
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.07.23





【Sam】Yeah, yeah, and—and, like confidence is important for taking action, right?

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】And—and college—like, the secret to college I think is that…especially for—for people of our generation who kind of—we grew up a little bit on rails, a lot of us do…


【Sam】…where it’s like, your—your things are decided. Like, your parents are like, “You should take this club.” And, you go to the school and the school gives you the assignments and you do the homework. And you don’t have to think too much about what you’re going to do. You just spend most of your time worrying about doing it right.

【Vicki】Yeah, yeah.

【Sam】Or—or getting mad not wanting to do it, right?


【Sam】But you know what…you know what it is.

【Vicki】Yeah, mm hm.

【Sam】And once you get into college it’s a lot more freeform.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】Basically, college says, “Here are a bunch of incredible opportunities. But we’re not going to tell you which ones that—would be the best for you because we don’t know.”


【Sam】“And we’re not even going to tell you where all of them are because you have to look that information up.”

【Vicki】(laughs) Yeah.

【Sam】And so, there are clubs for everything.


【Sam】There are opportunities for everything. There are people doing all sorts of stuff.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】All different areas of knowledge that you could major in or try out.


【Sam】And it can be really overwhelming. Like, for me it was overwhelming, especially my first couple of years.


【Sam】And so there are all sorts of things that I could’ve done. Like—and, there were things I did do, but I kind of gave up soon—too soon. Like, I—I did the radio station for a bit where…


【Sam】…where I—I was on their practice…they have the AM station for practicing…


【Sam】…and then if you prove yourself, you get to go on the FM station.


【Sam】And so, I did the AM station for a while and, you know, I kind of worked at it. But then I just sort of faded—fizzled out.

【Vicki】Mm. What went on—what was the program? Was it just like…

【Sam】Mine? I just played music I liked.

【Vicki】Music? Oh, okay. (laughs)

【Sam】Like everyone just—most people just played music they liked and they had some sort of catchy slogan for, like why—why their program was different, or something. I…so, it’s the same thing. I—I tried to play, like whole albums, and they’re like, “Don’t play albums.” You know, “You have to mix things up. People don’t want to listen to one band for 40 minutes.” So I’m like, “I do!”


【Sam】So yeah, like, it—it was a school on the beach. I didn’t go to the beach enough. I didn’t learn how to surf. And, yeah. Just lots of opportunities: bands I could’ve joined, music I could’ve gotten involved with. You know, the—the newspaper. All sorts of clubs and learning how to do things.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What difference between high school and college does Sam mention in this episode?
  2. What activity did Sam mention doing while in college in this episode?
  3. What did people at the radio station tell Sam not to do?



  1. Sam says that one receives a lot of guidance in high school, whereas in college, a person is expected to be more independent with their choices.
  2. He worked briefly for his college’s radio station, playing music he enjoyed on the airwaves.
  3. They told Sam not to play full albums of music.



Sam shares his thoughts on what he wishes he did differently during his time in college. Overall, he wishes he had taken greater advantage of the opportunities college presented him with.

Sam thinks that in high school, students’ lives are guided by parents and mentors, whereas in college, students are expected to be much more independent. Sam was overwhelmed in his first year of college with the number of opportunities he was presented with.

One activity Sam did try out for a time was working for his school’s radio station. The school allowed students to practice on its AM station and if they did well enough, they would be allowed onto the FM station.

Sam started on the AM station by playing music he enjoyed, sometimes playing full albums. However, the people at his radio station told him he shouldn’t play full albums and should mix up the artists and songs he played.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Incredible(素晴らしい)


  • That was an incredible performance.
  • What an incredible game! Everyone played their hearts out.
  • Congratulations! That’s an incredible accomplishment. I’m so proud of you!

2) Look up(〜を調べる)

“look up”は、本やインターネットを使って何らかの情報を調べることを意味します。searchやresearchも「調べる」を意味する単語ですが、これらには研究者などが本格的に何かを調べたり、徹底的に何かを調査するニュアンスが含まれるため、気軽に「調べる」と表現したいのであれば“look up”を使うといいでしょう。日常会話でよく耳にする表現で、例えば、お店の営業時間をネットで調べたり、スマートフォンを使って目的地までの道順を調べたり、分からない単語を辞書で調べたりするような状況で使われます。

  • Can you look up the directions to the restaurant?
  • I think the last train is at midnight, but let me look it up just in case.
  • I usually look up recipes on Cookpad.

3) Fizzle out(少しずつ終わる)

fizzleは本来、炭酸飲料の泡がシューっと音を立てて徐々に消えていく様子を表しますが、日常会話では勢いが徐々になくなってフェードアウトしたり、計画していたことが途中でダメになる意味で使われます。例えば、友達と一緒に沖縄旅行をする話で盛り上がったが、プランを話し合うことなく数ヶ月が経ち、最終的に沖縄旅行の計画が立ち消えとなるような状況で“fizzle out”が使われます。

  • Our plan to Okinawa fizzled out.
  • I got busy with work and my YouTube channel fizzled out.
  • My friends and I were talking about starting an app together but that idea fizzled out.

4) Catchy(覚えやすい)

catchyは「人の心をとらえる」を意味する表現で、多くの人に受け入れやすいものを指します。例えば、一度聞いたらすぐに覚えてしまうような曲やメロディーは“a catchy song”、印象に残る会社のキャッチコピーは“a catchy slogan”、YouTubeで視聴者の目を引く面白そうなタイトルは“a catchy title”と言います。

  • This is a catchy song. Is this Justin Bieber?
  • We need to come up with a catchy title. Does anybody have any ideas?
  • I really like your logo. It’s very catchy!

5) Mix up(ゴチャゴチャにする)

“mix up”は「ごちゃ混ぜにする」や「混同する」を意味する表現です。秩序あるものをゴチャゴチャにするような状況で使う時もあれば、頭が混乱したり、心が乱れた状態を表す時にも使います。

その他、“mix up”は「間違える」や「勘違いをする」といった意味でも使われます。例えば、6時の集合時間を7時だと勘違いした場合は「I mixed up the time.(時間を勘違いしていた。)」と表現します。

  • Instead of studying your English expressions in alphabetical order, you should mix them up.
  • I always mix up John and Jason. Is John the lawyer or is that Jason?
  • Sorry I mixed up the time. I thought we were meeting at 7.



  • Assignments・・・宿題
  • Freeform・・・自由な
  • Overwhelming・・・圧倒される


  • Take action・・・行動を起こす
  • On rails・・・敷かれたレールの上
  • All sorts of stuff・・・いろんなこと
  • Prove oneself・・・自分の実力を示す









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Take より:

    Hi Jun!
    Samが“fizzled out”といった時、その前に“faded out”と言いかけて直したのかなと思ったのですが、どうなのでしょうか?もし言い直したのであれば、意味の違いはありますか?

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