
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.08.26





【Cris】Here’s an interesting question for you, Nick.


【Cris】When was the first time that you actually tried alcohol?

【Nick】Well, the first time that I had…first time that I had a drink was with some friends when I was about 16. And I was—it was just straight vodka, which was just (laughs) in retrospect a terrible choice on all of our parts. But yeah, I somehow had not anything to drink before…

【Cris】That’s the worst.

【Nick】…before my friends had started drinking when they were 15 or something. But I was—I really liked this one girl and she was offering me a drink. So I’m like, “Oh, okay. Sure.” (laughs) So, yeah. That was the first time. But I think there was maybe some other time when maybe I had a sip of my dad’s beer or something like that. But I don’t really recall exactly when that might’ve been. Yeah. How about yourself?

【Cris】Well, depending on the degree that you want to go with…


【Cris】…like, the first time was probably when I was 6 or 7, my dad gave me a taste of his beer.


【Cris】And just didn’t like it. And…yeah, yeah. I still don’t drink beer to this day. I don’t know if that was the cause, but, you know, just the aftertaste of beer just—just doesn’t—I just don’t like that bitterness, that aftertaste.


【Cris】But the first—well, yeah. I went—I guess I went in degrees. So, like in my early teens, like when I was, like 12 or something, we were at a wedding and there was glasses of champagne just strewn across all the tables. And so me and my friends were like, “Hey, let’s try this!”
And we started drinking and it was good. So we—I knew I was tipsy at that time. I wasn’t, like falling over drunk, thank goodness. But yeah, I did get tipsy. And I was having a good time.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Nick’s first alcoholic drink?
  2. Why doesn’t Cris like beer?
  3. Where did Cris and his friends first try champagne?



  1. Nick’s first alcoholic drink was straight vodka.
  2. He doesn’t like the bitter aftertaste of beer.
  3. They first tasted champagne at a wedding.



Cris and Nick discuss the first time they ever had an alcoholic drink in their lives. Nick had his first alcoholic drink with his friends when he was 16.

Nick and his friends decided to drink straight vodka, which Nick says was a terrible idea in retrospect. He drank the vodka when offered it by a girl he had a crush on at the time.

Cris had his first alcoholic drink around six years old. His father offered him a sip of his beer. Cris said he didn’t like the bitter aftertaste of beer, and to this day he has avoided beer altogether.

Later in life, when Cris was 12, he and some friends were attending a wedding. At that wedding, there was champagne glasses available, which they drank and enjoyed.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) In retrospect(振り返ってみると)

in retrospectは、「今思うと」や「振り返ってみると」を意味します。基本的に「今にして思えば~すれば良かった」のように、当時は分からなかったことに後になって気づいたり理解するなど、多少後悔の気持ちを表すときに使われることがよくあります。しかし、「あの頃は良かったな」と単純に過去を振り返るような状況で使うこともできます。この表現は一般的に、文頭または文末で使われます。

  • In retrospect, I should’ve taken English more seriously in high school.
  • In retrospect, I should’ve handled that situation differently.
  • In retrospect, getting fired from my first job was a blessing in disguise.

2) Sip(一口飲む)

sipは「すする」や「ちびちび飲む」を意味する単語です。レストランで友達の飲み物が一口欲しい場合は“Can I have/get a sip?”、「一口飲む?」と聞く場合は“Do you want a sip?”と言います。ちなみに、相手が食べているものを「一口ちょうだい」と言う場合は、biteを使って“Can I have/get a bite?”と言います。

  • That smoothie looks really good. Can I have a sip?
  • This cocktail is refreshing. Have a sip.
  • That burger looks delicious. Do you mind if I have a bite?

3) To this day(現在でも)

to this dayは過去のことが今でも続いている状態を表す時に使われ、「今でも〜」や「現在でも〜」を意味します。今日の会話でクリスは“I don’t drink beer to this day.”と言っていますが、これは「今でもビールを飲んでいない」を意味し、クリスが6歳か7歳で初めて飲んだビールが不味かったため、それ以来ビールを飲んでいないことを表しています。この表現は一般的に、文頭または文末で使われます。

  • My company uses a fax machine to this day.
  • To this day, I read the newspaper every morning.
  • It’s a family tradition that started generations ago and still continues to this day.

4) Aftertaste(後味)

aftertasteは何かを食べたり飲んだりした後に残る「後味」を意味します。「後味が悪い」は“bad aftertaste”、「苦い後味」は“bitter aftertaste”と言い、よくない後味に対して使われることが多いです。「〜は後味が悪い」は“~ has a bad aftertaste.”もしくは“~ leaves a bad aftertaste.”のように表し、動詞はhaveやleaveを使うのが一般的です。

  • I’m not a big fan of cilantro. It has a bad aftertaste.
  • This garlic pasta is good, but it leaves a strong aftertaste.
  • This coffee is too strong for me. It leaves a bitter aftertaste.

5) Tipsy(ほろ酔い)

tipsyは「ほろ酔い」を意味する単語です。個人差はありますが、お酒を2、3杯飲んでほどよく酔っ払った状態を“I’m tipsy”と言います。普通に会話をしたり、ふらつかずに歩いたりすることができる程度で、「いい感じ」に酔っ払っている状態を指します。その他、アメリカではtipsyの代わりにbuzzedを使って、“I’m buzzed.”と表現することもあります。

  • I’m not drunk, but I’m a little tipsy.
  • This drink is too strong. I’m feeling tipsy after just one drink.
  • I usually get buzzed after two to three drinks.



  • Offer・・・差し出す
  • Recall・・・覚える
  • Bitterness・・・苦味
  • Strewn・・・散らばっている


  • Straight vodka・・・ウォッカをストレート
  • That’s the worst・・・最悪
  • Fall over drunk・・・酔っ払って倒れる








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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