
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.04.08





【Vicky】So Emma, what is your favorite kind of weather?

【Emma】So my favorite kind of weather is hot. I like—I like feeling like I’m, like baking in the sun. (laughs) I like that feeling of almost feeling, like engulfed in a warm blanket by the sun. But not too—too hot. Like, I—I want it to be hot enough that I can go swimming because that’s such a refreshing feeling when you’re super hot and then you, like get into a pool or body of water.
But it doesn’t need to be so hot that, you know, it’s like, a hundred degrees or something and you’re, like struggling to breathe. It’s so hot. But I like hot and sunny. And then I do like when it cools off at night and then you have that opportunity to bundle up and get into something comfy and sit around the fire and not be, like sweating around the fire. It’s, like comfortable. (laughs)
So that’s pretty much the exact weather in San Diego. (laughs)

【Vicky】I was going to say, sounds like you have that where you are now, where you can do outdoor yoga.

【Emma】Yeah, it’s perfect because it’s—it’s really—like, in the peak weather times, it’s like—it gets up to that heat level that you can go to the beach. But then in the evening, it cools off enough that you can have a fire if you want to. Or you can put on a sweater. But you don’t have to do the whole, like heavy down jacket in the winter.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】And you don’t have to do, like the, “Oh my God. I’m, like dripping sweat. Like, this is way too hot” type of thing. So it’s, like right in the middle. And I really love the shift from hot to chillier because—and you can get that in other parts of America, more so, like the southwest in more of, like the desert areas.
But I do really love that because I don’t necessarily need or want winter. But I do like having the opportunity to, like wear a cozy sweater and…

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】…and I love, love campfires.

【Vicky】Winter weather is my favorite because when you go outside and it’s really cold…

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】…but if you come back inside and you feel all snug and cozy and warm.


【Vicky】And you can have a hot chocolate. And…yeah.

【Emma】I think I like…

【Vicky】The difference between the outside and the, like coming back in.

【Emma】Yeah. The feelings that you described I enjoy as well. But like, in practice, I feel like it’s never that smooth. Like, in New York.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Emma’s favorite type of weather?
  2. Vicky mentions that Emma lives in the perfect area for her favorite type of weather. Where does Emma live?
  3. What is Vicky’s favorite type of weather?



  1. She likes hot weather, but also hot weather in a climate that occasionally gets cold enough to put on a jacket.
  2. Emma lives in San Diego, California.
  3. She likes winter weather.



Emma and Vicky share their favorite types of weather. Emma enjoys hot weather in general.

Emma likes the feeling of being engulfed in the sun’s warmth. But she also likes the refreshing feeling of getting into a pool after being in the sun for so long.

In addition, Emma enjoys a climate where it’s warm during the day but cool enough
at night that she can bundle up in a sweater and sit by a fire. Vicky tells Emma that San Diego, the city Emma lives in, seems perfect for that kind of weather.

Vicky’s favorite weather is winter weather. Specifically, she enjoys the contrast
between the intense cold outside and the feeling of coming home to a warm house.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bake in the sun(すごく暑い)

bake は本来、オーブンなどでパンやケーキを焼くことを意味することから、“bake in the sun”は直訳で「太陽の下で焼く」となり、簡単に言うと「すごく暑い」ことを表します。日光浴をして暑いと感じたり、日差しがない場所にいて暑いと感じるような状況を表し、まさにオーブンの中にいるような暑さを意味します。

  • I’m baking in the sun. Let’s find a shady spot and rest a little.
  • Let’s not bake in the sun. Let’s go inside.
  • I forgot to wear sunblock and I was baking in the sun. I got super sunburned.

2) Cool off(冷める)

“cool off”は暑い状態から冷めていく様子を表します。例えば、日中はすごく暑かったけど、夕方から涼しくなった時に、“It’s cooling off.”と言うことができます。その他、「落ち着く」や「頭を冷やす」といった意味合いもあり、カッとなっている状態から冷静になることを表す時にも使えます。日常会話では、“cool down”とも言い、どちらを使っても同じ意味になります。

  • It’s finally starting to cool off.
  • It usually starts cooling off around 4 p.m.
  • He’s heated right now. Give him some time to cool off.

3) Comfy(心地良い)

comfyはcomfortableの砕けた言い方で、日常会話でよく使われる表現です。意味と使い方は comfortable と同じで、例えば、座り心地の良いソファは“comfy couch”、快適なシャツは “comfy shirt”、居心地の良い場所は“comfy place”のように表現します。インフォーマルな表現ですが、特に失礼な響きはなくフレンドリーな感じがします。

  • These sweats are so comfy.
  • In the mornings, I like to sit in my comfy chair and plan the day.
  • This blanket is really comfy. Where did you get it?

4) Dripping with sweat(汗びっしょり)

直訳で「汗がポタポタ落ちる」となるこの表現は、汗びっしょりになったり、汗だくの状態を表します。汗が止まらずに流れているようなイメージで、“I’m sweating a lot.”の代わりに、 “I’m dripping with sweat.”と表現します。今日の会話でエマが“dripping sweat”と言いましたが、一般的には“dripping with sweat”のように表現します。

  • It’s scorching hot today. I’m dripping with sweat.
  • You’re dripping with sweat. Wipe yourself down with this towel.
  • What an intense workout. I’m dripping with sweat.

5) Cozy(居心地が良い)


  • You live in a beautiful house. It’s very homey and cozy.
  • It’s supposed to get pretty cold today. Make sure you dress up warm and cozy.
  • This is a really cozy cafe. It has a great vibe and I like their music choice.



  • Englufed (in)・・・〜に包み込まれる
  • Struggling・・・苦労する
  • Chilly・・・肌寒い
  • Snug・・・暖かい


  • Body of water・・・水域
  • Bundle up・・・身を包む
  • Put on・・・洋服を着る








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  1. 山藤理 より:

    説明書きを確かめたいのですが、bake in the sun は、日差しがない場所にいて暑いと感じる場合にも使えるのですか?

  2. ゆい より:


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