
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.01.21





【Emma】But I’m like that with konnyaku too. I don’t know if you’ve ever had it. But the texture of that also just, like is more…

【Vicky】That’s the—like the sort of gray jelly made out of potato.

【Emma】Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And…

【Vicky】I quite like that, actually. I—I don’t mind that so much.

【Emma】I know. A lot of people do. But for some reason, like if it’s just in, like a cube—I think the first time I went to Japan, I was like, “I’m going to eat everything.”


【Emma】“I’m going to try everything.” And we had a lot of, like pre-fixed meals. And they would bring it out with, like a lot of different accouterment—you know, the little side dishes of everything. And there was, like a big chunk of konnyaku and I was like, “Okay, I’m going to try this.”
And I took a bit and I was like, “Oh, I’m not really sure if I like that.” And then I went back to take another bite and the texture—like, I literally gagged, like involuntarily.


【Emma】And I was like, “I think I’m probably good on this one.” Like…so, yeah. And I get that. Like, when I have peanut butter with a banana…

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】every single day for, like a week, then, like I look at a banana and I’m like, “No,” like, “I don’t want you anymore.”


【Emma】I sort of do that thing where I, like burn myself out and then I’ll switch to another food.

【Vicky】You’re burned out of banana.

【Emma】Yeah, exactly. I get it. I get it. Although I do love bananas so don’t totally give it up.


【Emma】But I get it.

【Vicky】I totally understand about the—the texture thing.


【Vicky】Like, there’s certain kind of seafood that I feel the same way about.

【Emma】Ah, like what? Yeah, seafood’s not so hard for me.

【Vicky】For example, squid.

【Emma】Ah. See…

【Vicky】I like octopus.


【Vicky】But for some reason, squid is too rubbery.


【Vicky】It reminds me of rubber bands.


【Vicky】I can’t do that.

【Emma】Well, I think if it’s not well made, it is rubbery like that. But I feel like—well, I guess. Also, like if you—calamari, if it’s fried, I feel like it naturally gets a little softer. But I get that. I am actually…

【Vicky】Maybe I just had some dodgy squid.

【Emma】Yeah, maybe. I mean—so I’m allergic to squid but my mom…growing up, I used to eat it until we realized I was allergic to it. And my mom’s Italian and she would always make squid on Christmas, actually.


【Emma】It’s, like a tradition to have seven fishes, blah, blah, blah. And the way that she makes—she literally just, like pan-fries it for, like a couple of seconds, it feels like…so that it doesn’t go rubbery.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】But I get that. I mean, it’s not, like…it doesn’t make me gag, but it’s not—like, when it is rubbery. But it’s not, like the best texture.

【Vicky】Yeah, but it’s—yeah. It’s the way you cook it that’s important, right?

【Emma】Totally. So, maybe you got to find a specialist. I don’t know. What exists in the way of making squid in the UK, but…

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Which Japanese dish does Emma not like the texture of?
  2. What happened the first time Emma tried konnyaku in Japan?
  3. What seafood dish does Vicky dislike that Emma likes?



  1. She doesn’t like the texture of konnyaku.
  2. She disliked it so much she involuntarily gagged after eating it.
  3. Vicky dislikes squid, while Emma enjoys it.



Emma and Vicky continue their discussion on foods they like and dislike. In this episode, they focus specifically on the textures of foods they dislike.

Emma doesn’t like the texture of the Japanese dish konnyaku. The first time she tried it while visiting Japan, she involuntarily gagged because she disliked the texture so much.

Vicky dislikes the textures of certain seafoods, specifically squid. While Vicky does enjoy octopus, she finds the texture of squid to be too rubbery.

Emma grew up eating squid cooked by her mother. She enjoys squid and thinks that part of the texture comes from how squid is cooked, and so the better cooked the squid is, the less rubbery its texture will be.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Made out of(〜で作られている)

made out ofは「〜で作られている」や「〜でできている」を意味し、元の物質が完全に変わって新しいものが作り出されるときに使われます。例えば、古着を使ってエコバッグを作ったり、リサイクルされたプラスチックからペットボトルが作られることを表す時にmade out ofが使われます。

  • This reusable bag is made out of old clothes.
  • These shampoo bottles are made out of recycled plastic.
  • This product is excellent quality. What is it made out of?

2) I don’t mind(〜は気にならない)

mindは「〜をいやだと思う」を意味することから、I don’t mindは「〜は気にならない」や「〜は構わない」を意味します。人前でのスピーチや一人での外食、行列に並んで待つといったことに抵抗を感じない状況で使われます。

  • I don’t mind talking in front of many people.
  • I don’t mind riding a packed train.
  • I don’t mind hot weather, but I can’t stand humid weather.

3) I’m good(結構です)

日常会話で、相手の提案や誘い、または申し出や依頼などをカジュアルに断る時にネイティブがよく口にする定番のフレーズが“I’m good.”です。“No thank you.”と同じ意味ですが、より口語的でインフォーマルなニュアンスになります。日本語の「大丈夫」と同じような使い方ができ、例えばレストランで店員さんに「お水のお代わりはいかがですか?」と聞かれたときに、カジュアルに「いえ、結構です」と断るような状況で使われます。その他、「〜は結構です」や「〜は遠慮しておきます」を “I’m good on ~.”と表現することができます。

  • I’m good. Can we get a couple of to-go boxes and the check, please?
  • I’m good. I don’t need the receipt.
  • I’m good on karaoke tonight. I’m going to go home. See you guys tomorrow.

4) Every single day(来る日も来る日も)

every singleはeveryと同じ意味ですが、 singleを加えることで強調したニュアンスになります。例えば、every dayは「毎日」ですが、every single dayと言うと「一日も欠かすことなく毎日」のように強調した表現になります。every singleの後にはdayに限らず、every single nightやevery single timeなど、強調したい言葉を入れることができます。

  • I’ve been listening to this podcast every single day.
  • My dad gets coffee from Starbucks every single morning.
  • You should watch her YouTube channel. Every single video is funny and entertaining.

5) Burn out(疲れ果てる)

burn outは、仕事や作業がハードすぎて肉体的にも精神的にも疲れ果てた状態を表す表現で、「疲れ果てた」や「燃え尽きる」を意味します。働き過ぎて疲れの限界に達し、自分の仕事が嫌になったり、落ち込んだり、やる気が無くなり集中できないような状態を表します。今日の会話でエマはバナナに対してburn outしたと言いましたが、ここでは冗談の意味を込めて、バナナを食べ過ぎて嫌になったことを表しています。

  • I’ve been working without any days off for the past month. I’m burning out.
  • If you keep working those crazy hours, you’re going to burn out.
  • You look pretty burned out. Why don’t you take the weekend off and rest up?



  • Texture・・・食感
  • Accouterment・・・付属品
  • Gag・・・吐く
  • Involuntarily・・・思わず
  • Rubbery・・・ゴムみたい
  • Dodgy・・・よくない
  • Allergic・・・アレルギー


  • Sort of・・・〜みたいな
  • For some reason・・・なぜか〜
  • Pre-fixed meals・・・コース料理
  • Chunk of・・・大きな塊
  • I get it・・・分かる
  • Pan-fries・・・フライパンで焼く









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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