
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.11.04





【Kara】All right, why do you think people are getting married later in life these days? Kind of a very broad question.

【Micah】That’s…that’s a tough one. And I’m no expert. So I haven’t done the research but…I don’t know. I think maybe there’s two main reasons that I can think of. I think more people nowadays are prioritizing financial success…


【Micah】…and focusing on their business and their job and their own personal future…

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】…rather than looking through—for that sort of, like fulfillment in another person. Also with the internet, like…and you’re just…everything’s…there’s so many more options, now.


【Micah】So I think…like, where before it might have just been, like whoever’s in your local town, you know?


【Micah】But, like now with the dating apps and everything, I think people are sort of…what do you say…playing the field.


【Micah】And, like dating and not as willing to settle down so quickly. Yeah, I don’t know. What do you think about this?

【Kara】I also think it has to do with women working more.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】Like, for me I worked so hard to get my master’s degree…

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】…to get my continuing education degree. Like, I don’t want to sit at home with children. That’s, like my biggest fear.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】Yeah, so I definitely prioritize my career. And I know from my two older sisters as well, they did the same thing. And they both got married…I think one was 28 and the other was 33-34…which I guess is kind of late, now. But again with the financial situation, I talk to a lot of my students on Cafetalk too. Like, most of America is in student debt.


【Kara】And I know for a lot of my friends who are in relationships, their significant other will say, “We’ll get engaged once the debt is gone.”


【Kara】But that’s so hard. It’s thousands and thousands of dollars. It’s not a quick thing to pay back. So kind of related to what you said about the financial situation.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】And like you said about the internet, it’s too easy to meet other people. Like, you don’t have to get tied down or committed right away to the first person you meet. There’s too many options, almost.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two reasons does Micah list for why people are getting married later in life?
  2. Why doesn’t Kara want to be a stay-at-home mom?
  3. What do couples in America often seek to accomplish before they get engaged?



  1. He believes people are focusing more on their careers than on finding partners. He also thinks that dating apps have given people more options when searching for a partner.
  2. She worked very hard on earning her master’s and continuing education degrees and wants to put them to use in a career.
  3. Many American couples want to pay off all of their debt before getting engaged.



Kara and Micah talk about marriage in this episode. Specifically, they explore why many people in their generation are choosing to get married later in life.

Micah thinks there are two reasons for later marriage. One is that more people are prioritizing building their careers and financial stability over getting married. The other reason is that with dating apps and the internet, people have so many more options when it comes to meeting other people.

Kara thinks another reason is that women are working more than they did in past generations. In her own life, she worked very hard to earn her master’s and continuing education degrees, and so she wants to put them to use in a career rather than be a stay-at-home mother.

Another reason Kara thinks couples are waiting until later in life to get engaged is to handle their finances and pay debts, such as student loans. Her siblings for example waited until their late 20s and early 30s to get married.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) I’m no expert(私は専門家ではない)

「私は専門家ではない」を英語で表現する場合、“I’m not an expert.”のように“I’m not ~”の形で表しますが、日常会話では“I’m no ~.”で表現することもできます。意味は“I’m not ~”と同じですが、より口語的な響きがあり、“I’m no”の後には必ず名詞が続きます。この表現は何かについて意見を言う時の前置きフレーズとして使われることが多く、例えば今日の会話でマイカは、“I’m no expert. I haven’t done any research.(私はこの件についての専門家ではないし、何も調べていません)”と言ってから自分の意見を述べています。

  • I’m no expert, but something doesn’t seem right.
  • I’m no mechanic, but I think your battery is dead.
  • I’m no doctor, but those symptoms sound pretty serious to me. You should get it checked out.

2) Play the field(色々な人とデートする)

“play the field”は色々な人とデートしたり、付き合ったりすることを意味する口語表現です。真剣な付き合いを求めているというよりは、複数の人と気軽にデートをする感じで、日本語の「遊び回る」に相当する表現です。例えば、「彼は遊び回っている」は“He is playing the field.”と言います。

  • I don’t think he’s ready to settle down. He still wants to play the field.
  • I’m not looking for a serious relationship. I’m just playing the field.
  • He gave up playing the field and is in a serious relationship.

3) Willing to(進んで〜やる)

“willing to”は何かをする意思があることを意味しますが、「進んで〜する」のように意欲的な意思の場合と、「気が進まないが〜する」のように消極的の意思の場合と、使う条件によってニュアンスが異なります。例えば、海外で働く意欲がある場合、“I’m willing to work abroad.”と言います。

逆に、人から何かを頼まれたり、勧められたりした状況で、「乗り気ではないけどやってみる」のようなニュアンスで使われます。例えば、苦手なイクラを友達から勧められた時に、“I’m not a fan of salmon roe, but I’m willing to give it a try.(イクラは苦手だけど試してみるよ)”という具合に返答します。

  • I’m willing to take a pay cut if I can keep working from home.
  • I’m always willing to pay extra for better quality and service.
  • I’d rather stay in L.A., but I’m willing to relocate if I have to.

4) Settle down(身を固める)

“settle down”は「落ち着く」を意味する日常表現ですが、日本語と同様、興奮状態から落ち着く意味以外にも、結婚して身を固めたり、ある場所に定住するなど、幅広い意味合いで使われます。例えば、「結婚して身を固める準備ができた」は“I’m ready to settle down.”、「ロスに定住することにした」は“I decided to settle down in L.A.”と言います。

  • I’m focussed on my career right now. I’m not ready to settle down yet.
  • He settled down and started a family in his early thirties.
  • I can see myself settling down in the countryside of Japan.

5) Tie down(束縛する)

直訳で「ロープなどで縛り付ける」となるこの表現は、「束縛する」を意味し、人や物事に自分の行動や時間を制限されることを表します。例えば、「仕事に縛られる」は“tied down by one’s work.”、「時間に縛られる」は“tied down by time.”と言います。また、この表現は恋愛においての「束縛」の意味としても使われ、「束縛されたくない」と言いたい場合は“I don’t want to be tied down.”と言います。

  • If I wasn’t tied down by work, I’d travel all over the world.
  • I don’t want to be in a relationship that ties me down.
  • I feel tied down in my relationship, and I don’t know what to do.



  • Nowadays・・・最近は
  • Fulfillment・・・満たされる


  • Broad question・・・漠然とした質問
  • In student debt・・・学生ローンで借金
  • Significant other・・・恋人



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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