
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.10.28





【Micah】All right so, why do you think Halloween has become popular among adults and do you yourself, Kara…do you still celebrate Halloween?

【Kara】Yes, I do. I always get very jealous because my students are allowed to come with a costume on Halloween.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】If we’re in school. If it’s a school day the kids are allowed to come in…


【Kara】…and usually for, like an hour at the end of the day, they can dress up and show everyone their costume. So I always try to dress up as, like a school-appropriate costume. Last year, my best friend, who also is a speech therapist—we were the two characters from Monsters, Inc. (laughs) I was the little green one and she was the big, blue, fuzzy one.

【Micah】Nice, nice.

【Kara】Yeah, and I think it’s fun. I think the kids enjoy that you’re also celebrating. And I live in such a culturally diverse area, right? There is someone from everywhere here. And Halloween is always so much fun because most cultures are comfortable celebrating it…

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】…so it has nothing to do with religion.


【Kara】There are a few exceptions, obviously. But for the most part, I love that all of the kids can participate. It’s always hard around Christmas because I have to have a Christmas activity, a Hanukah activity…




【Kara】So Halloween is just easy because everyone can do it and everyone loves candy, so.

【Micah】Yeah, I myself, as well—I…I don’t know. It depends on the year. Like, I haven’t celebrated Halloween in the past few years. It really depends on, like my friend group. You know, some—some people are, like…if they’re down, they’re down.


【Micah】Like, they really want to do it. Or there are people that are, like too cool or they’re—just not their thing. But I prefer—I prefer to do it. I love dressing up. It’s just—I think the reason why kids as well enjoy it so much when they go to school—it’s just, like the day-to-day life is just suddenly, completely changed. The normal way you’re used to seeing everyone is completely different. It’s exciting to see your friends dress up as a—in a ridiculous costume.


【Micah】And asking questions—it’s a—it’s a perfect, like conversation starter, you know?

【Kara】I agree.

【Micah】You can go—it’s one of those parties where I don’t mind going to where I don’t know a lot of people because, like normally it’s hard to start a conversation but, like you can just walk up to somebody. People are approaching you saying that they love your costume and “who are you?” or they recognize you and they’re like, “Oh, that’s such a great costume! I love that show!”

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】Or something like that. Like…yeah, it’s great. I love Halloween.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What characters did Kara and her best friend dress up as last Halloween?
  2. Why does Kara find Halloween to be an easy holiday to prepare for as a teacher?
  3. Why doesn’t Micah mind going to Halloween parties?



  1. They dressed up as the main characters from Monsters, Inc.
  2. Because the modern practice of Halloween isn’t tied to a specific religion, everyone can celebrate it.
  3. Usually it’s much easier to start a conversation at a Halloween party because costumes can be conversation starters.



Kara and Micah continue their discussion of Halloween, this time focusing on how they experience the holiday as adults. Kara somewhat envies her students because of the joy they get from coming to school in their costumes on Halloween and the time they get to spend showing them off to each other.

On Halloween, Kara tries to wear a school-appropriate costume. Last year, she and her best friend dressed up as the two main characters of Monsters, Inc.

One aspect of Halloween that Kara enjoys is that the modern practice of celebrating it isn’t tied to any specific religion, so anyone can participate. She lives and works in a culturally diverse area, so planning for Halloween is comparatively easy when compared to planning for religious holidays like Christmas or Hanukah.

Micah thinks children enjoy Halloween because it’s a day where everyone’s usual appearances are suddenly and dramatically changed. He particularly enjoys Halloween parties over parties for other occasions, as he thinks it’s much easier to get into a conversation at a Halloween party because costumes can serve as conversation starters.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) School-appropriate(学校にふさわしい)

“-appropriate”は「〜にふさわしい」を意味することから、 “school-appropriate”は「学校にふさわしい」を意味します。今日の会話でケーラは“I always try to dress up in school-appropriate costume.”と言っていますが、これは、ハロウィン当日に学校があり、学校で仮装をする場合は、ケーラはいつも学校にふさわしいコスチュームを着るよう心がけている事を意味します。“-appropriate”は色々な組み合わせで使うことができ、例えば、「年齢にふさわしい」は“age-appropriate”、「仕事の場にふさわしい」は“work-appropriate”と言います。

  • Do you think this movie is school-appropriate?
  • Here is a list of age-appropriate books for your kids.
  • I don’t think that tank top is work-appropriate.

2) Have nothing to do with(〜とは関係がない)

“have nothing to do with”は「〜とは関係がない」を意味する日常表現です。例えば、今日の会話でケーラは、“It has nothing to do with religion.”と言い、ハロウィンは宗教と関係がないため、生徒みんなと楽しく祝えると言っています。

その他、ある問題が発生して「私はこれとは何の関係もありません」と言う場合は、“I had nothing to do with this.”と言ったり、おせっかいな人に対して「これはあなたには関係ありません」と言う場合は、“This has nothing to do with you.”と言うような状況でよく使われます。

  • I think money has nothing to do with happiness.
  • Becoming a good English speaker has nothing to do with age.
  • I had nothing to do with that. Leave me out of it.

3) (Be) Down(〜する)

“be down”は、何かしらの提案や誘いなど、相手の申し入れに対して、「いいね!」や「是非やりましょう!」のように肯定的な返事をする時によく使われる表現です。乗り気で前向きな意思表示になり、例えば友達に、“Do you want to go to a Halloween party this weekend?(今週末、ハロウィンパーティーに行かない?)”と誘われた時に“I’m down.”と返答すると、「いいね。行こう。」を意味し、行きたい気持ちを示します。インフォーマルな響きがあるので、一般的には仲の良い相手に対して使われます。

  • Are you down to go camping this weekend?
  • Yeah, I’m down. What time are you leaving?
  • Most of my friends were not down to go camping, so I decided to cancel it.

4) Not one’s thing(興味がない)

“not one’s thing”には、嫌いではないが個人的には楽しいとは思わない、といったニュアンスが含まれており、自分の苦手なことや好きでないことを表すときによく使われます。例えば、今日の会話でマイカはハロウィンにコスチュームを着ない友達について、“It’s not their thing.”と言い、その友達は仮装をすることに興味を持っていないことを示しています。その他にも、“Skiing is not my thing.(スキーは苦手だ)”のように苦手なことに対して使うこともできます。この表現を使うときはbe動詞と組み合わせて使いましょう。

  • I enjoy Halloween, but dressing up is not my thing.
  • Playing musical instruments has never been my thing.
  • I’ve tried sushi many times, but it’s just not my thing.

5) I don’t mind(〜は気にならない・構わない)

“mind”は「〜をいやだと思う」を意味することから、“I don’t mind”は「〜は気にならない」や「〜は構わない」を意味します。例えば、「たくさんの人の前で話すことに抵抗はありません」は“I don’t mind talking in front of many people.”、「満員電車は気にならない」は“I don’t mind crowded trains.”という具合に表現します。

  • I don’t mind walking to work every day. I actually enjoy it.
  • I don’t mind waiting for an hour as long as you’re OK with it.
  • I don’t mind the taste of liver, but I just can’t handle the texture.



  • Among・・・〜の間の


  • Dress up・・・仮装する
  • Culturally diverse・・・文化的多様性
  • Walk up to・・・近づく



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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