
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.11.12





【John】What time do you actually show up at the party?

【Olivia】Mm I feel like I tend toward being late.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】And that’s mostly, like my fault. Like, I’ll be doing my hair and makeup and suddenly look at the clock. Like, “Oh my God! I was supposed to leave, like ten minutes ago.” But I think it kind of depends, like on the party context too because—like, you know, like college parties—like, house parties—like, you just show up whenever. And there’s always going to be people and, like there’s music bumping.
So there’s not really, like an actual timeframe for those kinds of parties. But then, like, you know, if you’re invited to someone’s house, you want to show up on time but also, like you don’t want to be the first one there…just kind of sit there and twiddle your thumbs and try to make, like small talk with the host. And if it’s, like a really close friend then that’s not an issue.
But if it’s like, you know, your parent’s friend, like you don’t want to be just, like the only kid there…sitting there, nothing to do. So I tend to show up, I think like 10 to 15 minutes late because when you show up then, that means there’s people, like already there—like, the punctual people are already there. And then, like—you know, like there’s mingling going on and, like food has been set out and people are already in like this comfort zone.
So when I show up then, it’s like, “All right. I can just smoothly integrate myself into this, like—into the conversations and stuff,” because if I show up right on time and it’s just me and the host, then it’s like, “Oh, great party this is”, even though it’s literally, like just the two of us in this room right now. So…

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】…I tend towards late. What about you, John?

【John】I’m going to be honest with you.


【John】It depends on how much I like you.


【John】It literally depends on how much I like you. If you’re my best friend—you’re my friend, dude I’m—I’m coming on time. I’m going to bring some snacks. I’m, you know—everything. I’m going to come and actually help set up. If I kind of like you, it’s like, “Man, you know…”


【John】First off, if I kind of like you, it’s like, even, “Am I even—do I even really want to go?”


【John】“I mean, really, do I…I mean, I really don’t like this dude that much. But he invited me.” Then it’s like, well…it all depends on, “Okay, well, who’s going to be there?”

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】If my friends are going to be there, it’s like, “Okay, such and such, he’s going to be there. And more than likely he’s going to be late so I’ll try—I’ll call him, like, ‘What time you coming?’ ‘Okay—okay, I’ll come around the time you come or we can come together.’”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why doesn’t Olivia like arriving early at a party hosted by someone she doesn’t know?
  2. When does Olivia usually arrive to a party?
  3. What determines when John will show up to a party?



  1. She worries that if she arrives early, she’ll be the only one there besides the host, and the two will have to make awkward small talk until other guests arrive.
  2. She usually arrives 10 to 15 minutes late.
  3. What time he arrives at a party depends on how much he likes the host.



John and Olivia talk about when they arrive to parties they’ve been invited to. Olivia says that she usually arrives to parties late.

Aside from being late due to spending too much time doing her hair or makeup, Olivia often intentionally arrives a few minutes late after the host’s arrival time. She says that, unless the host is a close friend, arriving early means she will likely be the first to arrive.

She avoids being the first to arrive because if she doesn’t know the host and she’s the only one there, she and the host will feel awkwardly pressured to make small talk until the other guests arrive. Instead, Olivia tries to arrive 10 to 15 minutes late so others can arrive before her and make the party environment more comfortable.

John admits that what time he will arrive at a party depends on how much he likes the host. If the host is his best friend or a close friend, he will arrive on time or even early to help set up. But if the host is just an acquaintance or someone John doesn’t know or like, he’ll usually arrive late.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Show up(現れる)

show upは直訳すると「現れる」を意味しますが、パーティーやイベント、ミーティングやアポなど、「人が来るべき場所へ来る」ニュアンスが込められています。基本的に、来るはずの人が予定どおり来たり、逆に来るはずの人が来なかったことを示す状況で使われますが、 “He showed up unexpectedly(突然彼が現れた)”のように文章の組み立て方によっては、「突然現れる・来る」の意味として使うこともできます。一般的に、come(来る)に置き換えて使える口語表現です。

  • How many people showed up to the event last night?
  • Tom always shows up 10 to 15 minutes early.
  • I waited for about an hour, but he never showed up.

2) Mingle(交流する)


  • Let’s mingle and meet some new people.
  • It was a great event. I had a chance to mingle with a lot of people.
  • I’m not good at mingling with others, especially if I don’t know them.

3) Set up(準備する)

set upは幅広い意味を持つ表現ですが、今日の会話では「準備する」や「設置する」の意味として使われています。例えば、パーティーやイベントで準備の手伝いをしたり、テーブルや椅子などを設置するような状況で使われます。

  • Do you need help setting up?
  • Can you come in an hour early and help set up?
  • Don’t worry about it. I’ll set up the chairs and tables.

4) First off(最初に)

first offは「最初に」や「まずは」を意味する表現で、最初に言いたいことや第一にやるべきことを示す状況で使われます。特に話すことが色々あったり、やらないといけないことがたくさんある中、第一にやることを強調したい時にこの表現が使われ、主に文頭で使われます。

  • First off, a big congratulations to Mike for publishing his first book.
  • First off, I want to say sorry for what I said yesterday.
  • First off, you need to find a way to get a visa.

5) Such and such(かくかくしかじかの)

such and suchは、名前をはっきり言わずに人やものを指す時に使われる口語的な表現です。不特定な名前やあえて名前を伏せたい状況で使われ、例えば、「あなたが誰々さんにデートに誘われたとしましょう」は“Let’s say such and such a person asked you out on a date.”と言います。ここでは、デートに誘ってくれた相手が誰なのかは重要ではないことから、such and suchが使われています。

  • I forgot his name, but such and such a person called from Hapa Eikaiwa this morning.
    (名前は忘れましたが、今朝、Hapa Eikaiwaのどなたかから電話がかかってきました)
  • He told me to meet him at such and such a time, and he showed up 30 minutes late.
  • My colleague and I went to such and such a place and talked about the project.



  • Bump・・・ (音楽が)ガンガン流れる
  • Timeframe・・・時間
  • Integrate・・・ 馴染む


  • Tend toward・・・〜する傾向がある
  • My fault・・・私のせい
  • Twiddle one’s thumbs・・・両手の指を組んで親指同士をくるくる回す
  • Set out・・・セットされている
  • Comfort zone・・・居心地のいい空間
  • More than likely・・・高い確率で









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. m.otake より:

    This is quite an interesting episode. As popularly believed, I thought Americans love parties and go to them willingly. I don’t know whether John and Olivia are exceptions but I feel interesting that there are some (or many?) Americans who are reluctant to join the parties depending on who the host is. Ha, ha ha. Human nature is much the same among people of different countries.

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