
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.09.15





【Kimi】So what was it like for you growing up as the oldest child in your family?

【Robert】It was really interesting. I think it—it comes with a level of responsibility to take care of your siblings and make sure they have a good time, and you have fun with them. But also, like make sure they’re okay and take care of them too. It—it’s like you’re your own parent a little bit. The small one.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】But it was—it was a pleasure. I really like taking care of—I have a little sister and it was, like a complete different experience.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】Like, there’s like, boy things and girl things. And you’ve got to learn it all. Even if you—you’re not exactly familiar.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】But as you’re—you know, that’s what it means to be a family.

【Kimi】What’s the age difference between you and…?

【Robert】About four years.

【Kimi】Four years! Okay.

【Robert】Yeah. And…

【Kimi】Are you guys pretty close?

【Robert】Yeah, we’re pretty close. We used to play video games all the time. We played, like games—we had, like…we played with, like LEGO. So we, like built stuff together.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】We had a lot of common interests. But you know, as you grow older, some—they get new interests and, you know, we split off a little bit.


【Robert】But we still talk and we…still have a lot of things in common. We watch movies.


【Robert】And we watch, like cartoons. You know, we keep it simple.

【Kimi】What would you say some of the pros and cons would be…being the oldest?

【Robert】The pros being you have to kind of cover for your sibling. Like, you’ve got to—have to be responsible for them.

【Kimi】Uh huh. (laughs)

【Robert】If I do something stupid, you’re like, “Oh, well that was under my watch. I’ll take the blame.” And make sure they’re okay.



【Kimi】You were a nice brother. You would take the blame?

【Robert】Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would always…

【Kimi】Not point fingers? (laughs)

【Robert】No, I would never blame my sister for anything.

【Kimi】Okay. That’s nice.

【Robert】I think though, understanding…when you get older of course, you give them, like, “Okay, you’re responsible for this—this.”

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】But like, you know I—talking about it and having those chats are really important. Avoiding that is not so good because it gives them the tools to deal with real-life situations later. You know? It’s like, you know…I’m not going to be there forever.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】I’m not going to be there, holding their hand, so I’ve got to give them the tools to—to continue going on.

【Kimi】Yeah. Okay. And then what would be a con?

【Robert】The cons, there’s just, like…I guess…I don’t know. I never really considered the cons. It’s been—it’s been really nice. I think the only bad thing is…if there’s something un-consolable we can talk about or, like we can—completely different opinions, it can kind of, like disrupt unity a bit there. But it’s not so bad when you just, you know, you come to level discussions…

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】…or conversations. But there’s just some stuff people just don’t budge on. It’s okay.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Robert compare being the oldest sibling to?
  2. How often did Robert take the blame for something that went wrong between him and his sister?
  3. What is one con Robert raised to being an older sibling?



  1. He compares being the oldest sibling to being something like a parent to younger siblings.
  2. Robert always took the blame, looking to protect his younger sister.
  3. He thinks that when two siblings come to a stark disagreement in opinions about serious matters, it can cause some division between the two.



Kimi asked Robert what it was like to grow up as the oldest sibling in his family. In general, Robert thought it was a pleasure to be an older brother to his younger sister.

Robert compared being the oldest sibling to being something like a parent to his younger sister. He always worked to make sure his sister had a good time when they were together.

Robert and his sister are four years apart, but shared a lot of similar interests and did a lot of things together growing up. Even as time has gone on and they’ve drifted somewhat apart from each other, they still keep in touch and do fun things when they’re together.

In addition, Robert enjoyed looking out for his sister whenever he could, and often took the blame on her behalf when something went wrong in front of their parents. But Robert also admits that sometimes, when he and his sister came to a disagreement on something, it caused some division between the two.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Split off(分離する)

split offは大きなものから小さな部分を切り離したり、分離することを意味します。例えば、台風で木の幹から枝が割れて分離したり、大きな会社がアプリ開発部門を別の会社として分けたり、付き合っていた2人が大喧嘩の末、関係を切るような状況で使われます。今日の会話でロバートは自分と自分の妹が歳を重ねるにつれ互いの興味が変わり、距離が離れて行く意味としてsplit offを使いました。

  • The typhoon split off a branch from the tree trunk.
  • My son split off a piece of chocolate to share with his brother.
  • After being together for 10 years, Tony and Lisa decided to split off.

2) Have in common(〜を共通に持つ)

have in commonは「共通点がある」ことを意味します。「私たちは共通点が多い」は“We have a lot in common.”、「共通点がいくつかある」は“We have a few things in common.”、「共通点がない」は“We have nothing in common.”と表現します。

  • What do you and your wife have in common?
  • John and Stacey have a lot in common. They both like to travel and do outdoor activities.
  • I don’t get along with my coworkers because we have nothing in common.

3) Under one’s watch(〜の監視下に)

watchは「見る」や「見張る」を意味することから、この表現はある人の監督や管理のもとで何かが行われる、または何かが起こることを表し、「〜の監視下に」を意味します。特に、誰かが責任を持って誰かの面倒を見たり、世話をしたり、または監視する状況で使われます。例えば、修学旅行で先生が生徒の面倒を見たり、べビーシッターが子供達の世話をしたり、上司が会社の責任者として部下を管理する状況で使われます。この表現はunderの代わりにonを使ってon one’s watchと表現することもあります。

  • The kids always behave well under Mr. Brown’s watch.
  • This problem didn’t happen under my watch.
  • He’s a strict coach and makes sure his players don’t slack off under his watch.

4) Take the blame(責任を取る)

take the blameは、何か悪いことが起こったとき、それが自分のせいではなかったとしても、そのことに対して責任を受け入れることを意味します。例えば、今日の会話でロバートは“That was under my watch. I’ll take the blame.”と言っていますが、ここでは自分が妹の面倒を見ていたので、妹が悪いことをしても自分が責任を引き受けることを意味します。

  • I’m sorry for what happened. I take the blame.
  • Even though it wasn’t his fault, Brian took the blame.
  • The captain of the team took the blame for the team’s loss.

5) Point fingers(非難する)

直訳で「指をさす」となるこの表現は、他の人を責めたり非難したりすることを意味します。特に、問題やミスの責任を自分で取る代わりに、誰かを非難したり責めたりする状況で使います。例えば、会社のプロジェクトで問題が起きたときに、同僚が“It’s my fault(私のせいです)”と責任を取る代わりに、“It’s their fault(彼らのせいだ)”と誰かを避難した場合に、“He pointed fingers.(彼は他の人を非難した)”と表現することができます。

  • Our boss has a bad habit of pointing fingers when problems happen.
  • Instead of pointing fingers, you need to take responsibility.
  • Let’s try to resolve this issue instead of pointing fingers.



  • Close・・・近い
  • Common interests・・・共通の趣味
  • Pros and cons・・・メリットとデメリット
  • Cover・・・かばってあげる
  • Un-consolable・・・相容れないような


  • The oldest child・・・一番上の子
  • A level of responsibility・・・それなりの責任
  • Take care of・・・世話をする
  • Age difference・・・歳の差
  • All the time・・・いつも
  • Hold one’s hand・・・手を繋ぐ
  • Disrupt unity・・・関係に亀裂が入る
  • Budge on・・・譲れない


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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