
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.03.12





【Marina】Okay Nate, so do you think Americans are workaholics or lazy?

【Nate】I—honestly, I think this is a pretty hard question. I think if I were to go strictly between these two, I would have to say “lazy.”


【Nate】Because workaholics to me is, like someone who loves their job. They love working. They’re gonna (going to), you know…that’s what they—they’re all about. But I feel like Americans in general, we are more like, “Okay, I’m gonna work from 9 to 5 and that’s it. Don’t expect anything more of me. Don’t ask me to stay overtime. Like, no.”
And yeah, just in general, like I guess our work ethic is more on the lazy side. Yeah, I would have to go with more “lazy.” But of course, there’s a lot of hardworking people as well.


【Nate】But if I’m just speaking for myself, I would categorize myself as very lazy. Yes, I would—I would have to say that. How ‘bout (about) you, Marina? What do you think?

【Marina】This is actually interesting. So I was having this conversation—a very, like similar conversation with one of my friends recently where we basically just realized…kind of, like backstory. So, like my friends and I, like I think it’s just because of our personalities, and then, like my family too. Like, we’re all very much perfectionists.


【Marina】And so we’ve come—we’ve recently come to the realization that our idea of the bare minimum is not the same as everyone else. Like, this idea of doing the bare minimum—like, our bare minimum is—is doing too much for, like—with what other people are thinking is going “ above and beyond.”
That’s just because, like if we’re going to do the job, we want to, like do it well and, like…but it’s slightly just, like…our personalities that we have to…it has to be done perfectly, which is also slightly unhealthy. Just the amount of time and effort and concern and anxiety that we’ve put into things.


【Marina】So, like I have the…I have trouble with—with, like categorizing Americans as “workaholics” or “lazy” because there are definitely people where I’m like, “You’re not even doing the bare minimum. What is wrong with you? Like, you’re not putting in the effort. Like, just, like take a couple more seconds and look it over and you’ll see.” Like, “Ah, it’s actually, like…I can do a little bit more. And like, the…the result will be, like so much more beautiful.”
So, I do—like, I do—I do know many Americans who I find kind of lazy and it frustrates me to no end.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Does Nate classify Americans as workaholics or lazy?
  2. What quality does Marina have that she’s also noticed in her friends?
  3. What frustrates Marina about many of her fellow Americans?



  1. He believes most Americans are lazy, including himself.
  2. She and her friends are perfectionists when it comes to their work.
  3. She has noticed that many Americans really are lazy and is frustrated by this fact.



Marina and Nate talk about whether most Americans are “workaholics” or “lazy” when it comes to their jobs. Nate personally believes most Americans, including himself, are lazy.

Nate believes most Americans can’t be asked to do more than their typical “9 to 5” amount of work for a job. And he feels that those that do want to work longer hours are usually those who really love their jobs.

Marina and her friends have observed that they are all perfectionists when it comes to their work. They often work very hard to complete a job and this can sometimes cause unhealthy stress.

Marina herself has difficulty categorizing Americans in general as either “workaholics” or as “lazy.” She has however noticed many lazy Americans, a fact that frustrates her.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) All about(〜が大切である)

(be) all about は状況によって様々な訳し方がありますが、一般的に「〜が大切だ」や「〜が全てだ」を意味します。例えば、「彼は仕事のことばかり考えています」は「He’s all about work.」、「全てはお客様のためです」は「It’s all about the customers.」、「この本には投資に関することが全て書かれています」は「This book is all about investing.」のように表します。

  • Learning English is all about having fun.
  • If you want to be successful, it’s all about working hard.
  • He’s all about making money. That’s all that matters to him.

2) Backstory(背景)


  • What’s the backstory of this movie?
  • Let me tell you the backstory so you know what’s going on.
  • Do you know the backstory of Hello Kitty? You should look it up. It’s pretty interesting.

3) Bare minimum(最低限の)

Minimumだけでも「最小限」や「最低限」を意味しますが、より強調する場合はbare minimumが使われます。最低限の仕事や勉強や努力、または出費など、目的のために何かを必要最小限に抑える状況で使われます。

  • He’s a pretty lazy worker. He only does the bare minimum.
  • She just does the bare minimum to pass her classes.
  • I’m on a tight budget this month. I need to keep my expenses to the bare minimum.

4) Above and beyond(期待をはるかに超える)

above and beyondは何かが期待以上であることを表す口語表現で、様々な状況で使うことができます。期待以上の活躍、サービス、仕事ぶりなどがその例です。基本的にgo above and beyondや、「be動詞」と組み合わせてis/are above and beyondの形式で使います。

  • The service at that restaurant was excellent. The staff members all went above and beyond.
  • She’s a great manager. She goes above and beyond what is required.
  • Our teacher always goes above and beyond for us.

5) Put in effort(努力する)

仕事や勉強において、目標を達成するために努力をしたり時間を費やしたりすることをput in ____と表現します。「努力する」はput in effort、「力を注ぐ」はput in work、「時間を費やす」はput in timeと表します。

  • If you don’t put in the time and effort to practice, you’re never going to get better.
  • We’ve been putting in a lot of work into this project.
  • He’s ripped because he puts in hours at the gym every day.



  • Workaholics・・・ワーカホリック
  • Strictly・・・どちらかしか
  • Overtime・・・残業
  • Perfectionist・・・完璧主義者
  • Anxiety・・・心配・不安
  • Frustrate・・・イライラする


  • I would have to say・・・〜だと思う
  • Work ethic・・・勤労意欲
  • Come to realization・・・〜に気づく
  • Look it over・・・見直す



Nathan (Nate)






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