
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.02.18





【Vicky】So Emma, what I would like to ask you is…


【Vicky】…what is your favorite comfort food?

【Emma】Yeah so…this one was also sort of tough because, you know, when I think of comfort food, is it, like just something that I think is, like super delicious, or is it something that, like really, like brings me a lot of comfort? And I think in terms of bringing me comfort—and also being delicious—but, like really kind of, like you feel it in your soul, is actually my mom’s spaghetti. (laughs)
Which is, like—I feel like when you say “mom’s spaghetti” in America and you’re a certain age, like you immediately think of the rapper Eminem. But it’s not to be facetious. It’s like, truly I do think that my mom’s spaghetti—she—she’s Italian and she grew up making it with her mom, and then she sort of learned how to do it a little bit better from her grandmother. And then it became, like a staple in our home. Very much, like a Sunday night dinner—have a…have a, like big pot of spaghetti on the stove.
And I learned how to make it from her and I make it all of the time. And the people in my life are like, “Oh, it’s so good! It’s so good!” But for me, it never tastes quite the same as when my mom makes it. And so when I come in from out of town or she comes and visits me, like she’ll always find a day to make it.
And there’s just something about it that, like…the second I even—like, if it’s just on the stove and we don’t have the pasta or whatever—if I just take a little spoonful, it like immediately, like replenishes my soul. I don’t know how to describe it. (laughs)


【Emma】But it just feels very comforting and delicious at the same time.

【Vicky】Proper soul food.

【Emma】Yeah, exactly. So I think that that…because of that sensation, I think I have to make that my comfort food. But for a second, I thought about just saying, “Popeye’s,” which is…which is a fast-food chain.

【Vicky】Is that a fast-food place?

【Emma】Yeah, it’s a fast-food chain and it’s from New Orleans, which is where I was born and, like primarily raised. And it’s just like…no one can say anything to me about Popeye’s. It is the best fast food in America. It is so good.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Emma’s “comfort food?”
  2. How does Emma feel any time she tastes her mother’s spaghetti?
  3. What is Emma’s favorite American fast food chain?



  1. She says her comfort food is her mother’s spaghetti.
  2. She feels as though her soul is replenished any time she tastes her mom’s spaghetti.
  3. Emma’s favorite American fast food chain is Popeye’s.



Emma shares her favorite comfort foods as an American. Her all-time favorite comfort food is her mother’s spaghetti.

Emma’s mom is Italian and Emma grew up around her mother’s cooking. Her mother’s spaghetti became a staple of her family’s dinners.

Emma also learned how to cook her mother’s spaghetti from her mother. Often Emma uses the recipe to cook for her friends, but it’s never quite the same as when her mother cooks it. Whenever she tastes the spaghetti her mother cooks, Emma feels as though her soul is replenished.

But Emma’s second favorite comfort food is Popeye’s, a fast food chain that originated in New Orleans. Emma grew up in New Orleans, and she believes Popeye’s is the best fast food in America.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Staple(主食、定番)

stapleは日常の食事の中心となる食べ物を表し、「主食」を指します。日本の主食といえばお米ですが、アメリカでは主食という食文化が定着しておらず、パンやパスタ、ジャガイモやお米などメインディッシュによって“staple food”が異なります。

  • I’d say rice or noodles is the staple of Japanese diet.
  • What are the staple foods of the U.S.?
  • Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine.

2) Not quite the same(ちょっと違う)

not quiteは「全く〜とは言えない」を意味することから、“not quite the same”は「全く同じとは言えない」、要するに何かがちょっと違うと言いたい時に使われます。その他にも、「ちょっと理解できないな」は“I don’t quite understand.”、「ちょっと分からないな」は“I’m not quite sure.”のように表現することができます。

  • Tokyo and Osaka are not quite the same.
  • I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at.
  • I’m not quite sure why the meeting suddenly got canceled.

3) Out of town(町から離れる)


  • I’m going to be out of town this weekend.
  • Tim is out of town on business. He’ll be back on Monday.
  • I’d love to go, but I’ll be out of town that weekend.

4) There’s something about(何となく〜と思う)

there is something aboutは、「何となく〜と思う」を意味し、はっきりとは分からないが何かが心に引っかかっていたり、何かを感じるときに使える表現です。例えば、今日の会話でエマは自分の母親が作るスパゲッティに対して、“There’s something about her spaghetti.”と言いましたが、これは「母のスパゲッティは何か分からないけど特別なんだよね」というような意味になります。

  • There’s something about this place that reminds me of my hometown.
  • There’s something about her that I don’t trust.
  • eBooks are convenient, but there’s something about paper books that I love.

5) Spoonful(スプーン一杯)

スプーン一杯はシンプルにspoonfulと表現します。例えば、「スプーン一杯の塩を入れて」は“Put a spoonful of salt.”と言います。ちなみに、「小さじ一杯」は“a teaspoonful”、「大さじ一杯」は“a tablespoonful”と表現します。

  • Go ahead and add a spoonful of sugar in the bowl.
  • I usually put two spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee.
  • Can you add a teaspoonful of olive oil?



  • Facetious・・・ふざけてる
  • Replenish・・・満たされる


  • Comfort food・・・食べるとホッとする食べ物
  • Sort of・・・ちょっと
  • In terms of・・・〜の観点で言うと








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 初心者マーク より:


    • Jun より:


  2. Emi より:

    Hello Jun sensei,
    I always enjoy listening to your podcast!
    Thank you for your useful contents as always!!
    I haven’t said to you yet, but congratulations on you baby boy!!!!( sorry, it’s too late…😂)
    I hope you and Akina san enjoy spending time with your baby!
    I’d like to know how you guys raise your kid in terms of language. Do you talk to your baby Japanese or English???
    I’m really curious how to raise kids as multilingual.

    Anyway, I have a question about the sentence that Emma said “ no one can say anything to me about Popeye’s. “ What does it mean? 直訳だと、ポパイの事は、私に誰も何も言えない。??I can’t understand. I’m wondering if it’s a common phase in certain situation.

    Thank you for your help!

  3. Noriko Sakagami より:

    先日、知り合いのインスタで”staple”と言う単語が使われていました。 ここで習ったばかりだったので理解でき、とても嬉しかったです!!! ありがとうございました😭

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