
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.11.11





【Micah】So what do you think? Is it better to be confident or humble, especially in the U.S.?

【Kara】That is such a hard question. I think it’s a balance of the two. And I also think it depends on if you’re a man or a woman.

【Micah】Okay. What do you mean by that?

【Kara】I think men are usually more confident, more bold, more straightforward, whereas women…

【Micah】Or expected to be?

【Kara】Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】Whereas women are supposed to be a little more, like shy, non-confrontational…and also usually we work in different positions. I work in a school district. So I’m…literally, I have 99 percent female coworkers.


【Kara】So, yeah. It’s a bit different than working in, like business…


【Kara】…or a male-dominated profession.


【Kara】This is such a hard question. I also personally suffer a lot from imposter syndrome. (laughs) Which…

【Micah】Okay. Let’s unpackage that a little bit. (laughs)

【Kara】Yeah, yeah. I have been a speech therapist for I think four years now. And sometimes I’ll see a client and I don’t know what to do. Like, “this is the first time I’ve seen someone like this. This is brand new for me.” But I kind of have to fake it until I make it. Whereas, like…


【Kara】…I know enough of how to start.

【Micah】Right, right.

【Kara】And then I know I’ll have to go home and do research. But for me, it’s like—sometimes, I’m like, “Oh my God, do they know…”

【Micah】Every clean—yeah, every clean slate can be a little bit daunting, for sure.


【Micah】But I think having imposter syndrome is a sign of self-awareness, is it not?

【Kara】Too much self-awareness. (laughs)

【Micah】Like, you know, in having some sort of humility or being humble and being aware…


【Micah】…that there is so much more to know, you know?


【Micah】You know, and never feeling so confident that you’re not—you stop growing, you know? So I think that’s an actual good thing. I mean it can get—if you do…you can over…you know, be—what do you say? Neurotic, with it.

【Kara】Oh, totally.

【Micah】You can get crazy with it. But I think a little bit of imposter syndrome—I think it can be a little bit healthy or is sort of natural. I mean, I suffer from it as well, for sure.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are the expectations of men and women in the workplace, according to Kara?
  2. Does Kara have more male or female coworkers at her workplace?
  3. What “syndrome” do both Kara and Micah say they have in the workplace?



  1. She believes men are expected to be bold and confident while women are expected to be shier and non-confrontational.
  2. She has much more female coworkers than male.
  3. They both say they suffer from the phenomenon of “imposter syndrome.



Kara and Micah discuss confidence and humility as character traits in the workplace. Kara feels that there should be a balance between the two qualities.

That said, Kara believes there are different expectations for men and women in the workplace with regard to confidence and humility. She thinks men are expected to be bolder and more confident while women are expected to be less confrontational.

In Kara’s line of work in her school district, most of her coworkers are female. She thinks that women and men tend to gravitate to different professions which demand different personalities.

Both Kara and Micah describe themselves as experiencing “imposter syndrome” in their workplaces, in which people doubt their ability to perform in their fields. Micah thinks that while it can be overdone, a certain degree of imposter syndrome is acceptable because it means a person recognizes they still have things to learn in their field.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Straightforward(率直な)

straightforwardは「真っすぐ」を意味することから、物事を遠回しに言ったり曖昧にせずに、率直に表現することを意味します。例えば、「彼は率直な人だ」は、“He is straightforward.”と言います。


  • She’s a straightforward person that tells it like it is.
  • I like my boss because he’s honest and straightforward.
  • The instructions are straightforward and easy to follow.

2) Imposter syndrome(インポスター症候群)

imposter syndromeは自分のスキルや才能、成功や達成などを内面的に肯定できず、自分を過小評価してしまう心理状態を表します。imposterは「詐欺師」を意味することから、どれだけ成功をしたり、周りから高く評価されても、自分の能力ではないと思い込んでいるため、自分は詐欺師のように周囲を騙していると思ってしまっているような状態を表します。日常会話では、「どれだけ成功しても自分の能力を疑う」のような軽い感じで使われることが多く、“I suffer from imposter syndrome.”のように表現することが多いです。

  • It’s said that high achievers often suffer from imposter syndrome.
  • One research found that over 70% of people have suffered imposter syndrome at one point.
  • Perfectionism and imposter syndrome often go hand-in-hand.

3) Unpackage(紐解く、分析する)

unpackageは本来、荷物を箱やカバンから出すことを意味しますが、日常会話では相手の発言を細かく分析したり、紐解くことを意味します。例えば、今日の会話でケーラがインポスター症候群であると発言した後に、マイカが“Let’s unpackage that a little bit.”と言っています。箱の中に入っているものを一つずつ出していくように、ここでは、ケーラがインポスター症候群で悩んでいることをより細かく話したり、分析したりすることを意味し、「もう少し詳しく聞かせて」のような意味合いになります。日常会話では、unpackageの代わりにunpackという言い方もよく使われ、意味は全く同じです。

  • That’s an interesting thought. Let’s unpackage that a little more.
  • Before we move on to the next topic, let’s unpack what you just said.
  • We have a lot to unpack. Where should we start?

4) Fake it until you make it(実現できるまで、うまくいっているふりをする)

fake it until you make itは「実現できるまで、うまくいっているふりをする」ことを意味し、うまく行くまではうまく行くふりをする、成功するまでは成功しているふりをすることを表します。たとえ何かができなくても諦めずにできるようになるまで、できているふりをし続けることで、そのうちにできるようになることを意味しています。そうすることによって、次第にスキルや知識、経験がつき、いずれできるようになるというような意味を表します。この表現は決まり文句として使われます。日常会話ではfake it till you make itともいいます。

  • Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it.
  • Do you think “fake until you make it” is good or bad advice?
  • You have to fake it till you make it. That’s how I made it.

5) Clean slate(白紙の状態)

slateは絵や文字などを書くための石板を意味することから、clean slate は白紙の状態を意味します。この表現は特に“start with a clean slate(一から出直す)”の組み合わせで使われることが多く、過去の失敗や悪い出来事が許されたり、水に流したりして新たなスタートを切ったり、やり直すことを意味します。例えば、「私は一から出直したい」と言う場合、“I want to start with a clean slate.”と言います。

ちなみに、今日の会話でマイカは “Every clean slate can be a little daunting.”と言っていますが、これは「初めて取り組むことは大変である」を意味します。

  • He transferred to a new school and started with a clean slate.
  • Can we forget about our past and start over with a clean slate?
  • I want to turn over a new leaf and start with a clean slate.



  • Humble・・・謙虚
  • Bold・・・大胆
  • Daunting・・・大変な
  • Neurotic・・・ノイローゼになる


  • Non-confrontational・・・無抵抗の
  • Self-awareness・・・自覚



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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  1. kodama より:

    questions of the day にて
    at her workplace
    in the workplace とありますが
    workplace の前置詞 at or inは意図的に分けていますか?

  2. Asami より:


    Let’s unpackage a little more.と使ってみたのですが。カナダとアメリカではまた違った見解なのでしょうか。。

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