われます。

  • A bowl of ramen is 20 dollars in LA? That’s ridiculous!
  • Why are you wearing a suit with shorts? You look ridiculous!
  • It might sound ridiculous, but I practice English by talking to myself.

5) Hang something(〜を掛ける)

hangは何かを掛けたり、吊るすことを意味する表現です。例えば、「壁に絵を掛ける」は“Hang a painting on the wall.”、「クローゼットに洋服を吊るす」は“I hang my clothes in the closet.”と言います。

  • Can you hang these towels on that rack?
  • It is common in Japan for people to hang their clothes outside to dry.
  • Let’s hang these pictures on the wall.



  • Platform・・・媒体
  • Lid・・・ キャップ
  • Prongs・・・細長い物


  • Younger generation・・・若い世代
  • Kind of thing・・・〜のような
  • How come?・・・どうして?
  • (I’m) Not going to lie・・・ぶっちゃけると
  • No shame・・・恥じてない


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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  1. かおり より:

    解説では Segue into と記載あり、実際に話されてるのは Segway into と言ってますので、混乱してます。この言い方の説明が欲しいです。

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