
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.02.11





【Vicky】My favorite combination…I want to talk about the kind of food that goes with drinks.


【Vicky】So in the UK, like it’s traditional for people to drink tea.

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】And they usually drink something with it.


【Vicky】So it’s traditional to drink what you would call “cookies,” or what we would call “biscuits.”

【Emma】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Vicky】So I really like drinking tea with biscuits. And I also like drinking tea with chocolates.

【Emma】Mm, yeah.

【Vicky】So that’s probably my guilty pleasure—tea with chocolate.

【Emma】Oh, yeah? So then, I know with biscuits there’s a lot of different types. And I know a couple of them, because even for us, our cookies our cookies/biscuits are very different. I feel like in one or more of the household types of cookies or biscuits—so, what is your favorite combo with tea?

【Vicky】Okay, so…


【Vicky】…I was talking about this with a student.

【Emma】This is how you get a British person going. (laughs)

【Vicky】Yeah. (laughs) So I was talking about this, like a few months ago with one of my students. And she was asking me about British cakes, British biscuits. And I was telling her about a kind of biscuit called a Jaffa cake. And she said, “Is it a cake or a biscuit?” And I said, “That’s a really good question…”


【Vicky】“…and people don’t really know.”

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】Because it’s like…the size is like a biscuit. It’s small.

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】And it’s flat like a biscuit.

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】But it’s kind of like a…the texture is like a cake and it’s got a bit of jam on top. And then chocolate on top of that.

【Emma】Yeah, you know what my…

【Vicky】So, you eat it like a biscuit…

【Emma】Yeah, but it’s, like kind of a cake.

【Vicky】…but really, the texture is more like a cake. Yeah.

【Emma】I feel like I’ve seen it…I feel like I’ve seen it be made on one season of The Great British Bake-Off or…


【Emma】But I’m not sure—like, I feel like it was an earlier one, so I don’t remember what it looks like.

【Vicky】You probably have. It’s super popular in the UK.

【Emma】Yeah, okay, okay. I’m—the only, like biscuit that I, like really know off the top of my head are digestives. And I do like them a lot.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】I, like think they’re delicious. And I feel like everything else—I’ve seen so many different things be made on The Great British Bake-Off. But, I don’t remember, like half of the names for them because I feel like y’all (you all)’s names for biscuits are like so, like extravagant that I can’t, like remember what’s what.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What foods does Vicky enjoy eating alongside her tea?
  2. How did Vicky describe “Jaffa cakes”?
  3. Which TV show did Emma think she saw Jaffa cakes being made on?



  1. She enjoys eating biscuits and chocolates with her tea.
  2. She described them as pastries that are flat like biscuits, but have the texture of cakes, with jam and chocolate on top.
  3. Emma thought she saw Jaffa cakes being made on The Great British Bake-Off.



Emma and Vicky continue their discussion of their favorite food combinations. Vicky starts by sharing a traditional British food combination of tea and biscuits.

Vicky enjoys her tea with both biscuits and chocolates. One of her students was curious about a certain type of British pastry called a “Jaffa cake,” and asked Vicky whether a Jaffa cake was considered a “biscuit” or a “cake.”

Vicky confessed that she didn’t know the right answer to that because it could arguably be described as either a biscuit or a cake. She described Jaffa cakes as being flat like biscuits, but having the texture of cakes.

Emma enjoys digestive biscuits. She does, however, believe she has seen Jaffa cakes being made on at least one season of The Great British Bake-Off television show.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) A goes with B(AはBによく合う)

A goes with Bは2つの組み合わせの相性が非常によく、絶妙なコンビネーションを生み出すことを表現する場合に用いられるパターンです。例えば、「Red wine goes with steak.(赤ワインはステーキと合う)」や「That hat goes with your outfit.(その帽子は洋服とよく合っているね)」のように、食べ物やファッション、デザインから場の雰囲気まで様々な状況で使うことができます。

  • Wasabi goes with steak. You should try it. It’s really good.
  • You did a great job editing the video. The music goes with it perfectly.
  • Do you think this jacket goes with my outfit?

2) Guilty pleasure(後ろめたい楽しみ)

guilty pleasureは直訳すると「後ろめたい喜び」、つまり「よくないと分かっているけどやめられない楽しみ」を意味します。お酒やスイーツ、ジャンクフードや揚げ物といった食べ物の他、買い物やゲームなどにも使うことができます。

  • I love cookies. It’s my guilty pleasure.
  • Eating junk food and binge-watching TV shows are my guilty pleasures.
  • I’m addicted to online shopping. It’s my guilty pleasure.

3) ~ is more like(どちらかと言うと〜)

この表現は何かを説明する時に使われ、「どちらかと言うと〜」や「〜というよりもむしろ〜だ」を意味します。例えば、今日の会話でビッキーはイギリスで多くの人たちが食べるクッキーについて、 “The texture is more like a cake.”と言いましたが、これは食感はクッキーというよりはケーキに近いことを表しています。ここでは、“The texture is more like a cake than a cookie.”と表現をした方が正確ですが、日常会話ではシンプルに表現することがよくあります。

  • I enjoy teaching English. It’s more like a hobby for me.
  • Kanazawa is a little different from Tokyo. It’s more like Kyoto, but smaller.
  • Jason is more like a friend than a boss.

4) Off the top of one’s head(パッと思い付いて)

直訳で「頭のてっぺんからパッと出る」となるこの表現は、深く考えることなくアイデアや回答がパッと思い浮かぶことを意味します。何かしらの質問をされて、パッと出てくるアイデアや、逆にその答えがすぐに思いつかない状況で使われることが多いです。例えば、1ヶ月前に行ったレストランの名前を聞かれたけれど、名前が思い出せない場合は、「I don’t know it off the top of my head.(すぐには思いつかないなあ。)」と表現します。

  • You wouldn’t know his email address off the top of your head, would you?
  • I don’t know the name of the restaurant off the top of my head. Let me look it up.
  • Off the top of my head, I’d say I’ve been to about 15 countries.

5) Extravagant(贅沢な)


  • This is an extravagant event. They must’ve spent a lot of money on it.
  • She always goes on extravagant vacations. She only stays at five-star hotels.
  • She lives an extravagant lifestyle. Everything she buys is top of the line.



  • Texture・・・食感
  • Digestives・・・ダイジェスティブ


  • y’all・・・みんな








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  1. こはな より:

    goes with は主語か複数形の場合はgo になりますか?
    sweet azuki beans は複数形というより、概念として単数扱いになるのでしょうか…

    • Jun より:

      こはなさん、複数形の場合はgoになりますので、sweet azuki beans go with plain yogurt.と言います。

  2. Chihiro より:

    EmmaさんのThis is how you get a British person going. はここではどういう意味ですか?

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