
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.06.11

第341回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「フラタニティとソロリティ」です。今日の会話では、ビッキーとサムがそれぞれの大学のフラタニティとソロリティについて話します。フラタニティとソロリティは、「Greek Life」とも呼ばれるアメリカの大学の社交クラブで、毎年多くの学生がGreek Lifeに参加します。ビッキーとサムの会話を聞いて、アメリカのフラタニティとソロリティ文化について学びましょう。




【Sam】You mentioned frats—fraternities, sororities

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…these…I guess it’s a very American thing.


【Sam】These Greek letter organizations that you join and then they kind of become part of you for life, or you become part of them for life. Did you…

【Vicki】Yeah, yeah.

【Sam】Did you participate in any of that?

【Vicki】Nah, I was not interested. To be honest, like I had a few friends who were involved. But to me, like most of my friends were, like in the music—like, the music kids, ‘cause (because) I was doing choir.

【Sam】Mm hm.

【Vicki】I did an acapella group. I also did, like an—opera club I was in. And so those were my friends. And a lot of my friends were guys, actually.


【Vicki】And I was just like, ever since I was little, I got along really well with guys, and I just had no desire to be in a group of just girls, to be honest. (laughs) Like, I just—it didn’t appeal to me. And I was like, “For what? Like, you guys have parties and that’s it?”
Like, I’m not much of a partier. Like, I would go to parties if my friends were going. But I…I just didn’t really care to just…I don’t know. I—it never appealed to me. I—I don’t know why. What—it was just, like I didn’t really feel like I needed to be in one.


【Vicki】I feel like some people feel like that’s a way to make friends. That’s a way to have a community, you know? But I already felt like I had a community. Like, I…


【Vicki】…I had my singing, artistic friends, and like, that was enough. So I didn’t need to join a sorority. It seemed like just more time and I was already so busy anyway. Like, I—I wasn’t interested.

【Sam】Absolutely. And it…it depends on the school. I know that there are some schools that are where the “Greek life” as you call it…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…is a very big part of the social fabric


【Sam】…of that school. And in—in those schools there are a lot of cool benefits.


【Sam】But at a school…

【Vicki】Yeah, at Yale, they’re not that big, so.

【Sam】Right. And Santa Barbara as well. You know, they have them and people who are in them have a good time. But…


【Sam】…you don’t have to. You can have a perfectly cool time at college without being in one. I didn’t join one, like…just—just like with a lot of the things that I did or did not do at college, it was just convenience.


【Sam】Like, I just didn’t…

【Vicki】Bit too much trouble to join?


【Vicki】It’s like all, “hazingand all that. (laughs)

【Sam】Or, like I didn’t…I didn’t know what to do or I didn’t know enough about it. If—if I…was doing college again now, I might actually try one, just ‘cause it—there were some interesting parts of it. You got to meet a lot of people. There were a lot of interesting events. There was also some structure. Like…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…the frats would have study times.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Did either Sam or Vicki participate in a fraternity, sorority, or “Greek life” in general?
  2. Was Greek life a big part of student life at Yale, according to Vicki?
  3. What benefit of fraternity life does Sam mention at the end of the episode?



  1. Neither of them participated in Greek life in college.
  2. No. Vicki says that though there were fraternities and sororities, they weren’t very big.
  3. Some fraternities provided structure to their members, such as required study times.



Sam and Vicki talk about “Greek life” at their universities. This refers to the college fraternities and sororities whose names include Greek letters.

At Yale, Vicki didn’t participate in Greek life. She had other forms of community, such as her choir group and her own circle of friends.

Additionally, Vicki just didn’t see the appeal in Greek life. She thought they were more concerned with partying than studying.

Sam also didn’t participate in Greek life at UC Santa Barbara, though it was available. He observed that some fraternities and sororities offered their members structure, such as required study times throughout the week.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Fraternity / Sorority(男子・女子の社交クラブ)


  • Were you in a frat when you were in college?
  • Apparently, Lisa is pledging for a sorority.
  • It’s pretty common for students to join fraternities and sororities in college.

2) For life(一生)

for lifeはfor the rest of one’s lifeを省略した言い方で、「この先ずっと」や「一生」を意味します。終身刑の判決を受ける状況で使うときもあれば、もう少しカジュアルに一生の友人や生涯のパートナーを表す時にも使われ、日本語の「死ぬまでずっと」に近い表現です。

  • He was sentenced to prison for life.
  • We’ve known each other since elementary school. We’re friends for life.
  • I gave up on finding a girlfriend. I’m going to be a single for life.

3) Have no desire to(〜する気がしない)

desireは「願望」や「欲望」を意味することから、have no desire toは何かをする気が全くないことを意味します。I don’t want toも何かをしたくない気持ちを表す時に使われますが、I have no desire toと表現することで、全くやりたくない気持ちが強調されます。

  • 日常会話ではhave no desire toの代わりにhave zero desire toと表現することもよくあります。
  • I quit smoking five years ago. I have no desire to smoke.
  • To be honest, I have no desire to get married or have kids. I’m more focused on my career.
  • When I was in high school, I had zero desire to study English.

4) Not much of(あまり〜でない)

not much ofは「あまり〜でない」や「そんなに〜でない」を意味し、自分があまり好きではないことや興味がないこと、得意ではないことに対して使われます。例えば、今日の会話でビッキーが “I’m not much of a partier.” と言いましたが、これは「私はあまりパーティー好きではない」を意味します。この表現はbe動詞と組み合わせて使われ、not much ofの後には名詞が続くことが多いです。

  • I’m not much of a reader. I prefer audiobooks or watching movies.
  • I’ll drink every now and then but I’m not much of a drinker.
  • I’ll pass on clubbing tonight. I’m not much of a dancer.

5) And all that(などなど)

and all thatは同類のものを挙げるときに会話でよく使われる表現で、「〜など」や「そのようなもの」を意味します。意味と使い方はand things like thatとほぼ同じで、一般的に文末に使われます。

  • In Japan, we visited museums, temples and all that.
  • I went to the grocery store and picked up food, drinks and all that.
  • When I was a kid, I used to play soccer, baseball and all that.



  • Appeal・・・魅力を感じる
  • Social fabric・・・社交基盤
  • Hazing・・・新人いびり


  • American thing・・・アメリカ的なもの
  • Ever since・・・〜の頃から
  • Get along well with・・・〜と気が合う
  • That was enough・・・それだけで十分だった









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. :) より:

    You and Akina san will be wonderful parents♪

  2. Emi より:

    Hi Jun san,
    Congratulations on your growing family!!
    Thank you for sharing the happy news!! I’m sure you will be a kind and nice dad! I’m also excited to listening to next episode for the gender revealing party! Have fun and please take care of Akina san.

    • Jun より:

      Thank you, Emi! We’re both extremely excited. I’ll let you and the rest of the listeners know about the gender reveal party in the episode next week 😊

  3. Takeshi より:


  4. mariko より:

    “I’ll drink every now and then.”は、自分の習慣について話しているのに、現在形ではなく未来形なのですね。”I almost always get up at 8.”とは何か違うのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:

      marikoさん、 every now and then は「時々」、almost always は「ほぼ必ず」を意味します。こちらのHapaの記事に解説していますので、ご覧ください。http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=14070

  5. STRADA より:

    I learned a word “ have a bun in the oven”.
    Which phrase of “pregnant” or “ have a bun in the oven” is commonly used?

    • Jun より:

      Thank you! The more common expression is “pregnant”. “Bun in the oven” is a fun way to say someone’s pregnant 😊

  6. かおる より:


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