
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.05.07





【Marina】But, yeah, how ‘bout (about)—how ‘bout you? What are—what’s the one thing you—you would change if you could? (laughs)

【Nate】Okay, this is kind of, like…kind of serious. A little bit not serious.

【Marina】Uh huh.

【Nate】But for me, recently I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube, Netflix and that kind of thing with COVID-19 going on. And…

【Marina】Mm hm.

【Nate】…and I think our…our source of entertainment—the thing that entertains us—I think it’s way too sexualized.


【Nate】Like, if you listen to the music of today, the pop, hip-hop music of the day, that—that’s being produced from, like Hollywood and that thing, like it’s bad content. It’s a lot of, like…talks about just stuff that really I—I don’t think should be sung about. It shouldn’t be talked about in this light.
Movies as well, like some topics or some scenes, like, we don’t need this, do we? To be entertained? I think our level of that has just gotten a little bit too extreme. I think there’s definitely a place for that, but I think in mainstream media, I think US probably should pull back the reigns a little bit on that. What do you think about that idea?

【Marina】That’s interesting.

【Nate】I guess—that’s super controversial. It’s—it’s more of my opinion, but…how do you feel?

【Marina】It…it is. I mean, I think it also is kind of, like goes into this idea of, like what is exploitation and what is empowerment?


【Marina】Because it—like, how—how certain, like sexualized images are portrayed, and like how—like, the degree of consent that was given and how, like they’re going to continue being portrayed. And there is a strong obsession with sexualization in the US and I…but, I think it’s also not unique to the US.

【Nate】Yeah, I don’t think it’s unique to the US. It is definitely there. But I just think the level of that…like, the boldness behind it. Like, I was thinking of lyrics that I’ve heard on YouTube. Like, I’m just listening to a song, like it’s on the Top 20 Song list or whatever…

【Marina】Uh huh.

【Nate】…and they’re saying some bad stuff in that song. Like, if you’re listening to it, if you say it, like it…


【Nate】…it’s too much. It’s way too much. And the fact that it’s kind of, like mainstream, like if you go on YouTube, it’s gonna (going to) be there. Radio, they’ll censor it, right? Because the viewers could be just driving in the car…

【Marina】Uh huh.

【Nate】…so they’ll censor it. But on YouTube, which is pretty much age—like, not age-restricted. Like, I could just Google it or YouTube it, and I think it’s too much.

【Marina】I think it’s somewhat age—I think YouTube is somewhat age-restricted now, from what I understand. There’s some things that they have—they have been able to age-restrict based on their accounts.

【Nate】Oh, that’s good. Thank goodness.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Nate’s criticism of American media and pop culture?
  2. How unique to American culture do Marina and Nate feel sexualization in media is?
  3. How did Nate feel after listening to songs on the Top 20 list?



  1. He feels it contains too much sexual imagery and is far too sexualized.
  2. Neither think it is unique to American culture, though it may be uniquely intense in American culture.
  3. He felt that the lyrics of many of these songs were saying nasty things or encouraging bad behavior.



Marina and Nate continue their discussion of American culture by examining the things about it they’d like to see changed. For Nate, it is the oversexualization of much of American pop culture and media.

Nate feels that much of American media is saturated with overly sexual imagery, such as in films, songs, and other media. In particular, he feels the lyrics in certain popular songs are far too extreme in their sexual content.

Marina wonders about how much consent is given by those participating in such media to engage in overly sexual content. In other words, what is “empowerment” and what is “exploitation?”

Both Marina and Nate feel, however, that this problem is not unique to America. But they also feel that America does have an obsession with sexualized imagery and content.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Way too(〜すぎる)

way tooは「〜すぎる」や「あまりにも〜すぎる」を意味する口語的な表現です。「値段が高すぎる」は「It’s too expensive.」のように強調したい形容詞の前にtooを加えるだけで表現できますが、「It’s way too expensive.」と表現することで値段が高すぎることをさらに強調することができます。

  • It’s way too hot in here. Can you turn down the AC?
  • This curry is way too spicy. I can’t eat it.
  • This coffee shop is way too crowded. Let’s find another place.

2) Mainstream(主流の)

mainstreamは「主流の」を意味する単語で、世の中で大半の人たちが当たり前だと思うことや一般的に受け入れられる考え方を指します。例えば、mainstream musicは一般の人が聞くポップミュージックを指し、mainstream mediaはNHKやCNN、読売新聞やNew York Timesなど、大手のマスメディアを指します。

  • I don’t really listen to mainstream music. I like underground hip hop.
  • There are more and more people who don’t trust mainstream media.
  • Anime isn’t a niche anymore. It’s becoming mainstream.

3) Pull back the reins(〜をコントロールする)

reinsは「馬につける手網」を意味することから、この表現は本来、手綱を引いて馬を制御するときに使われています。しかし日常会話では、手に負えなくなってきた物事を再びコントロールしたり、誰かが自分勝手な言動をしないように抑制する意味としても使われます。一般的には pull in the reinsと表現し、このフレーズは一般的にはあまり耳にしない珍しい表現です。

  • I think you should pull in the reins a bit.
  • It’s getting out of control. We need to pull in the reins.
  • We need to pull in the reins on the current situation before it gets out of hand.

4) Controversial(議論を引き起こす)


  • What are your thoughts on this controversial topic?
  • He’s in a lot of trouble because he made a controversial remark.
  • It’s a controversial documentary but it’s worth watching it.

5) Bold(大胆な、勇敢な)

また人の性格に限らず、bold decision(大胆な決断)や、bold idea(大胆なアイディア)、bold plan(大胆な計画)など、普通では考えられないような思い切った発想や行為を表す時に使うこともできます。

  • She is a bold person who isn’t afraid to take risks.
  • I can’t believe he decided to quit his job and move to Australia. That’s a bold decision.
  • Sometimes you need to act with a little boldness to accomplish big things.



  • Exploitation・・・搾取
  • Empowerment・・・権利・権力
  • Portrayed・・・描かれている
  • Censor・・・検閲


  • In this light・・・こんな形で
  • A place for・・・〜する場
  • Obsession with・・・執着が強い
  • From what I understand・・・私が理解する限り



Nathan (Nate)






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ダイ より:

    質問なのですが、saying nasty things or encouraging bad behaviorの部分のnastyは、最近ですと日本語の「ヤバい」のように良い意味合いでも使われると思いますが、この文章のような本来の使い方はやはり前後の会話から推測するしかないのでしょうか。


    • Jun より:

      ダイさん、いつもありがとうございます。nasty は状況によってポジティブな意味として使われますが、今でも本来の意味(不快な、汚らわしい)の意味として使われます。状況や文脈でどっちの意味を示しているのかを理解する必要があります。

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