
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.12.02





【Kara】What do you think about—in Japan, have you ever had issues with being too confident in certain situations that you should’ve been humble?

【Micah】Well as a foreigner, I think a lot of people expect me to be a little bit more outgoing because they have the image in their mind that an American is confident and outgoing and loud and, like…you know…likes to be the center of attention or something like that. So sometimes you can use that to your advantage. I’m normally, like a shy sort of person.


【Micah】But sometimes, like if I go to karaoke, I can usually, like let loose or whatever…


【Micah】…if I have enough drinks in me.

【Kara】Yeah. (laughs)

【Micah】And so, like I get a lot of positive response for being confident here, actually…


【Micah】…because I’m kind of filling that role that they have in their mind for me already, I think. And they seem more surprised—and they do compliment me in the times when I am humble.
Like, normally I try to, you know, go Japanese style and be real humble when people give me confident—compliments and say, like, “Oh, your Japanese is so good” or whatever. You know, it’s like, “No, no,” you know, “I’m still learning,” and all that sort of stuff.


【Micah】And they tend to compliment me. It’s like, “Oh, you sound even more Japanese by being so humble,” so.


【Micah】I think…yeah, they’re not expecting that from me. So, it’s a little bit different in my case, I guess as a foreigner. And, you know, you’re moving here soon, I guess. So I’m sure you’ll find that out for yourself.

【Kara】Yeah…yeah, yeah. I’m definitely interested to see, like what…I don’t know. The word “stereotype” doesn’t feel right.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】But it’s the only word I can think of. Like, what stereotypes they expect me to fill…

【Micah】Like, project onto you? Yeah.

【Kara】Yes, yes, yes. Exactly.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】And it’s been, like…

【Micah】That’s, like the first wave. That’s the first wave when you get here. It’s like, “Oh, they just see an American stereotype.” And it—it can bother you a little bit. But then once you get used to it, then you start to use it to your advantage. (laughs)

【Kara】Yeah, yeah. (laughs) Excited for this.

【Micah】You can lean into it, you know?

【Kara】Yeah, I’m excited for that part about it.


【Kara】I’m excited for a lot of parts. But definitely the stereotype/what they expect of me as an American…

【Micah】Yeah. But, you know, a lot—none of—it’s never malicious. It’s always…

【Kara】No, no.

【Micah】…it comes from an innocent place, so it’s like—yeah, never take it personally, you know?

【Kara】No, no. I mean it…

【Micah】And it’s generally positive things.

【Kara】Yeah, yeah. Even on Cafetalk, it’s only on Zoom or Skype. And sometimes they’ll say something to me and I’m like…

【Micah】I’ll just say, if I may. Don’t get offended if someone tells you, “You have a small face.”

【Kara】I am—I’d love that. That would be the nicest they could say to me. Or to tell me…

【Micah】That’s actually—they’re complimenting you. They’re complimenting you.


【Micah】“You have a small face.”

【Kara】Yes, I—if someone tells me I am the palest person they’ve ever seen…


【Kara】over the moon ecstatic!

【Micah】God bless you!


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What expectations did Micah think Japanese people had of him when he moved to Japan?
  2. In what situation does Micah let loose, despite naturally being somewhat shy?
  3. What comment does Micah tell Kara not to feel insulted by if she’s told it by Japanese people?



  1. Micah thought Japanese people expected him to be confident and outgoing as a foreigner and particularly as an American.
  2. He often lets loose at karaoke after he’s had a few drinks.
  3. Micah tells Kara not to be offended if a Japanese person tells her she has “a small face.”
    マイカは、日本人に「顔が小さい 」と言われたとしても、侮辱ではないとケーラに教えました。



Kara and Micah continue discussing confidence and its merits. This time they explore what it means to be confident in Japan.

Micah felt that when he first moved to Japan, Japanese people would expect him to be confident and outgoing because he was an American. Although Micah is naturally somewhat shy, he was often complimented by Japanese people when he displayed confidence, since he was fulfilling their expectations of an American.

Micah was also complimented when he was humble, as Japanese people thought he was behaving like Japanese people typically do when he did.

Kara is moving to Japan soon and doesn’t know what sort of expectations Japanese people will have of her as an American. Micah tells her not to be offended if Japanese people tell her she has a “small face.” In fact, it’s a compliment.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Use to someone’s advantage(人に有利になるよう利用する)

advantageは「有益」や「好都合」を意味することから、use to someone’s advantageは、何かを人に有利になるように利用することを意味します。例えば、英語を勉強している人に「英語力を活かした方がいいよ」と言う場合は、“You should use English to your advantage.”と言ったり、海外留学をした人に「留学経験を活かした方がいいよ」と言う場合は、“You should use your experience abroad to your advantage.”と言います。特にマイナスだと思っていることをプラスに変えるという意味で使われることが多いです。

  • I want to use my English to my advantage and work for a foreign company.
  • You might be smaller than other players, but you have to use your quickness to your advantage.
  • If I were you, I’d use your outgoing personality to your advantage.

2) Let loose(羽目を外す)

let looseはリラックスして思いっきり楽しんだり、羽目を外したりなど、周りを気にせずに自由に振る舞って楽しむ意味合いとして使われます。例えば、忘年会で同僚に「今夜は思いっきり楽しみましょう」と言う場合、“Let’s let loose tonight.”のように言います。

  • Let’s let loose tonight and have fun.
  • My coworkers got really drunk at the party last night and let loose.
  • Every now and then, it’s fun to go to karaoke and let loose.

3) Malicious(悪意のある)

maliciousは人に嫌な思いをさせたり、傷つけようとしたり、恥をかかせようとする意思があることを表し、「悪意のある」を意味します。例えば、「悪意のある行為」は“a malicious act”、「悪意のある態度」は“a malicious attitude”と言います。

この表現は、“not malicious”のように否定形で使われることもよくあり、悪気ない発言や行為を示します。

  • What he did was malicious, and he needs to be punished.
  • Someone is spreading malicious rumors about Ken at work.
  • I know what he said was just a joke and not malicious at all.

4) Take it personally(個人攻撃と捉える)

takeは「取る」、personallyは「個人」を意味することから、この表現は「個人攻撃と捉える」を意味します。この表現は“Don’t take it personally.”のように否定形で使われることが多く、「悪く思わないでね」、「個人攻撃だと思わないでね」を意味します。相手が言ったことについて批判をしないといけない時や提案を却下しないといけない時、相手を嫌な気分にさせてしまう悪いニュースを伝える前の前置き表現として使われます。

この表現は一般的にtake it personallyの組み合わせで使われますが、itの代わりに攻撃的と捉える対象を入れることもできます。

  • Don’t take it personally. It’s just business.
  • He was hurt by what you said. He took your criticism personally.
  • She has thick skin and doesn’t take anything personally.

5) Be over the moon(すごく嬉しい)

直訳で「月を超える」となるこの表現は「月を超えるほど嬉しい状態」を表し、嬉しくてたまらなかったり、すごく幸せであることを意味します。very happyに置き換えて使うことができ、例えば「すごく嬉しいです」は“I’m over the moon.”、「英検に受かった時は、嬉しくてたまらなかったです」は“I was over the moon when I passed the Eiken test.”という具合に使います。

  • I was over the moon when Japan beat Germany!
  • I was over the moon when I found out I got accepted to UCLA.
  • I can’t believe I won the speech contest. I’m over the moon!



  • Outgoing・・・外向的
  • Palest・・・最も色白


  • Have issues with・・・問題になる
  • Center of attention・・・注目の的
  • Fill that role・・・役割を果たしてる
  • Project onto someone・・・投影する
  • Lean into・・・受け入れる
  • Comes from an innocent place・・・ただ知らないだけ



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Rock54 より:


    もしKara が褒め言葉としてpalest person と言われても嬉しいよ、という会話は“肌の白さ”に対しての事だと思いましたが、vocabulary の訳によると、“曖昧さ”という事なんでしょうか?


    • Jun より:

      Rock54さん、こんにちは!すみません、ここは入力ミスでした。Palest person なので「最も肌の白い人」になります。Thanks for letting me know 😊

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