
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.02.17





【Lizzie】So have you ever experienced culture shock?

【Elaina】Oh definitely. The first time I left the US, I was 19 going on 20. And I went to Germany.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】And Germany’s very different from America.


【Elaina】Well, because American people are very friendly, like, “Hi! How’s it going?”


【Elaina】We’ll talk to anyone, won’t we? (laughs) Germans are more reserved.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】And the relationships they build, they build for a purpose and because they really care. So they won’t be just friends with anyone. I use the term “friends” loosely there because…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…I feel like in America we—we do sometimes call people “friends” that aren’t actually friends. They’re really acquaintances.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】But to Germans, like a friend is a true friend. And they…

【Lizzie】How was that?

【Elaina】Oh, it was hard. Honestly.


【Elaina】Because I didn’t know how to—well, one, I didn’t speak German. And I didn’t know how to talk to people. So it took a while to get to know some people in my area. But after a while, like I found I really loved their culture. But another huge culture shock…in America obviously we’re a bit more reserved with our bodies.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】Nude spas everywhere.

【Lizzie】Oh, uh huh.

【Elaina】Men, women, children. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Letting it all hang out. (laughs)

【Elaina】Oh yes. Yeah, the first time I went to a nude spa, I was gobsmacked. (laughs) I saw a lot of stuff I really didn’t want to see.

【Lizzie】Uh huh. (laughs)

【Elaina】And I was definitely very, very shocked. And I can still remember everything that I saw that day. (laughs)

【Lizzie】You know, that reminds me. I heard an anecdote about—I think this was from Norway. They were saying, “In Norway, we respect women more than Americans do.” You know, who knows? But they were saying, “That’s because we’ve seen our grannies in the sauna. And we know that women’s bodies change.” So…


【Lizzie】…I think Americans—we tend to have, like kind of body ideals that are pretty strict.

【Elaina】Oh yeah.

【Lizzie】And people try and hide everything. But then you go to some European countries—or Japan, also—and you get to see all types of bodies in the baths. (laughs)

【Elaina】Oh yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did Elaina describe Germans in comparison to Americans?
  2. What type of spa did Elaina see a lot of in Germany?
  3. Lizzie heard an anecdote of something a Norwegian once said. What did this Norwegian say?



  1. She said Germans tend to be more reserved when it comes to socializing while Americans are much more gregarious.
  2. She saw a lot of nude spas in Germany.
  3. The Norwegian said that in Norway, women are respected more because they have seen their grandmothers naked and know that women’s bodies change.



Elaina and Lizzie talk about the phenomenon of “culture shock” in this episode and about their own experiences with it. For Elaina, her first experience of culture shock was when she traveled to Germany.

She noticed that Germans in general tended to be more socially reserved than Americans. Germans often only made friendships with people they really cared about, whereas in America the term “friend” is used much more loosely.
彼女は、一般的にドイツ人はアメリカ人に比べて、控えめであることに気付きます。ドイツ人は本当に大切な人としか友達にならないのに対し、アメリカでは浅く広く「友達 」という言葉を使います。

Another cause of culture shock for Elaina in Germany was the prevalence of nude spas, something rarely if ever seen in the United States. Elaina thinks that Americans are much more reserved with their bodies than Germans are.

Lizzie heard an anecdote once about something a Norwegian said of their own country. This Norwegian reportedly said that women are respected more in Norway because Norwegians have seen their grandmothers naked and know that women’s bodies change.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) 19 going on 20(19歳)

直訳で「19歳から20歳になる時」となるこの表現は、「19歳」であることを意味します。ここではシンプルに、“I was 19 years old.”と表現することもできましたが、 “I was 19 going on 20.”と言うことで、「19歳よりも20歳に近かった」というニュアンスになります。ただし一般的に、子どもから20代ごろの年齢を表す時に使われることが多く、「私は39歳です」を“I’m 39 going on 40.”と言うことはほとんどありません。

また、“She is 12 going on 18.”のような表現の仕方をすることもあり、ここでは「12歳だけど18歳のように振る舞う」のような意味になり、実際の年齢よりも大人らしいことを表す言葉遊びです。逆に、子どもっぽい人を、“He is 24 going on 18.”のように言うこともできます。

  • I was 20 going on 21 when I studied abroad.
  • My son is a teenager. He’s 14 going on 15.
  • Christine is 16 going on 24. She’s really mature for her age.

2) Use the term loosely(ある言葉を漠然と使う)

直訳で「ゆるく使う」となるこの表現は、ある言葉を広い意味で使うことを強調したい時に使われます。例えば、今日の会話でエレーナは“I use the term friends loosely.”と言いましたが、これは「友達」という言葉を広い意味で使っていることを意味します。人や国によって「友達」の定義は異なり、アメリカ人が思う「友達」とドイツ人が思う「友達」の感覚にギャップがあるため、エレーナは“I use the term friends loosely.”と言いました。

  • He is a successful businessman, and when I say successful, I’m using the term loosely.
  • There are many fluent English speakers in my class, but I’m using the term “fluent” loosely here.
  • I use the term “wealthy” loosely here because wealth can have a variety of meanings.

3) Acquaintance(知り合い)


  • John is an acquaintance I met while I was traveling in Europe.
  • I have a few acquaintances that live in Australia.
  • Natalie is a friend of a friend. She’s more of an acquaintance than a friend.

4) Gobsmacked(非常に驚いた)


  • I was gobsmacked when I heard the news.
  • The Grand Canyon is absolutely breathtaking, and I was gobsmacked when I saw it for the first time.
  • You are going to be gobsmacked when you find out what she bought for you.

5) Who knows?(誰にもわからない)

“Who knows?”は「誰にも分からない」を意味する表現で、使う状況によって「どうだろうね」や「さあね」、「そんなの知らないよ」を意味します。例えば、友人から「どれくらいロスに住む予定なの?」と聞かれた時に、 “Who knows?(さあね)”と答えたり、オンライン英会話に抵抗を感じている友達に、 “Why don’t you try online English lessons? Who knows? You might like it.(オンライン英会話やってみたら?ひょっとしたら気に入るかもしれないよ)」という具合に使います。

  • Who knows? You won’t know until you try it, so just give it a shot.
  • Who knows? I might quit my company and travel for a few years.
  • Did I make the right decision? Who knows? Only time will tell.



  • Reserved・・・控えめ
  • Anecdote・・・逸話
  • Granny・・・祖母


  • For a purpose・・・目的を持って
  • Let it all hang out・・・さらけだす、全裸になる










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