
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.09.10





【Sarah】When I asked you what your sort of—or, when I told you that I had heard that you were really into anime…


【Sarah】…you said, “Well, I don’t know if I’m, like that into it.”

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】Like, you kind of backed away from it…


【Sarah】…which I think is a really interesting thing to…


【Sarah】…talk about because there is a perception, at least from my perspective…

【Clay】No, I know—I know what you mean, yeah.

【Sarah】…of—yeah, of…people who like anime as being sort of, like uncool or nerdy.

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】Do you get that feeling?

【Clay】I mean, I think definitely, you know, when I, like started watching anime—or, like, you know, obviously I watched, like shows, like as a kid, you know? Like, Dragon Ball and Pokémon and everyone did.

【Sarah】Ah, yeah, yeah. Sailor Moon.

【Clay】But I guess, like when I was in maybe, like high school and I started, you know, watching it again as, you know—after I’d grown up a little bit, I definitely think at that time, yeah. There definitely was, like a bit of—and I was, like aware of it, you know?


【Clay】I…I kind of felt like, “Oh, you know. I’m somewhat of a nerd. Whatever. No big deal.”


【Clay】I’ll—I’ll just watch anime.

【Sarah】I was—the same for me.


【Sarah】You know, it was, like…but I was already a nerd. I was in band.

【Clay】Right. No, me too.

【Sarah】Like, you know? I was in marching band. Like, I was…

【Clay】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】Right? And…but—and we had at my high school an anime club.

【Clay】Oh, yeah.

【Sarah】And so that’s where I got introduced to a lot of things.

【Clay】Really? Wow. Yeah.

【Sarah】You know, I’d seen Princess Mononoke because it won an Oscar I think in—in 1997.

【Clay】Oh, yeah.

【Sarah】And my mom brought it home as, like, “Oh, this won for Best Animated Film. And it’s an animated film—must be okay for children.”


【Sarah】And if you’ve ever seen Princess Mononoke…

【Clay】Right, yeah.

【Sarah】Completely traumatized me.

【Clay】That’s so funny.

【Sarah】I had nightmares for weeks.


【Sarah】But it’s still one of my favorite movies.

【Clay】Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】So, you know, thanks mom. But some of the other Ghibli movies or some of the older anime…you know, things like Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind I watched in anime club. And I was like, “Wow, this is actually really good.”


【Sarah】But I would have never watched it on my own because it was older. You know?

【Clay】Right, yeah.

【Sarah】But it definitely had that…like…


【Sarah】…perception of, “this is kind of nerdy.” But I was okay with it at the time.

【Clay】Yeah, yeah. Right.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two anime does Clay list as being anime that “everyone watched?”
  2. Which anime film traumatized Sarah while watching it as a kid?
  3. What was the main way that Sarah was introduced to anime?



  1. Clay said that Dragon Ball and Pokémon were both anime that were always extremely popular in America.
  2. Princess Mononoke, though her mother thought would be appropriate for children, turned out to be quite shocking and frightened Sarah the first time she watched it.
  3. Sarah was introduced to anime through her high school’s anime club.



Sarah and Clay continue their discussion of anime and how anime is viewed in the United States. In this episode, they discuss whether or not anime is considered “cool” in the United States.

Clay mentions that he, like most people in his generation, watched certain anime in his childhood, like Dragon Ball and Pokémon, which had always been popular in the United States. Still, as he grew up and entered high school, he continued watching different anime, and felt that because of that, he was considered by his peers as somewhat “nerdy.”

Sarah’s mother introduced her to the Studio Ghibli anime film Princess Mononoke when she was quite young. Her mother thought that because it was an animated film, it would be intended for children. However, it turned out to be so shocking that Sarah described herself as feeling traumatized after watching it.

Princess Mononoke is nevertheless one of Sarah’s favorite films, and she continued her interest in anime into high school. Her high school had an anime club, and through that, Sarah was truly introduced to anime, coming to love it even more as a result.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Back away(後退する、取り下げる)

back awayは後ろへ下がることを意味し、特に恐怖から後退りすることを表します。例えば、ハイキング中に突然蛇が現れて後ろへ下がるような状況で使います。その他、計画や提案から手を引いたり、取り下げる意味もあります。

  • Watch out! Back away. There’s a snake right there.
  • For some reason, he backed away from the deal.
  • You have to take advantage of this opportunity. Don’t back away from it.

2) Uncool(ダサい、格好悪い)

uncoolはnot coolと同じ意味になり、「ダサい」や「格好悪い」を表します。一般的にはnot coolが使われますが、人や状況によってはuncoolが使われることもあります。

  • Some people think watching anime is uncool, but I don’t think so. I love it.
  • Baggy jeans used to be a thing, but apparently it’s uncool now.
  • Don’t litter. That’s not cool. Pick up your trash.

3) Somewhat(少し)

Somewhatは「多少」や「やや」を意味します。意味はa littleと似ており、微妙な程度を表すときに使います。例えば、「私はちょっとびっくりしています」は“I’m somewhat surprised.”と表します。また、今日の会話でクレイが言った“I’m somewhat of a nerd.”は、「私はちょっとオタクです」を意味します。一般的に、somewhatの後には形容詞が来ますが、somewhat ofで表現をする場合は名詞が続きます。

  • The situation is somewhat getting better.
  • The design is somewhat different from what I had in mind.
  • I’m somewhat of a homebody. I like staying at home and watching movies.

4) It’s no big deal(大したことない)

big dealは「大事なこと」や「重大なこと」を意味することから、“It’s no big deal.”は「大したことないよ」や「気にしないで」といった意味になります。問題やミスが起こった時に「大したことじゃないよ」と言ったり、相手から必要以上に感謝されたり謝られた時に「どうってことないよ」と返答するような場面で使います。日常会話では、It’sを省いてシンプルに“No big deal.”と言うのも一般的です。また、“It’s not a big deal.”と表現することもありますが、意味は全く同じです。

  • You don’t have to apologize. It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it.
  • You forgot your wallet? No big deal. I’ll get it.
  • I don’t know why he’s so upset. It’s not a big deal.

5) Nightmare(悪夢)

nightmareは「悪夢」を意味します。“I had a nightmare last night.”のように、実際に悪い夢を見たことを表す時に使うだけでなく、悪夢のような出来事や経験を表す時にもこの表現を使うことができます。例えば、海外旅行中に立て続けに発生したトラブルを「悪夢のようだった」と表現する時は、“It was a nightmare.”と言います。

  • I had a terrible nightmare last night. I couldn’t go back to sleep.
  • My business trip to New York was a nightmare. Everything went wrong.
  • Something serious happening to their kid is every parents’ worst nightmare.



  • Perception・・・ 見方・偏見
  • Nerdy・・・オタク
  • Traumatized・・・トラウマになった


  • Aware of・・・〜に気づく









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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