
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.09.23





【Micah】All right Kara, what comes to mind when you think of “fall?”

【Kara】I suffer with typical white girl syndrome.


【Kara】And I love fall. It is very stereotypical in America that white girls are obsessed with fall, Halloween…


【Kara】…pumpkins. And I am all of that. (laughs)

【Micah】Yeah, I like—I like fall too. That doesn’t—does that make me super effeminate or anything? No, I don’t think so.

【Kara】Yes, apparently. (laughs)

【Micah】I think everybody likes fall.

【Kara】It’s my favorite time of the year. It’s also such an exciting time because in America that’s when our school year starts.


【Kara】So for me, it’s always kind of, like…I don’t know—a new fresh start.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】You get to go back-to-school shopping. Anytime there’s a pumpkin, I’m happy. (laughs) The Starbucks drinks come out and that is always, like a crazy event, especially on social media. People always post their pictures of their first pumpkin latte and stuff.

【Micah】Right, that’s something I wanted to bring up actually. What is your stance on the pumpkin spice?

【Kara】Very, very…

【Micah】Pro? Con?

【Kara】Very pro.

【Micah】Very pro. All right, I see.

【Kara】I have it on my calendar when it comes out.

【Micah】Yeah, I’m—we don’t…see I’m in Japan, so unfortunately, we have a little bit of a shortage when it comes to the pumpkin spice when it comes to—when fall comes around. But, yeah. I just see on the past—I don’t know. When did it start? Almost, like more than a decade ago.

【Kara】It’s usually end of August.

【Micah】It’s a phenomenon.

【Kara】Yeah, yeah. It’s been forever. I’m moving to Japan soon.

【Micah】Oh, hey!

【Kara】And the thought of not having access to pumpkin spice…

【Micah】You’re going to have to stock up and bring it all over with you.

【Kara】It’s actually, like a concern. (laughs)


【Kara】This has kept me up at night.

【Micah】I’m a fan though. I guess probably Starbucks around here—they probably have pumpkin spice when autumn comes around. But, yeah. I never really followed the pumpkin spice too much but I did notice that it is a big craze. And it’s kind of one of those things that either you love it or you hate it, right?

【Kara】Yeah. Oh, totally, totally.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What stereotype does Kara mention related to fall?
  2. What popular drink ingredient associated with fall does Kara love?
  3. What concern does Kara have about moving to Japan?



  1. Kara says that in America it is stereotypical for white girls to like fall.
  2. She loves pumpkin spice and the Starbucks drinks that use it.
  3. She’s worried that pumpkin spice won’t be as readily available in Japan as it would be in the United States.



Kara and Micah discuss their thoughts on fall. Kara loves fall and states that it’s very stereotypical in America for white girls to love fall as much as she does.

Kara enjoys fall because it feels like a fresh start in many ways, with fall being the start of the new school year in America. One of her favorite aspects of this season is the pumpkin spice drinks that Starbucks produces.

Pumpkin spice is such an event for Kara that she even marks her calendar for the day that it will be released again at Starbucks. Micah lives in Japan and says that pumpkin spice drinks aren’t as readily available in Japan as they are in the United States.

Kara herself will be moving to Japan soon. Micah recommended stocking up on pumpkin spice to bring with her to Japan, and Kara says that the lack of pumpkin spice in Japan is a real concern for her.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Stance on(〜に対する立場)

stanceは「立場」や「姿勢」を意味することから、“What is your stance on ~?”は「〜についてどんな立場をとっていますか?」や「〜についてどのようにお考えですか?」を意味します。一般的には、移民問題や政治、人種差別など意見が分かれる話題について、相手がどのような立場をとっているのかを聞き出したい時に使われます。かなりフォーマルな響きがあり議論するときによく使われます。

  • What is your stance on gun control?
  • What is your stance on digital learning?
  • After watching the documentary, I changed my stance on banning plastic bags.

2) Pro / Con(賛成、反対)

proは「賛成」、conは「反対」を意味する単語で、本来はディベート用語として「賛成派」と「反対派」に分かれて使われていました。何かに賛成をする場合は“I’m pro ~.”と言いますが、反対する場合は“I’m con ~.”ではなく、“I’m against ~.”や “I’m anti~.”と言うことが多いです。一般的に、proとconは組み合わせて使われ、“Are you pro or con ~?”の形式で使われます。

また、pros and consは「良い点と悪い点」、「メリットとデメリット」を意味し、一般的には複数形で表現します。

  • Are you pro or con on allowing students to use smartphones in the classroom?
  • Lisa is pro-life and Stacey is pro-choice.
  • There are many pros and cons of homeschooling.

3) Stock up(まとめ買いする)

stockは「在庫」を意味することから、stock upは「まとめ買いする」を意味します。食料や日用品をお得にまとめて買っておく、という意味でネガティブなニュアンスはありません。「〜をまとめ買いする」はstock up on ____と言います。

  • The rice is on sale. We should stock up.
  • I went to Costco and stocked up on paper towels.
  • I usually go shopping once a week and stock up on food.

4) Keep someone up at night(夜寝られなくなる)

直訳で、「人を夜に寝かさないでおく」となるこの表現は、何かが理由で夜眠れないことを意味します。夜にコーヒーを飲んで寝れなくなったり、面白い本を読んで寝れなかったり、またはストレスや心配事で寝れないなど原因は様々です。一般的に、 “~ keep someone up at night.”の形式で使われ、空欄には眠れない原因が入ります。日常会話では、keep someone up all nightとも言います。

  • I usually don’t drink coffee after dinner because it keeps me up at night.
  • It’s a great book. Don’t read it before bed because it will keep you up at night.
  • I was worried about the test results and it kept me up all night.

5) Craze(大流行)

crazeは一時的にすごく流行っている物やブームになっている物を意味する単語です。例えば、ファッションの大流行は“fashion craze”、健康ブームは “health craze”のように使われます。crazeはcrazyから由来した表現で、人をクレイジーにさせるほど人気な物を指すニュアンスがあります。

  • Can you fill me in on the latest fashion craze?
  • I don’t get the current craze for low-carb diets.
  • The craze for organic food has been on the rise all over the world.



  • Suffer・・・苦しむ
  • Effeminate・・・女のような
  • Shortage・・・不足
  • Phenomenon・・・現象


  • Comes to mind・・・思い浮かぶ
  • Obsessed with・・・〜が大好き
  • Back-to-school shopping・・・新学期のための買い物
  • Come out・・・〜が出る
  • Bring up・・・話を持ち出す
  • Comes around・・・やって来る



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Saori Umino より:

    You can get the pumpkin latte at the Starbucks in Japan!
    My friend just today drank it!
    So don’t worry!

  2. Naoko より:

    It was so fun.
    Because, l recently just watched the TikTok the man meet pumpkin spice late for the first time.
    He messed with it at first , but he became to love it.
    I realized that most American people have a bias about Pumpkin spice late and fall .

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