
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.05.21





【Vicki】So Sam, what was your college life like in terms of, like the social aspect, the studying, and jobs, and all that? What was, like your kind of average day like? Maybe that’s a good…

【Sam】Yeah, yeah, studying. Yeah, I definitely did a lot of that. (laughs)


【Sam】No, my—my college life—it was…I would say it was a little bit unfocused.


【Sam】I was very fortunate that I didn’t have to work in college. You know, some people have to go into a lot of debt, or have to work…


【Sam】…maybe their way through college.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】My parents saved up for college funds for me and it…

【Vicki】Oh, that’s great.

【Sam】…and it—it was enough for the college that I chose. So, I was lucky then.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】But I’d say my life was…you know, I’d go to classes. I had classes every day; at least, you know, two, sometimes three or four classes. And because I studied languages, every day I’d do, you know, like a Japanese class and a Chinese class in the morning.


【Sam】And I had the—the five days a week. I was really annoyed actually because…


【Sam】…other languages, like the German classes were at, you know, noon or 1.


【Sam】But Japanese…Japanese was at…

【Vicki】Okay, same thing in my school: 9 in the morning. (laughs)

【Sam】Yeah, yeah!


【Sam】Japanese. I have, like 8 in the morning for Chinese. Who—who wants to do Chinese at 8 in the morning? That’s too much.

【Vicki】Yeah, I don’t know why. It was like…it just happened to be that way, or the teachers chose that? I don’t know.

【Sam】Yeah, maybe they all have a—like, a contest to see…


【Sam】…when they can make their classes. And the Asian Studies wing, like lost the contest, so they all had to go early.


【Sam】So yeah. You know, so—so yeah. I would have some classes in the morning and I—I kinda (kind of )…I have to admit, a little bit ashamedly: I just didn’t study that much.


【Sam】Like, I would study sometimes and my grades were always around, you know, As and Bs, but I definitely could have studied more.


【Sam】I spent a lot of time just playing video games with friends. I lived at a school that was near the beach, so I’d go to the beach sometimes.

【Vicki】Cool. Nice.

【Sam】And then in my—in my last year of college, I got more involved in a—like, some campus, you know, student groups.


【Sam】So that then I was a little bit more social. And my third year was a study abroad year in Kyoto, so that was…

【Vicki】Oh, wow.

【Sam】…totally different and…


【Sam】…not at all like American culture. Like, not even a little bit.

【Vicki】That’s so cool.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Sam consider himself fortunate with regards to college life?
  2. Which language classes did both Sam and Vicki have to take early in the morning while in college?
  3. Where did Sam study abroad for a year in college?



  1. Sam considers himself fortunate because his family saved up money for his college funds, allowing him to go to college without debt or work.
  2. They both discovered that classes for Asian languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, were often held early in the morning.
  3. He studied abroad in Kyoto, Japan.



Sam and Vicki open their talks with a discussion about their lives in college. Sam details his own college life in particular.

Sam describes his college life as “unfocused.” He does however consider himself fortunate, since his parents raised enough money to pay his college expenses.

Sam studied several languages in college, including Chinese, German, and Japanese. Both he and Vicki noticed that the Asian language classes at their schools were often early in the morning.

In Sam’s third year of college, he studied abroad in Kyoto, Japan. Then, finally, in his fourth year, he got involved with campus student groups.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) In terms of(〜に関して)

「〜に関して」は様々な表現方法がありますが、その1つがin terms ofです。regardingやas forも同じ意味で使うことができますが、両者がビジネスなどフォーマルな場面で使われる傾向があるのに対し、in terms ofはカジュアルでもフォーマルでも使うことができます。

  • In terms of food, I can eat pretty much anything.
  • In terms of weather, you can’t beat LA.
  • In terms of language, Japanese and English are very different.

2) Debt(借金)

debtは「借金」を意味します。「借金をする」はget/go into debt、「借金がある」はbe in debt、「借金から抜け出す」はget out of debtのように表現し、組み合わせる動詞と前置詞によって意味が異なります。

  • Make sure you pay off your credit card every month or else you’ll get into debt.
  • He’s financially struggling right now. He’s in a lot of debt.
  • I paid off my loans and finally got out of debt.

3) Who wants to ____?(〜したい人なんていないでしょう)

「Who wants to ____?」を直訳すると「〜したい人はいますか?」ですが、日常会話では皮肉を込めて「〜したい人なんていないでしょう?」といった意味で使われます。例えば、今日の会話でサムは、「Who wants to do Chinese at 8 in the morning?」と言いますが、ここでは「午前8時に中国語を勉強したい人はいますか?」と問いかけているのではなく、「午前8時に中国語を勉強したい人なんていないでしょう?」を意味します。この表現は「Nobody wants to ____.」と同じ意味合いになります。

  • Who wants to waste their money and time on this?
  • Who wants to wait in line for three hours for a hamburger?
  • Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars when you can get it for free online?

4) It just happened to be that way(たまたまそうなった)

happen toは偶然の出来事に対して使われる表現で、「たまたま〜である」を意味します。日常会話ではjustと一緒に組み合わせて使う傾向があり、偶然起こったことをさらに強調します。例えば、「たまたまそうなりました」は「It just happened to be that way.」、「駅でばったり高校時代の友達に会いました」は「I just happened to see my high school friend at the train station.」と言います。

  • ちなみに、Do you happen to ____? と疑問形にすると「ひょっとして〜?」になり、Do you ____?よりも控えめな尋ね方になります。
  • One thing led to another and it just happened to be that way.
  • I saw Tom in Paris. We just happened to be visiting Paris at the same time.
  • Do you happen to have a phone charger on you?

5) I have to admit(正直に言うと)

admitは何かが事実であると認めることを意味することから、I have to admitは「正直に言うと」を意味します。「正直に言うと」はto be honestやto tell you the truthなど様々な表現の仕方がありますが、I have to admitは、「恥ずかしいけど認めざるを得ない」気持ちを表すときに使われることが多いです。

  • I have to admit, I didn’t study much English when I was in high school.
  • I have to admit, I screwed up. That was all my fault.
  • I have to admit, I didn’t prepare for the presentation and I just winged it.



  • Unfocused・・・何かに打ち込めない
  • (be) Annoyed・・・嫌に思う
  • Grades・・・成績


  • Social aspect・・・友達付き合い
  • Save up・・・貯金する
  • College funds・・・大学資金












  1. あい より:


    And the Asian Studies wing, like lost the contest, とはどのような意味でしょうか?

    • Jun より:

      Hi あいさん!ここは、「いつ授業が行われるかコンテストが行われてアジア学部が(コンテストに)負けてクラスと全て早朝になった」とサムが冗談を言っています。

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


