
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.02.12





【Marina】So Nate, what are some things you find interesting, unique, (or) strange about US culture?

【Nate】I think one of the things that I would have to confess to is that a lot of the public places are very, very unkept. Very dirty.


【Nate】You think about public restrooms. You think about gas stations. You think about…that sort of thing. Even like, stores, like within their public restrooms, I feel like overall, you don’t want to use them. They’re—they’re just not clean. They’re not kept, right?

【Marina】Oh, not at all, and that’s also something. Whenever I come back from Japan and I’m, like searching for restrooms, I expect there to be one. I see one and just go, “Nope, nope. Not going. Not here.” And have to just keep on find—like, looking for someplace that looks clean. But yeah, no. Definitely the—the general cleanliness of the city is…too—is just, like by leaps and—leaps and bounds different and…yeah.

【Nate】Yeah, it’s—it’s sad. It’s…yeah.

【Marina】It is. And unpleasant.

【Nate】We should—we should work on that. We should work on that, huh?

【Marina】Definitely, definitely.

【Nate】All right, how about yourself? Is there one you’d like to share about something interesting, or strange, or unique?

【Marina】Well, yeah. I guess there’s, like…just kind of how, like alcohol is treated in Japan, if we’re okay to talk about alcohol on the podcast. Just like…so like, for one thing, there’s the, like—some states in the US—or, it’s like, holdovers from Prohibition.
There’s still, like “dry states” or, like, “dry areas” where you can’t buy alcohol, which is, like…I didn’t know that they existed until I went to visit, like a family member in Texas and she was like, “Okay you have to go to one town over…”


【Marina】“…to get—get wine if you want to while you’re staying with me.” And it was just so weird to me. And then also just like, in comparison, Japan there’s the…like, being able to drink alcohol in public.

【Nate】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Marina】You can’t do that here. That—the first I went to Japan it was just like, “Wait, are you sure we’re allowed to do this?” And all my friends were going like, “No, it’s fine. Don’t worry. Just open it up.” And I’m like, “No, no, no, we can’t. We have to, like go someplace and sit down.”


【Marina】“We’re not allowed to do this in public.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of American culture and society does Nate bring up at the beginning of the episode?
  2. What aspect of American culture does Marina mention in response to the prompt at the start?
  3. How did Marina react to the prospect of public drinking in Japan for the first time?



  1. He mentions how poorly maintained most public places, like restrooms and gas stations, are in the United States.
  2. She mentions how drinking in public places is generally illegal in the United States.
  3. She felt that she couldn’t do it and insisted to her friends that they find a private place to drink.



Nate and Marina discuss features of American culture that they find strange or interesting in this episode. Nate starts by talking about how poorly maintained many public places in America are.

Nate notes that places like public restrooms and gas stations are very poorly kept in America, in contrast to their Japanese equivalents. Marina herself says that whenever she returns to America from Japan, she usually avoids public restrooms whenever she can.

Marina mentions that in the United States, drinking in public is generally illegal, unlike in Japan. She recently learned that some states have policies that are legacies of the Prohibition era in the United States.

During her first time in Japan, Marina had to get used to the fact that public drinking is legal there. While out with her friends who told her drinking in public was legal, she still felt as though she shouldn’t and insisted to them that they should find somewhere private to drink.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Unkept(手入れされていない)

この表現は「keep されていない」、つまりきちんと手入れされておらず何かが放置状態であることを表し、汚いトイレや散らかっている部屋、手入れされていない庭などを表すときに使われます。その他、「守られていない約束」の意味もあります。

  • 似た言葉にunkempt がありますが、この表現はボサボサの髪やきちんと手入れされていない髭など、だらしない身なりを表します。
  • This garden is unkept and overgrown.
  • My cat’s fur is a little unkempt and needs a good brushing.
  • He always shows up to work with unkempt hair.

2) By leaps and bounds(飛躍的に)

leap は「飛び跳ねる」、bound は「飛び上がる」ことを意味することから、by leaps and bounds は「飛躍的に」や「急速に」を意味します。英語力が飛躍的に伸びたり、会社が急成長したり、またはコロナの感染者数が急激に増えたりなど、すごい勢いで成長や発展を遂げる様子を表します。この表現は一般的にby leaps and bounds もしくは in leaps and bounds と表現します。

  • After moving to the U.S., her English improved by leaps and bounds.
  • His company has grown by leaps and bounds over the past year.
  • Plant-based eating trend has been growing by leaps and bounds recently.

3) Work on(改善する)

work on は悪いところを「改善する」や「より良くする」ことを意味します。商品やサービスの質を上げたり、能力や技術を向上させたり、態度をあらためるような状況で使われます。また、状況によっては「〜に取り組む」や「〜に取り掛かる」といった意味にもなります。

  • This year, I’m going to work on my pronunciation and become a better English speaker.
  • We are always working on improving customer satisfaction.
  • I need to work on my communication skills.

4) Dry(禁酒の)

この単語には「禁酒の」という意味もあり、例えば「禁酒の州」はdry state と表します。その他、長い間お酒を飲んでいない状態を表すときにも使われ、例えば「彼は3年間禁酒しています」は「He’s been dry for three years.」と言います。

  • Did you know that there are over eighty dry counties in the U.S?
  • Iran is a dry country and it is illegal for both citizens and tourists to drink alcohol.
  • I haven’t had a sip of alcohol since coming back to LA. I’ve been dry for five years now.

5) In comparison with(〜と比べると)

in comparison with は二つのものを比べるときに使われる表現で、「〜と比較して」や「~と比べると」といった意味で使われます。in comparison toと表現することもでき、toとwith どちらを使っても意味は同じです。また、compared toと同じ意味なので置き換えて使うことができます。

  • The food portions in Japan are much smaller in comparison with the U.S.
  • In comparison to men, it’s said that women are better language learners.
  • In comparison to Tokyo, Kanzawa is a lot quieter and laid-back.



  • Confess・・・打ち明ける
  • Unpleasant・・・不快
  • Prohibition・・・禁酒法時代


  • That sort of thing・・・そのようなこと
  • Holdovers・・・名残



Nathan (Nate)






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mariko より:

    do you feel a little bit wierd about the name “super dry beer”?

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