
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.01.14





【Vicky】So Emma…


【Vicky】…what do you usually eat for breakfast?

【Emma】Okay, so—again I don’t usually eat breakfast. Well, I guess it depends on my mood, but I don’t typically, like wake up hungry, which some people find crazy. Sometimes if I’m living, like a crazy active lifestyle, I will wake up hungry. But very rarely.
Like, when I did live in Japan, I had—I was, like walking so much and moving around so much during the day that I found that I started to wake up hungry. But these days, especially with the pandemic, and, like mostly being at home, I definitely don’t wake up hungry. So sometimes I don’t really eat until closer to lunchtime.
But I would say, like if I had to think of my most consistent breakfast item, it would probably be just a banana and peanut butter. I literally just, like take a spoon with a jar of peanut butter and, like put it on the banana bite by bite—which something about that process is really satisfying. And it’s just—it, like keeps me super full and it’s super light. I don’t…


【Emma】…the whole “brunch” scene and stuff is not—I used to do that but I kind of hate it now because I don’t like to eat anything too heavy for breakfast. It just, like ruins my whole day, sort of. So, yeah. So if I were to say something most consistently, probably banana and peanut butter. What about you?

【Vicky】So, actually, I’m with you on the peanut butter.

【Emma】(laughs) Okay, cool.

【Vicky】I also have peanut butter for breakfast because, like you, I don’t want anything too heavy for breakfast.


【Vicky】But I have to have something.


【Vicky】And I’ve got to have something that gives me energy, like to get my brain going

【Emma】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Vicky】…because I have some lessons which are in the early morning.

【Emma】Ah, yeah.

【Vicky】And I really want to be awake. I want to be alert for that in case students ask me interesting questions.


【Vicky】So… (laughs) …I’ve got to have the peanut butter. Full fat peanut butter gives me lots of energy.


【Vicky】I usually have that on toast…

【Emma】Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】…because I don’t like bananas.


【Vicky】To drink…yeah, I don’t know why but…I like—I like most foods, right?


【Vicky】Like, I would say the only foods that I don’t like are natto and bananas.

【Emma】Yeah, I don’t like natto either.


【Emma】Sorry to anyone… (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Emma’s most consistent breakfast food?
  2. Why does Vicky like peanut butter for breakfast?
  3. What Japanese food do neither Emma nor Vicky like?



  1. If she does eat breakfast, it’s usually a combination of bananas and peanut butter.
  2. She likes it because it isn’t too heavy and gives her lots of energy.
  3. Neither Emma nor Vicky like natto.



Emma and Vicky talk about their preferred breakfast foods. Emma rarely eats breakfast unless she is living an active lifestyle.

While living in Japan, Emma was walking often, and so often woke up hungry enough to eat breakfast. In terms of which foods she most consistently eats for breakfast, Emma usually prefers to eat bananas and peanut butter.

Vicky also likes eating peanut butter for breakfast. She likes peanut butter because it isn’t heavy and gives her a lot of energy for her lessons in the early morning.

Unlike Emma, Vicky doesn’t like bananas. Vicky says the two foods she really doesn’t like are bananas and natto. Natto is a food that neither Emma nor Vicky enjoy.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Heavy(重い)

本来、heavyは物が重い意味で使われますが、食事と組み合わせて使うと、ボリュームたっぷりの食事や脂っこい食事、胃にもたれる食事を指します。例えば、チーズたっぷりのオムレツや、ベーコンとパンケーキの朝食は、heavy breakfastと言えるでしょう。逆に軽い食事を、light mealと言います。

  • That was a heavy breakfast. I’m stuffed.
  • I try not to eat a heavy lunch. It makes me sleepy.
  • I eat a light breakfast. I usually eat yogurt and a banana.

2) Ruin(台無しにする)


  • Mike told Matt about the party and ruined the surprise.
  • I got into an accident this morning and it ruined my day.
  • He’s always had a gambling problem and it ruined his life.

3) I’m with you(同感です)

I’m with youは相手の気持ちや意見に共感した時に使われる表現です。意味は、“I agree with you.”と同じですが、“I’m with you.”の方がよりカジュアルでフレンドリーな響きがあります。「〜についてはあなたと同感です」は、 “I’m with you on ~.”のように表します。

  • I’m with you. The best way to learn English is to have fun.
  • I’m with you. You can’t be afraid to make mistakes. You have to learn to enjoy making mistakes.
  • I see what you’re saying, but I’m with Tom on this one.

4) Get something going(〜を始める)

get something goingはget something startedと同じ意味を持ち、何かを始めることを表します。例えば、今日の会話でビッキーは“Get my brain going”と言ましたが、これは朝食を食べて脳の働きを活性化させることを意味します。その他にも、プロジェクトを始めたり、パーティーやイベントを始めたりなど、様々な状況で使えます。

  • Let’s get this project going.
  • I have a lot to do today. It’s time to get my day going.
  • This song gets me going every time. I listen to it every time before I work out.

5) Alert(警戒した)


  • When you travel alone, you have to stay alert at all times.
  • After I drink a cup of coffee, I feel awake and alert.
  • I didn’t sleep much last night, and I’m not very alert today.



  • Rarely・・・滅多に
  • Full・・・ 満腹


  • Gives someone a lot of energy・・・エネルギーを与える












  1. Takashi より:


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