
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.12.24





【John】What about you? Hope you’re not in college.

【Olivia】I actually graduated last year. So, in the clear. (laughs) Yeah, I completely agree. I think—like, book smarts is the knowledge. But then street smarts is the application.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】So how are you going to use this knowledge to be successful? Because even if you have all these book smarts and, like facts and knowledge in your head, like if you can’t use them well, then there’s really no point in having them at all.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】So, like I think this argument especially applies to, like business. So you can go to business school for four years and graduate with a degree in business. But if you don’t know how to, like network and talk to people and be good at, like pitching ideas or giving presentations—like, you have to have good people skills too, or else you’re not going to be successful.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】Because, you know, like interpersonal communication and those kinds of skills and abilities of, like communicating with people and being able to, like talk to people and reason with people—like, that I think is equally as important as, like having the theology and the knowledge.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】But, you know, street smarts—they can’t be taught, is the thing.


【Olivia】So if you’re just not, like good at talking to people—you’re not really comfortable with it, then like, that’s just something you’ve got to practice on your own and get good at. You can’t really study in a book, like, “Okay, how do I get good at talking to people?”

【John】Exactly. Mm hm.

【Olivia】So, yeah.


【Olivia】And I think in the long run, like street smarts are going to help you more, too because street smarts, like show you, like how to interact with people and, you know, how you interact with people varies so much based on, like what country you’re in, what culture you’re in—even, like based on the region you’re in.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】Like, interacting with people in LA or New York is probably much different than how it is in Ohio.

【John】Yeah. (laughs)

【Olivia】So just being aware and, you know, like smart about, you know, what you’re saying and how you carry yourself in the public eye—I think ultimately that is much more important than just having knowledge and facts from reading books and going to school.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Olivia distinguish between “book smarts” and “street smarts?”
  2. Why doesn’t Olivia think a business degree is enough for someone to go into business?
  3. What skill does Olivia think a person can’t learn in a book?



  1. Olivia thinks that “book smarts” are a person’s general knowledge of facts, whereas street smarts are a person’s ability to apply that knowledge to the real world.
  2. She thinks that if someone doesn’t have the interpersonal skills in business, then simply having a degree won’t be enough to be successful.
  3. She believes interpersonal and communication skills are skills a person can’t just learn from reading a book.



John and Olivia continue their discussion of “book smarts” versus “street smarts.” Olivia thinks that “book smarts” are the general facts and knowledge a person has, while “street smarts” are a person’s ability to apply that knowledge to the real world.
ジョンとオリビアは 「学問的な知識」と「実用的な知識」について議論を続けています。オリビアは「学問的な知識」は事実をもとに得た一般知識であり、「実用的な知識」は知識を実世界に役立たせる能力だと考えています。

Olivia believes that book smarts are useless unless a person knows how to use them to be successful in the real world. She uses the example of business school; a business degree is useless if the owner of the degree can’t apply their knowledge to the world of business.

Interpersonal and communication skills are important to conducting business, and Olivia believes these are skills one can’t simply learn through reading a book. Similarly, “street smarts” aren’t skills that can be taught. They have to be learned through real world experience.

Olivia also thinks that street smarts are more valuable than book smarts in the long run because they can teach you how to navigate the real world wherever you go. The ways in which people talk and interact with each other can vary across the world and from region to region. Street smarts Olivia believes can help a person operate well wherever they go.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Pitch an idea(アイデアを売り込む)

pitchは本来ボールを投げることを意味しますが、pitch an ideaは「アイデアを投げる」、要するに人にアイデアを売り込むことを表します。また、セールスマンが商品の売り込みをすることをmake/give a sales pitchのように表します。

  • That sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you pitch that idea to your boss?
  • Let me hear your sales pitch.
  • He’s an excellent salesman. He makes great sales pitches.

2) People skills(コミュニケーション能力)

直訳で「人のスキル」となるこの表現は、人を扱う能力を指し、コミュニケーション能力を意味します。人付き合いが上手い人や人との接し方が上手な人を“She has good people skills.”、逆にコミュニケーション力が低い人を“He has bad people skills.”のように表し、skillsは必ず複数形で表します。

  • In business, it’s important to have good people skills.
  • She’s smart, personable, and has good people skills.
  • He’s a hard worker but lacks people skills.

3) In the long run(長期的に見れば)

long runは「長期的」を意味し、long termのより口語的な言い方として使われます。今にとらわれず長期的に物事を考えたり、判断する時に使われる表現で、文頭または文末で使われることが多いです。

  • Just keep working hard. In the long run, all of your hard work will pay off.
  • Paying for higher-quality products saves you money in the long run.
  • I know studying English seems pointless right now, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.

4) Not comfortable ~(不快に感じる)

comfortableと聞くと、comfortable sofa(座り心地の良いソファ)のように、ものに対する快適さを真っ先に思い浮かべるでしょう。しかし、日常会話では「物理的な心地よさ」だけでなく、「心理的な心地よさ」を表現する場合にもよく使われ、多くの場合は“not comfortble”のように否定形で使われます。例えば、SNS上で自分の顔写真を公開することに不安を覚えるような状況でこの表現を使うことができます。

  • I’m not comfortable posting pictures of myself on Facebook.
  • Can we talk about something else? I’m not comfortable talking about that topic.
  • I’m going to leave. I don’t feel comfortable being here.

5) Carry oneself(振る舞う)

carry oneselfは「振る舞う」を意味し、特に公共の場や人前での振る舞い方を指します。「〜な態度で振る舞う」は carry oneself with ~の形式が使われ、例えば「彼は自信を持って振る舞う」は“He carries himself with confidence.”のように表します。

  • She seems like a personable person, and she carries herself well.
  • He carries himself with a balance of confidence and humility.
  • The way you carry yourself determines how you’re treated.



  • Theology・・・神学
  • Aware・・・ 気をつける


  • No point in・・・〜意味がない
  • Interpersonal communication・・・人と人とのコミュニケーション









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. english freak 0623 より:



    • Jun より:

      いつもありがとうございます!私のIntro と Conclusionは Hapa英会話の Podcast Plus(有料版)で提供しています。初月無料なのでぜひお試しください。 https://hapaeikaiwa.com/blog/2020/09/04/podcast-plus-pr/

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