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以前の動画でも紹介したことのあるロングビーチの人気スポット「THE HANGAR」にまた行ってきました!今回は、フードコートにあるヘルシーなスイーツを堪能できるお店「Blue Bowl」でアサイーボウルを注文してみました。

BLUE BOWLでアサイボールを注文する

【Jun】Hi, can I get the 12 ounce?

【店員】Yes, sir. Which bases are we thinking today?

【Jun】Acai and…Do you get to choose as many as you want?

【店員】As many as you like. Yeah. So it’s your first time?

【Jun】It is my first time.

【店員】Awesome. Welcome. So we pretty much merge acai bowls and “Chipotle.” You can go ahead and combine all these bases, all the toppings for a flat price. $7.00, $9.00, and $13.00 no matter what.

【Jun】Ok. So for the bases, what do you recommend?

【店員】I really like the acai and Blue Bowl chia. I think those two pair really much well. I give you a sample. I’m gonna throw in a little bit of our new base, the magic pineapple as well. This one is a combination of very light and rich.

【Jun】Do you eat this all together?

【店員】Yeah, if you want to. Yeah. Just so you can get a sense of what it would taste like if you combine them in the bowl.

【Jun】Ok. It tastes really healthy!

【店員】Yeah, I feel you.

【Jun】I’ll go with this three right here.

【店員】You got it. Your next choice is gonna be granola. We have four to choose from. Mix and match as you please. Hemp is probably the most popular, but I think the winner is really the maple quinoa.

【Jun】Can you do a combination of those two as well?

【店員】Yeah, of course.

【Jun】I’ll do the hemp and your rec. The maple quinoa.

【店員】You got it brotha. Let’s do it. We’re gonna meet you at granola and Jay can take care of you.



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