
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.06.25





【Vicki】I probably should’ve done the worst first, actually. But, worst…

【Sam】Yeah, this is going to be a real downer.


【Sam】I’m going to be depressed.

【Vicki】No, it’s not—I mean, basically it was…this happened more than once but, like the fact that…I remember one time I—when I’d get sick, I wouldn’t really, like do much about it because there’s so much pressure. Like, “You got to go to class. You can’t miss anything. You got to go to rehearsal. Got to go to my job.”
Like, so you can’t take a break, which is a really bad aspect of, like Yale culture. Maybe it’s different now, but…and the Yale Health Clinic would always be, like full, especially in the fall when everyone’s getting sick. Like, you couldn’t get an appointment for, like two weeks.
So if you had an emergency, you’d have to go to, like the hospital. And so, I had, like a sore throat for, like three weeks straight. And I was like, “I think I have tonsillitis or strep throat or something.” But I was like, “I—I don’t think it’s, like serious enough to go to the hospital, is it? Like, a sore throat?” I was like, doubting myself about it.
And then…so I was, like going to rehearsal. I was going to class. I was taking, like Excedrin, you know, painkillers. And man, it was, like horrible, because nobody really knew, because I didn’t really say anything about it. So, like when I look back, I was like, “Man, that was such a dumb thing. Why didn’t I just go to the hospital?”
Like…so that was—and that happened, like probably twice…two or three times—where I’d get really sick and wouldn’t really do anything about it. And it just seemed like everyone else is so busy that nobody really notices. Like, that’s how I felt, you know? It’s like, everyone’s got their own thing going on.
Like, you know, you have to kind of stand up for yourself, and I wasn’t that kind of person yet in college. I was, you know, pretty quiet, pretty, like to myself. So I wish I’d been more…I don’t know…what’s the word? Like, assertive, you know?

【Sam】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicki】And just be like, “I’m going to get the treatment I deserve.” You know, and gone to the doctor or something. But that was horrible, when I got sick. It was just like…


【Vicki】…I had to just power through it. There’s no breaks.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What negative aspect of Yale culture did Vicki mention?
  2. When symptoms started appearing, why didn’t Vicki go to the hospital?
  3. What does Vicki wish she’d done when she was sick at Yale looking back?



  1. She said there was pressure to never take breaks and to work and study constantly at Yale.
  2. She felt pressured by the culture and people around her to continue working and studying despite her sickness.
  3. She wishes she’d been more assertive and gone to the hospital.



After discussing their best moments in college, Sam and Vicki now talk about their worst. Vicki’s worst experience was a time that she became very sick while at Yale.

Vicki believes one negative aspect of Yale culture is the pressure to never take breaks and always keep working and studying. So when she became very sick, she felt pressured not to take a day off or seek treatment.

In addition, the Yale Health Clinic was usually very busy and it was very difficult to get an appointment. Her next option was to go to the hospital, but she instead decided to take painkillers and continue with her work and studies.

In retrospect, Vicki wishes she’d been more assertive and sought out the care she needed. She admits though that at the time, she was pretty quiet and not as assertive as she wished she was.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Downer(場を盛り下げる人・がっかりする話)

downerはdownから成り立った表現で、場を盛り下げる人や気分や雰囲気が落ち込むような話、気の滅入るような出来事を指します。この表現は、場を盛り下げる人の意味で使われることが多く、そのような人をDebbie Downerと呼びます。Debbie Downerはアメリカの有名なテレビ番組のキャラクターの名前に由来する表現で、みんなが楽しんでいる場で常にネガティブなことを言うような人を指します。“Don’t be a Debbie Downer.”は「場を盛り下げないでよ」という意味になり、ネガティブなことばかり言って場をしらけさせるような人に対してよく使われます。

  • Why would he say something like that? He’s such a downer.
  • Don’t be a Debbie Downer. Just relax and have fun.
  • I hate to be a downer but I think we should get going. It’s getting late.

2) Miss(休む)


  • I’ve never missed a day of work.
  • I had to miss class today because I had a doctor’s appointment.
  • I’m sorry I missed your performance. How did it go?

3) Stand up for oneself(自分のために立ち上がる)

直訳で「自分のために立つ」となるこの表現は、相手から批判されたり、悪口を言われたり、または何かを押し付けられた時に、自分の意見や見解をしっかりと主張することを意味します。例えば、“Stand up for yourself.”は「毅然とした態度を取りなさい」、“Thanks for standing up for me.”は「私をかばってくれてありがとう」、“Stand up for what you think is right.”は「正しいと思うことのために立ち上がりなさい」といった意味になります。

  • Stop being a pushover and stand up for yourself.
  • Thanks for having my back and standing up for me.
  • You have to stand up for what you think is right.

4) What’s the word?(何て言うんだっけ?)

“What’s the word?”は言いたい言葉がパッと思い浮かばない時に使われる表現で、日本語の「なんて言うんだっけ?」に相当します。例えば、今日学んだフレーズ、「場を盛り下げる人」の単語がパッと思い浮かばない時に、“What’s the word? Oh yeah, Debbie Downer.”のように言います。その他、「あの場所の名前は何だっけ?」は“What’s the name of that place?”、「あの人の名前は何だっけ?」は“What’s his name?”と言い、ここでは“What was ____?”のように過去形にしてもOKです。

  • A few weeks ago, I learned a new word for a small party. What’s the word? Oh yeah, kickback.
  • What was the name of the steakhouse we went to last week? Was it Fleming’s?
  • What’s the word for「マフラー」in English again? Oh yea, scarf!
    (マフラーって英語でなんて言うんだっけ? そうだ、scarfだ!)

5) Power through(何とかやりぬく)

power throughは、困難な状況でも諦めずに最後までやり通すことを意味します。どれだけ嫌なことや辛いことであろうと、根性と負けん気で何とかして成し遂げる状況で使われます。

  • Don’t give up. You’re almost done. Power through it.
  • I’m exhausted but I have to power through it and finish the project.
  • She’s mentally tough. She can power through anything.



  • Straight・・・連続で
  • Tonsillitis・・・扁桃腺炎
  • Painkiller・・・鎮痛剤
  • Assertive・・・自己主張する


  • Take a break・・・休む
  • Bad aspect・・・悪い側面
  • Sore throat・・・喉の痛み
  • Strep throat・・・レンサ球菌咽頭炎
  • When I look back・・・思い返せば
  • Got one’s own thing going on・・・自分のことで手いっぱい









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Akiko より:

    0.5倍速で聞いてもWhat’s the word?

  2. Yoshiki より:


    • Jun より:

      Yoshikiさん、いつもありがとうございます!Upperという言葉はあるのですが、「盛り上がる話や人」と言う意味では使えません。Upperは気分を高揚させる drug(薬物)を意味するので、使い方には気をつけてください😅

  3. ほたる より:


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