
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.10.08





【John】Most interesting place you’ve visited.

【Olivia】Mm, I think Machu Pichu in Peru definitely takes the cake. It is one of the—I think modern—7 Modern Wonders of the World. So that was super cool to visit. I got to go because I studied abroad in Cuzco, Peru for a semester to work on my Spanish. And a trip to Machu Pichu was included in the program.
So we actually got to ride, like the Machu Pichu train and we just stopped in this random part of, like the jungle. And they were like, “All right. Get off the train. We’re going to hike the rest of the way.” So we were like, “What? Hike there?” So keep in mind, this is Peru—like, way higher altitude than what I’m used to in Ohio in the United States.
So we, like entered into this jungle and then pretty soon we started going up these really high mountains, which was crazy hard to breathe and walk.
So it was definitely a struggle for sure. But, you know, finishing that, like last third of the hike and getting to see the city of Machu Pichu from up high. Like, that view was so cool. And it’s just like you’re looking at an actual postcard. Like, you’ve seen the pictures. You know, like that one signature mountain and the city ruins and stuff. But then actually being there and seeing it—like that was just, like breathtaking. It was incredible.

【John】That’s good. That’s good. For me, I would’ve said Istanbul, Turkey ‘cause (because) that’s my favorite place in the world.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】But now that you mention it…the most interesting place I’ve ever traveled was Amman, Jordan. The reason being is that when you first enter Amman, Jordan coming from Syria, you’re coming from the north. And the first thing you see is the Roman Theater.


【John】Now, I know we’ve all seen the Roman movies. You know. And we’ve all seen, you know, how it’s depicted in the movies and how they think it looked like.


【John】I know we’ve all seen Gladiator.

【Olivia】Yeah. (laughs)

【John】Over there in the Colosseum. But when you actually drive past it and…this thing is huge. I mean, it’s, like indescribable.

【Olivia】Mm hm.

【John】It’s like you’re literally looking at history. It’s like, “Okay, I’ve seen it in movies.” You know, “I’ve seen it in video games.” You know, “I’ve seen it, you know, in pictures.” But when you’re actually next to it, it’s like, “Wow, I never could’ve imagined it would be, like this wonderful—it would be this awesome.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why was Olivia in Peru?
  2. What was most difficult about reaching Machu Pichu for Olivia?
  3. What is John’s favorite place on Earth? What place did he find the most interesting?



  1. She was studying abroad in Peru in an effort to improve her Spanish.
  2. She found hiking through the high altitudes extremely difficult.
  3. John’s favorite place on Earth is Istanbul, Turkey, but the most interesting place to him is Amman, Jordan.



John and Olivia discuss what they both think were the most interesting place they’ve ever visited. For Olivia, it was Machu Pichu in Peru.

Olivia went to Peru as part of a study abroad program to improve her Spanish. Included in the program was a trip to Machu Pichu, and while she found the hike to get there very difficult, the view from the top of the mountain was well worth it.

John’s favorite place on Earth is Istanbul, Turkey. However, his answer to the question of “most interesting place on Earth” was Amman, Jordan.

This is because of Amman’s Roman Theater, which John found breathtaking to behold. He was familiar with Roman architecture from pop culture, like movies and video games. But seeing it up close and in-person was a completely different experience.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Take the cake(一番〜)


  • I’ve traveled to many places, but a place called Cinque Terre in Italy takes the cake.
  • All of the designs are beautiful, but this one takes the cake.
  • I’ve been to quite a few terrible restaurants, but this place takes the cake.

2) Rest of ____(残りの〜)

rest of ____は「残りの〜」を意味し、日常会話ではよく使われる表現です。例えば、今日の会話でオリビアは“We’re going to walk the rest of the way.”と言いましたが、これはゴールまでにまだ残っている道を歩くことを意味します。その他、別れの挨拶をする時に“Enjoy the rest of your day.”と言うことがよくありますが、これは「今日の残りの時間を楽しんでください」という意味になります。dayの代わりにeveningやnight、weekやweekendと言ってもOKです。

  • What are you going to do for the rest of the day?
  • It was nice talking to you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  • I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

3) Keep in mind(覚えておく)

keep in mindは「覚えておく」や「頭に入れておく」を意味し、don’t forgetのより口語的な言い方として使われます。特に、何かを忘れないでほしいと相手に念を押す時に使われます。例えば、今日の会話でオリビアは“Keep in mind. This is Peru.”と言いましたが、これはただのハイキングではなく、ペルーで行ったハイキングだということを忘れないでね、と聞き手に念を押しています。

その他、相手の発言やアドバイスなどに対して「覚えておきます」「心に留めておきます」という状況でも使われ、その場合はシンプルに“I’ll keep that in mind.(そのことを覚えておきます)”と言います。

  • We had to walk back home. Keep in mind, it was over a hundred degrees and really humid.
  • Keep in mind this is his first time traveling abroad.
  • Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind.

4) Breathtaking(素晴らしい)

直訳で「息を取る」となるこの表現は、息をのむような光景を見たり、感動するパフォーマンスを見たときに使われ、「すごい」や「素晴らしい」を意味します。「〜は素晴らしかった」は“____ was breathtaking.”、「素晴らしい〜」は“breathtaking ____”と言い、amazingやbeautifulをより強調する意味として使われます。

  • The view from the top of Mt. Fuji was breathtaking.
  • That was a breathtaking performance.
  • This is the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen. It’s breathtaking.

5) The reason being(理由は〜だ)

the reason beingは「理由は〜だ」という意味の表現です。the reason isと同じ意味ですが、the reason beingは口語的な表現なので、フォーマルな場や文章での使用は避けた方がいいでしょう。通常、the reason being that, ____の形で使われますが、今日の会話でジョンが言ったように、the reason being is that ____のように表現することもあります。

  • I think you should take that job. The reason being that, opportunities like that don’t come around too often.
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t go there alone. The reason being that, it’s dangerous.
  • I exercise first thing in the morning. The reason being that, it energizes me.



  • Altitude・・・ 標高
  • Struggle・・・苦労
  • Signature・・・ 特徴的な
  • Ruins・・・遺跡
  • Depict・・・描写する
  • Indescribable・・・言葉では言い表せない


  • 7 Modern Wonders of the World・・・世界の七不思議
  • Work on・・・上達する
  • Get to do something・・・〜する機会を得る
  • Get off・・・降りる









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. saori より:

    質問です。Johnが “For me, I would’ve said Istanbul, Turkey…” と言われていますが、なぜ would’ve said なのでしょうか?would sayではダメでしょうか?

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