
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.12.10





【Olivia】Since I was a little kid I’ve always saved the best for last. And the best for me usually means, like whatever meat is on the plate. So, you know, like if there’s like, little slices of thin-sliced beef or something—like, if you look at my plate towards the end of the meal, like all the rice and vegetables will be gone but that meat will still be there…


【Olivia】…like, all pushed to the side because I want to eat that for last. And I feel like that behavior was definitely a lot more prominent when I was a kid because as a kid I was like, “Yes, I’m going to eat, like all my vegetables first. Get that out of the way. And eat, like this delicious, like—whatever the protein was at the end.”

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】But I feel like now—my mom taught me, like in Japanese it’s called sankaku tabe—which means, like eating in a triangle. And it’s basically just this idea of like, you know, you should rotate what you’re eating so you get, like an even mix of, like, you know—eat some of the vegetables, some of the grain, or bread or whatever the carb is…

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】…and then some of the meat. So like, as I got older I’ve kind of drifted away from this “save the best for last” behavior. But like even now, you’ll still see, like just a little bit of meat at the end of the meal left on my plate. And like, people used to make fun of me for it. So once I was about to, like dig in to my pile or whatever I had saved…

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】…my parents would, like start rocking the table


【Olivia】…and like, “Oh my God, there’s an earthquake! We have to go, like right now! You don’t have time to eat that!” And… (laughs) …so the joke was, like, “You know, when you save the best for last, you know, you’re at risk of, if there’s some kind of emergency, you have to leave and you can’t eat it.” And I was like, “That’s stupid.” Like, “We’re in Ohio. We don’t have earthquakes.”


【Olivia】But, you know, something to think about.

【John】Mm hm. Me, I’m greedy. I—I’m not going to lie to you.


【John】I go straight for the main dish.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】Like, I…if I’ve been over to your house and we’re having whatever…like you say, “Okay, we’re having meatloaf.” Sorry to tell you, I’m not going for the—the mashed potatoes. I’m not going for the vegetables.


【John】I’m going straight for the meatloaf.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】This is what I came for.


【John】This is what I’m going for first. I’m going for what I came for. Even when I go out to eat, you know…main dish, side dishes…nope, no. I want the main dish first. This is what I came for. You—you only live once, so…


【John】…I’m not going to save the best for last. I might not make it to the last.


【John】Like you said, there might be an earthquake.


【John】Okay? I got—I got to eat the good stuff first. That way if there is an earthquake, you know, I’m not missing anything.

【Olivia】Mm hm. (laughs)

【John】You know? That’s—that’s how it goes.


【John】Like, you know—even—even with ice cream and sweets.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】Same thing. “Oh no, save the middle.” I don’t care about the pretty part…


【John】…that—that tastes the best. I’m going to eat it—the first.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】That’s how it is.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When eating a plate of food, what order does Olivia eat her dishes in?
  2. What does John prioritize when eating a plate of food?
  3. Why does John have this preference?



  1. Saving the “best for last,” Olivia prefers to eat side dishes like vegetables first, eating the main dish, like steak, last.
  2. John always eats the main dish first, such as the steak, before any side dishes like mashed potatoes or asparagus.
  3. He thinks that “saving the best for last” is a risk, because one never knows if they will make it to the “last” at all. So for John, it makes sense to enjoy the main course while it’s right in front of him.



John and Olivia talk about how they eat plates of food that contain multiple dishes. Particularly, they discuss the idea of “saving the best for last.”

Olivia generally saves the best for last when eating. She thinks this behavior was ingrained in her at a young age.

Olivia’s family would occasionally make fun of her for this eating preference. Sometimes they would shake the table and pretend there was an earthquake right as Olivia was about to eat the main course. This was to show that one might not be able to enjoy the best food if they always save it for last, especially during an emergency.

John is the opposite of Olivia; he always prefers to eat the main course first. He feels that the main course is the main point of every meal, and that in the event of an emergency, he might not make it to the main course if he saves it for last.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Save the best for last(一番いいものを最後まで取っておく)


  • Do you eat the best part of the meal first or save the best for last?
  • I always save the best for last.
  • The ending was impressive. They really saved the best for last.

2) Get something out of the way(〜を済ませる)

直訳で「邪魔なものをどかす」となるこの表現は、仕事や宿題、家事など面倒で大変なことを「済ませる」や「片づける」ことを意味します。ポイントは、困難なタスクや面倒なことを先にささっと「終わらせる」ことです。今日の会話でオリビアは食事をしているときに出てくる野菜に対して、“Get that out of the way”と言いましたが、ここでは「好物ではない野菜をささっと先に食べる」というニュアンスになります。

  • Let’s get the household chores out of the way.
  • I’m going to do my homework now and get it out of the way.
  • Don’t put off your project. Just get it out of the way.

3) Make fun of(〜をからかう)

make fun ofは人をからかったり、馬鹿にしたりすることを表します。相手をからかって本当に困らせる時と友達同士が冗談でからかい合う時、両方の状況で使えます。「彼は彼女をからかった」と言いたい場合は“He made fun of her.”と言い、made fun ofの後にからかう対象が入ります。

  • I’m upset because my classmates made fun of my accent.
  • Don’t make fun of people just because they are different from you.
  • My friends always make fun of me because I turn bright red when I drink.

4) Dig in(食べ始める)

dig inは元々「掘る」や「突っ込む」を意味しますが、食事シーンで使う場合は「食べ始める」や「召し上がれ」の意味になります。日本語では食べる前に「いただきます」と言いますが、英語では “Let’s dig in.(食べましょう)”のように表すことがよくあります。

  • Does everybody have their food? Let’s dig in.
  • You don’t have to wait for me. Go ahead and dig in.
  • Let’s dig in before the food gets cold.

5) Go straight for(〜を取りに行く)

go forは「〜を取りに行く」、straightは「真っ先に」を意味することから、go straight forは「〜を真っ先に取りに行く」を意味し、迷わずに何かを取りに行く意味合いが含まれます。例えば、今日の会話でジョンは“I go straight for the main dish.”と言いましたが、ここでは真っ先にメインディッシュに手をつけることを意味します。複数あるものの中から自分が欲しいものを迷わずに取りに行くニュアンスになります。

  • At buffets, I always go straight for the sushi.
  • When he arrived at the party, he went straight for the wine.
  • All of the kids went straight for the snacks.



  • Prominent・・・顕著
  • Rotate・・・ 交互に
  • Grain・・・ 穀物
  • Carb・・・炭水化物
  • Greedy・・・ 欲張り


  • Thin-sliced・・・薄切りの
  • Push to the side・・・(お皿の)脇によける
  • Drift away・・・〜をしなくなる
  • Rock the table・・・テーブルを揺らす
  • You only live once・・・人生は一度きり









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yuriko Mimura より:

    So for John, it makes sense to enjoy the main course while it’s right in front of him.
    のWhile の意味がよくわかりません。contrastでも「〜間」という意味でもしっくりこなくて。

  2. こはな より:

    I’m going for what I came for.

  3. mariko より:

    “Let’s dig in.”は、フォークやスプーンを食事に使う、アメリカならではの表現ですね。日本では主にお箸なので、突っ込むとか掘るという発想は出なそうです。敢えて同じように表現するなら、「はさもう!」とか「つかもう!」ですかね(笑)

  4. Chihiro より:

    「今日の質問」のWhen eating a plate of food, what order does Olivia eat her dishes in?は、When eating a plate of food, in what order does Olivia eat her dishes? と同じですか?
    「どの順番」という質問分をつくるときに、”in what order…” の形を目にすることが多かったので質問させていただきました。

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