
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.11.26





【Olivia】So John, what is something that you’re really particular about?

【John】I don’t know. This is a hard one. I’m trying to think.


【John】What about you?

【Olivia】I feel like I’m most particular about—like, okay. I have two things. So one is keeping things clean and tidy. And, you know, if my mom is listening to this, like she might be like, “What?” Like, “Why are you lying right now?”


【Olivia】(laughs) But I feel like I’m a very clean person. So like, my bedroom, my desk, I like to keep those clean. Like, I don’t like a lot of clutter. So then when other people leave clutter in a shared space—like, you know with my roommates and stuff, like then that really bothers me.
So like, one of my biggest pet peeves is, like when people will eat the last thing out of a box or out of a container, and then they don’t throw it away. They just leave it on the table. It’s like—was it really that hard for you to, like pick this up and throw it in the trash can? Like, come on.
And also the same with, like dishes—like, you know, don’t just leave that on the table. Like, put it in the dishwasher or in the sink or something. Like, please. (laughs) Because, like I’m similar to my mom…

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】…in the sense that if we see a mess and it’s someone else’s problem, like you just look at it and you start to feel all antsy. Like, “Oh my God. I’ve got to put this away or it’s going to bother me.” So it’s like this fine line between letting people take responsibility for their own things and then just doing it for them because it bothers you to see it there.
And then my other pet peeve is probably when I lend stuff to people and, you know, they don’t give it back in a timely manner. Like—and it’s always this awkward dance of, like, “Hey, can I get this back?” And they’re like, “Oh yeah, yeah. Like, next time I see you.” And then they don’t do it or they forget.
And then you have to bring it up again. Like, it’s just so awkward to ask for something multiple times. But it’s like, you know, like you’ve got to give it back, like eventually so don’t make me keep doing this to you man.


【Olivia】Like, come on.

【John】I think we wouldn’t get along, man…


【John】…because I’m the type who would do that. I would eat the last piece of pizza and I’ll just leave the box right there.


【John】I’ll even—I’ll even drink the last swig of pop

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】…and put it in the box and leave it right there.

【Olivia】What? Why would you do that?

【John】I was like—I mean, literally it will stay there, too. And it’ll be, like, “Yeah, I’ll get it tomorrow.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the first pet peeve Olivia mentions?
  2. What is Olivia’s second pet peeve?
  3. Why doesn’t John think he and Olivia would get along as roommates?



  1. Her first pet peeve is when people leave clutter out in shared spaces, such as empty food boxes and unwashed dishes.
  2. Her second pet peeve is people not returning things that she lent them in a timely manner.
  3. John admits he is the kind of person who will leave empty food boxes and drinks out in open spaces, which is one of Olivia’s pet peeves.



John and Olivia discuss things they are particular about. Olivia mentions two pet peeves she has involving the behavior of her friends and others around her.

Olivia’s first pet peeve is seeing roommates of hers leave clutter, like unwashed dishes or empty food boxes, out in the open in shared spaces. She wishes her roommates would clean up after themselves more often.

Her second pet peeve is when friends of hers don’t return items she has lent them in a timely manner. This bothers her because it means she has to engage in awkward conversations with these friends about when the borrowed items might be returned.

John admits that he is the type of person who might leave empty food boxes out in the open. He, therefore, thinks that he and Olivia would not get along as roommates.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Particular about(〜にこだわりがある)

particularは「特定の」や「特別な」を意味することから、particular aboutは「〜にこだわりがある」ことを意味します。食べ物やファッション、掃除の仕方や恋愛対象まで、些細なことに必要以上に気にすることを表します。pickyも「〜にこだわりがある」という意味で使われますが、pickyはややネガティブな響きがあるのに対し、particularは良し悪しにかかわらず物事にこだわるニュアンスが含まれます。この表現はbe動詞と組み合わせて、be particular about ~と言います。

  • Is there anything you are particular about?
  • She’s particular about food. She only eats organic food.
  • I’m particular about how I edit my videos.

2) Clutter(散らかった物)

机の上や部屋中に色々な物が散らかっていて、ごちゃごちゃしている様子を clutter と言います。例えば、机の上に本やノート、コーヒーカップやヘッドフォン、ペンや書類などが散乱していてスペースがほぼない状態を表し、特に不要な物やがらくたがたまっている様子を指します。clutterはものに対してだけでなく、頭の中がごちゃごちゃの状態を表す時にも使われます。ごちゃごちゃしたものを片付ける場合は、get rid of clutter や declutterなどの表現を使って表します。

  • There’s so much clutter in this room.
  • I need to get rid of the clutter in my closet. It’s getting out of control.
  • I need to declutter my mind and free up my mental space.

3) Pet peeve(イラッとすること)

pet peeveは自分にとってイラッとすることやムカっとくるものを意味します。この表現のポイントは個人的に自分がイラッと感じるもので、必ずしも他の人も同じようにイライラすることとは限らないということです。この表現は一般的に、 “My pet peeve is ~.” や “~is my pet peeve.”の形式で使われ、空欄の部分にはイラッとする対象が入ります。「何があなたをイライラさせますか?」と言いたい場合、 “What is your pet peeve?”と言います。

  • Do you have any pet peeves?
  • My pet peeve is people who chew with their mouths open.
  • People who walk really slow are one of my biggest pet peeves.

4) Antsy(じっとしていられない)


  • I always get antsy before doing a speech in English.
  • I’m feeling antsy and I can’t sit still.
  • Our kids are starting to get antsy. Maybe we should take them home.

5) Put away(片づける)

put awayは何かを片付けたり、使用していないものを元の場所へ戻すことを表す表現です。衣替えで冬服をしまったり、おもちゃを片付けたり、スーパーで買った食料品を冷蔵庫や棚に置いたりなど、日常生活でよく使われる表現です。

  • If you’re not using the exercise ball, make sure you put it away.
  • Can you help me put away the chairs?
  • I have to put away my summer clothes and take out my winter clothes.



  • Tidy・・・ 整理整頓
  • Sink・・・シンク
  • Mess・・・ 散らかってる
  • Lend・・・ 貸す
  • Swig・・・飲む
  • Pop・・・ 炭酸飲料


  • Bother someone・・・気になる
  • Leave something・・・放置する
  • Fine line between A and B・・・AとBの微妙な差
  • In a timely manner・・・タイムリーに
  • Bring up・・・話を持ち出す
  • Get along・・・仲良くする









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. michiko より:

    産後バタバタしているのに耳は空いているのでpodcastを聞き始め、hapa英会話に出会いました。コロナ禍で人との関わりが減った時もエピソードに登場する魅力的な方々のお話しに惹きつけられ、何度も聞くうちに友達の話を聞いている感覚になり、孤独な気持ちを救ってもらいました。ただ英会話に触れているだけではなくJunさんや登場される方々の考え方や哲学も聞けてすごく刺激的です。もう少し子供の手が離れたらHapa Buddiesにも参加したいです。

  2. May より:

    Bother someone の使い方をもう少ししりたいです。

    例えば「うるさくしないで」→「Don’t bother me 」や「教室でうるさくしないで」→「don’t bother me in the classroom 」

  3. るいくん より:

    it’s always this awkward dance of のdanceはどういう意味なのでしょうか?

るいくん へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


