
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.10.29





【Olivia】Best experience—that’s really hard to narrow down, I think, because I’ve had so many great experiences with people, you know, from all the countries I’ve visited. But I guess in Peru, we had to do, like individual research projects for the semester. So I decided to study, like Japanese migration to Peru.
And in that research project I had the opportunity to, like go meet with people who are descended from the original Japanese migrants. So they—the families are mostly concentrated in the Madre de Dios department, which is, like in the Amazon region. So, very hot, very, like jungle-y area.
So it was funny ‘cause (because) I, like met all these people. And I had an advisor who was familiar with these families. So he, like recommended them to me and told me, like, “Hey, here’s their contact information and, you know, their address. So, like just show up to their house one day. Introduce yourself and start talking to them for your research.”
And I was like, “I’m just going to walk up to a stranger’s house and just be like, ‘Hey, can I ask you questions?’ and they’re going to be okay with that?” Like, that kind of—I was like, “Okay, I’ll do it. But I feel like they’re not going to like it,” ‘cause, you know, an American family would be like, “Get out of here!” Like, “What are you doing?” But…so I…

【John】Plus…plus this is how most horror movies start off.

【Olivia】Yeah, exactly.


【Olivia】It’s not, like the safest thing to do, in hindsight.

【John】Mm hm.

【Olivia】But so, I would show up to these families’ houses, or a lot of them owned, like cafés and restaurants. So I would show up to their place of work. And just right off the bat, they were so, so nice and friendly. And they were so happy to meet me ‘cause they were, like, “Oh, you’re, like…you know, you have Japanese heritage too?” And so that was a point where we connected because, you know, even though I’m American and they’re Peruvian—which is, like completely different—we have this shared heritage. So, like we connected a lot over that.
And they were super happy that I was researching this topic. Like, I said, you know, “I want to learn about your family history and, you know, how your family has grown in this region in Peru and, like, you know, any cultural influences and whatnot.” So, like doing the research itself was super interesting information.
But also these families—like, they were just so nice. And they were like, “Oh, I’ll introduce you to, like my nieces and nephews and all the aunts and uncles in the family.” Like, “Come to our, like big party, “ or “Come to our big dinner.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What topic did Olivia research while studying in Peru?
  2. What commonality did Olivia share with the families she was interviewing?
  3. What did these Japanese families invite Olivia to?



  1. She researched the history of Japanese migrants who established lives to Peru.
  2. Like the Japanese families she was researching, she also had Japanese heritage, a fact that she and the families she met were able to connect over.
  3. They invited her to family parties and dinners.



Olivia shares what she considers one of her best travel experiences. This experience took place during her study abroad trip to Peru.

For her study abroad program, Olivia was required to take on a research project. She chose to research the history of Japanese immigrants to Peru and her research advisor pointed her in the direction of Japanese families he knew living in Peru’s Madre de Dios department.

Olivia was at first hesitant to go, since arriving at a stranger’s house in America to ask questions would be met with suspicion by the homeowners. But to her surprise, she found the Japanese families she visited were extremely happy to answer her questions and meet with her.

Olivia herself has Japanese heritage and this helped her connect with these families. Many of the families she interviewed owned restaurants and invited Olivia to their family parties and dinners.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Walk up to(〜に近づく)

直訳で「〜へ歩いて行く」となるこの表現は、人やある場所に歩いて近づくことを意味します。特に知らない人や初めて訪れる場所に近づく状況で使われ、「私は彼に近づいた」は “I walked up to him.”、「彼は私に近づいた」は “He walked up to me.”という具合に使います。

  • Don’t be shy. Walk up to her and introduce yourself.
  • A random guy walked up to me and started singing.
  • Trick-or-treating is easy. Just walk up to your neighbors’ house, knock on their door and say trick-or-treat!

2) Get out of here(出て行け)

get out ofはある場所から出ていくことを表す口語表現です。特に、不快に思う場所やこれ以上いたくない場所から出るニュアンスが含まれます。誰かと喧嘩をして、相手に「出て行け!」と言う時は“Get out of here!“と言います。

しかし、状況によってはカジュアルな感じで「行こう!」と言う時にget out of hereが使われることもあります。例えば、レストランで食事を終えた後に友達に「行こうか」と声をかける時は、“Let’s get out of here.”と言うことができます。

また、相手が信じられないようなことを言った時に、「冗談だろ?」「そんなのあり得ない」という意味で“Get out of here!”と言うこともできます。

  • This place seems a bit sketchy. Let’s get out of here.
  • Are you guys done eating? Alright, let’s get out of here.
  • You saw a bear in your backyard? Get out of here. It was probably a raccoon.

3) In hindsight(今思えば)

hindsightは、自分の後ろを見て何が起こったかを確認することを意味する単語で、日常会話では「今思えば」や「今になって考えると」を意味します。特に、「今考える〜すれば良かったなぁ」のように、当時は分からなかったが後になって気づいたり理解するといった状況で使われることが多いです。in hindsightは基本的に文頭で使われます。

  • In hindsight, I should’ve studied English harder when I was in high school.
  • In hindsight, that was a terrible decision.
  • In hindsight, I should’ve traveled more when I was younger.

4) Right off the bat(すぐに)

right off the bat は野球の選手がバットでボールを当てた瞬間に一塁へ走り始めることから由来した表現で、「すぐに」や「即座に」を意味します。immediatelyやright awayと同じ意味を持ちますが、より口語的な響きがあります。

  • Right off the bat, I knew something was wrong.
  • We ran into trouble right off the bat at the event today.
  • I could tell he was a good baseball player right off the bat.

5) And whatnot(などなど)

and whatnotは「〜など」や「〜やその他いろいろ」を意味する口語的な表現です。and things like thatと似たような意味を持ち、会話中に既に述べたことに関連する別の例を曖昧な感じで説明する時に使われます。この表現は基本的に文末で使われ、例えば、「私は洋服や帽子などその他いろいろ買いました」は“I bought clothes, hats, and whatnot.”という具合に言います。

  • We talked about our jobs, families, and whatnot.
  • At the job interview, they asked me why I wanted to work there, why they should hire me, and whatnot.
  • I spent the day walking around downtown, shopping, and whatnot.



  • Migration・・・ 移住
  • Decended・・・子孫
  • Heritage・・・ 遺産


  • Narrow down・・・絞り込む
  • Concentrated in・・・集中する
  • Show up・・・現れる
  • Nieces and nephews・・・姪っ子と甥っ子
  • Aunts and uncles・・・叔父と叔母









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