
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.02.25





【Vicky】Okay, so I’m like you. I was wondering what to say for “comfort foods.” I was thinking, like, “Should I talk about the kind of food that…that I want to eat when I come out of the pub and I want something greasy and satisfying.”

【Emma】Right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】But I think you hit the nail on the head when you said, “the kind of food that nourishes your soul.”

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】So, if I’m thinking about that, then it’s got to be a Sunday roast.

【Emma】Ah, yeah.

【Vicky】And the reason why I say Sunday roast is, first of all, it’s delicious. Secondly, quite often it’s a group effort.


【Vicky】So, it’s not just going to be making it. It’s going to be me and some other people.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】When I was younger, like it would be me and my grandmother.

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】These days it would be me and my aunt. And she’s taught me a lot about making a Sunday roast because—it’s kind of complicated because you’ve got the meat and then the potatoes, and then the vegetables. And everything has a different cooking time.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】And everything has a different technique.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】And it’s a real art to get everything ready at exactly the same time.


【Vicky】But if you can pull it off, it’s amazing.

【Emma】Yeah, what I’ve heard about Sunday roasts is that, like it—well, A) it does sort of sound like the Italian version of, like a Sunday pasta dinner, where it’s, like a thing that you do as a family.

【Vicky】Yeah, for sure.

【Emma】And it also sort of sounds like…like, kind of like our, like Thanksgiving turkey to a degree.

【Vicky】Oh, it is. Yeah.

【Emma】Yeah, that like, people, like spend, you know, all of this time, like perfecting it and traditions get passed down and it’s, like…

【Vicky】Yeah, everyone’s got their own, like…their own way of making the roast potatoes super crispy. Everyone’s got their own way of making the cabbage not too soggy, etcetera (etc).

【Emma】Yeah, that sounds so good though. I don’t think I’ve ever had one. I mean, I’ve had, like those components of things but I don’t think I’ve ever actually had one. But it sounds delicious.

【Vicky】It’s the kind of thing that…I was going to say you can’t get it in a restaurant. You can get it in a restaurant and you can get it at a pub, but it’s never as good if you go to someone’s house.

【Emma】Yeah, totally.

【Vicky】You really have to try proper home-cooked Sunday roast.

【Emma】I totally get that and that does—like, it sounds like something you would want somebody who knows what they’re doing to make you…

【Vicky】For sure.

【Emma】…rather than getting sort of, like what is an attempt to be, like in a gourmet version or something.

【Vicky】Yeah. (laughs)


【Vicky】Oh, no. Never a gourmet version. It has to be proper, wholesome, down-to-earth Sunday roast.

【Emma】Yeah, I get that. Those are definitely the foods that feed our soul, you know? Those, like…I think they come with memories attached. (laughs)

【Vicky】That’s a really good point.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Who did Vicky cook Sunday roasts with when she was younger?
  2. What does Vicky think of Sunday roasts prepared at restaurants?
  3. Emma thinks something comes attached to “foods that feed one’s soul.” What is it?



  1. She would cook Sunday roasts with her grandmother when she was younger.
  2. She thinks they’re not nearly as good as home-cooked Sunday roasts.
  3. Emma thinks foods that feed your soul come with memories attached.



Emma and Vicky continue their discussion of food in this episode, with Vicky sharing her favorite British comfort food. For Vicky, the “food that feeds her soul” are Sunday roasts.

Vicky enjoys Sunday roasts because they are not only delicious but are also group efforts to prepare. When she was younger, Vicky would help her grandmother cook Sunday roasts, but these days she helps her aunt cook them.

Vicky says that Sunday roasts are somewhat complex dishes to prepare with many ingredients. Every cook at a roast she says has their own way of preparing the ingredients.

While Sunday roasts are available at restaurants and pubs in the UK, Vicky says they can’t compare to home-cooked Sunday roasts. Emma thinks that “foods that feed one’s soul” are foods that come with memories attached, like Sunday roasts.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hit the nail on the head(まさにその通り)


  • You hit the nail on the head. I feel the same way too.
  • You hit the nail on the head. You can’t make everyone happy.
  • I totally agree with you. You hit the nail on the head.

2) Pull off(成功する)

pull offは「成功する」や「達成する」を意味し、特に困難な状況の中で何かをやり遂げたり、成功させたりするニュアンスがあります。例えば、今日の会話でビッキーはイギリスの伝統料理、サンデーローストを準備するのがどれだけ大変かを説明し、その後に “But if you can pull it off, it’s amazing.”と言いました。ここでは、サンデーローストを作るのは大変だけど、成功させたら最高だよ、という意味になります。pull offはスポーツの試合で勝ったり、ビジネスで大きな取引に成功したりするような状況で使われることが多いです。

  • She pulled off the victory and won her first major golf tournament.
  • What a game. I can’t believe the Angels came back and pulled off an upset.
  • It took a long time, but we were able to somehow pull off a deal with Disney.

3) Pass down(〜を伝える)

pass downは次の世代に何かを残したり、伝えたりすることを意味します。特に家族の伝統を次の世代へ伝えるような状況で使われ、例えば、今日の会話ではイギリスのサンデーロースト、イタリアのサンデーパスタ、アメリカのサンクスギビングのターキーの作り方が次の世代へ伝えられていく意味として使われています。

  • Do you have any family traditions that have been passed down?
  • This is a family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.
  • This is a secret recipe that was passed down from my mom.

4) Etcetera(などなど)

etceteraは「〜など」を意味する表現で、メールやエッセーなどで見かけるetcを指します。文章を書く際はetcのように略して表記することが一般的ですが、会話で使う場合はetceteraのように言います。ただ、アメリカでは、etceteraを会話で使うのはフォーマルな響きがあり、and things like thatがよく使われるように思います。日常会話では、etcetera etceteraのように2回繰り返して言うこともよくあります。

  • I’m allergic to milk, cheese, etcetera. I can’t eat any dairy products.
  • I played all types of sports when I was kid – basketball, football, baseball, etcetera.
  • I bought a bunch of souvenirs for my coworkers like chocolates, reusable bags, etcetera etecetra.

5) Gourmet(豪華な)

日本語では「グルメ」と発音するこの単語は、豪華な食べ物や高級な料理を意味します。本来は「食通」の意味も持ちますが、日常会話では一般的に豪華な料理を意味する単語として使われます。英語ではグルメではなく、“gohr / may”のように発音します。

  • This restaurant serves gourmet hamburgers.
  • We should treat ourselves to a gourmet meal tonight.
  • Every now and then, I like to go to gourmet restaurants in LA.



  • Greasy・・・脂っこい
  • Nourish・・・満たす
  • Perfect・・・完全にする
  • Soggy・・・水っぽい
  • Wholesome・・・健康的


  • First of all・・・まず
  • A)・・・一つ
  • To a degree・・・ある程度は








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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