
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.01.15





【Chris】What do you intend to do differently next year?

【Mary】Next year’s gonna (going to) be a weird one. I feel like 2020 kind of made me put my life on hold and stop making so many plans.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】So next year, I just have general goals. I need to figure out what different career I want to start pursuing and start taking steps toward doing something totally different. I think that would be exciting. And being more serious about some of my things that were like side gigs before that maybe I want to make more of a focus.
I have a podcast that I want to get more serious about, and improve my studies. I study Korean pretty seriously. And I want to have 1 creative project; something artistic…

【Chris】That’s like…

【Mary】…whether that’s a children’s book or something I don’t know.

【Chris】Oh, that’s cool!

【Mary】But I got to figure it out by January. (laughs)


【Mary】What about you?

【Chris】Yeah, so this—hopefully next year I’ll be living in Japan, since that was my original plan. So that’s—that’s a pretty large difference and I will be an English teacher instead of…

【Mary】Mm hm.

【Chris】…like, a web marketing CEO.


【Chris】So it’s—it’s a huge transition for sure, and it’s my hope that I’ll be living in the countryside too, versus living in the city here.

【Mary】Yeah, that’ll be different…

【Chris】A huge difference.

【Mary】…in so many ways.

【Chris】Yeah, yeah.

【Mary】Do you speak Japanese? You feel confident about living in a rural area?

【Chris】Yeah. You know that level of—of language learning where you can’t…sometimes you can’t say the sentence but you can sort of re-route and, like change your words?


【Chris】You can always get your meaning across.

【Mary】You can communicate, even if you don’t sound native, yeah.

【Chris】Exactly. Yeah, exactly, exactly.

【Mary】I get that.


【Mary】It is such a dream of mine actually to go do the same thing in Korea in a rural area where nobody speaks English.

【Chris】Ah, nice.

【Mary】But I definitely could not convince my husband to go do that.

【Chris】Ah, yeah, yeah.

【Mary】At this point in our lives, he has an actual career. So.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are some of the projects Mary would like to pursue in 2021?
  2. Where does Chris hope to be living next year?
  3. What dream does Mary mention toward the end of the episode?



  1. She wants to begin pursuing a new career, along with improving her Korean studies, focusing more on her podcast, and working on an artistic project, like a children’s book.
  2. He hopes to be living in Japan as an English teacher, preferably in the Japanese countryside.
  3. Mary says she has a dream of teaching English, like Chris, in a rural area of a foreign country. In her case, she wants to teach in rural Korea.



Mary and Chris continue their discussion of the coming New Year with their own plans for 2021. Mary admits that the lifestyle changes of 2020 have caused her to put her life on hold and discouraged her from making many new plans.

Still, Mary has several goals. She wants to begin pursuing a new career for herself as well as take some of her side projects more seriously. These include focusing more on her podcast, her study of Korean, and pursuing an artistic project, such as writing a children’s book.

Chris hopes to not only change his job next year but also his living situation. He wants to teach English in rural Japan, preferably an area where few people speak English.

Mary herself has a similar dream of going to Korea to teach English in a rural area. However, her husband has established a career for himself in the United States, thus preventing her from pursuing that particular dream.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Intend to(〜するつもり)

intend to は「〜するつもり」や「〜する気がある」を意味し、何かをしたいという意思があることを表します。例えば、「来年は英会話レッスンを受けるつもりです」は「I intend to take English lessons next year.」のように表現しますが、ここでは受講する期間やどの英会話学校にするかといった具体的なことは決まっていないが、レッスンを受ける意思があることを示します。レッスンを受けることが確定している場合は、シンプルに「I’m going to take English lessons next year.」と言いましょう。

  • I intend to study English every day this year.
  • I intend to live in Tokyo for a couple of more years.
  • I intend to study abroad in Australia this year but we’ll see what happens with the coronavirus.

2) Figure out(考え出す)

figure outは状況に応じて訳し方が異なりますが、基本的な意味は「分かる」、「解決する」、「考え出す」になります。この表現は、誰かに教えてもらって何かを理解するのではなく、自分で考えて問題を解いたり、原因を解明したり、使い方を理解したり、状況を把握したりなど、理解できるまで、解決策が出るまで 自分で“考える”ことがポイントです。

  • I figured out what was wrong with the coffee machine.
  • I can’t figure out why I can’t receive any emails.
  • My wife’s birthday is coming up and I’m trying to figure out what to get for her.

3) Gig(一時期な仕事)

gigは本来、歌手やバンド、DJなどが1回限りのパフォーマンス、特に短めのショートパフォーマンスを行うことを意味します。その他、gigには日雇いのバイトや派遣の仕事など「一時的な仕事」と言う意味もあり、「副業」はside gigやpart-time gigと言います。

  • I’m doing a gig in Yokohama tonight. If you’re free, you should swing by.
  • I have a teaching gig from 7 tonight. I can meet you afterwards.
  • I don’t edit YouTube videos full time. It’s just a side gig.

4) Versus(〜に対して)

この表現は、異なる二つの考えや物などを対比する時に使われます。例えば、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語を比べる時は「American English versus British English.」と表現することができます。

  • There are many words that are pronounced differently in American English versus British English.
  • Traveling versus living are two completely different experiences.
  • What are the pros and cons of living in the city versus the countryside?

5) Get across(〜を伝える)

get across は「渡る」や「横断する」の意味としてよく使われる表現ですが、日常会話では自分が思っていることや考えていることを相手に理解させる意味としても使われます。相手にアイデアや情報をしっかりと伝える意味合いがあり、get one’s point acrossやget one’s message across、get one’s idea acrossのように表現することがよくあります。

  • You don’t have to be perfect. The important thing is to get your point across.
  • Maybe you should make a PowerPoint presentation to get your idea across more clearly.
  • I can’t figure out what message the author is trying to get across.



  • Pursue・・・追求する
  • Transition・・・転身
  • Countryside・・・田舎
  • Rural・・・地方の
  • Convince・・・説得する


  • Put my life on hold・・・人生が保留状態になっている
  • Take steps toward・・・前進する
  • Re-route・・・別の〜



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Coco より:

    I’m a big fun with Hapa Eikaiwa.

    Well I heard the 99th episode that you recommended.
    I was moved your mother’s story.
    I admire her as a Japanese woman because she had a hard time in the US then she became strong.

    I’m looking forward to hearing next episode.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Coco

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m happy to hear you listened to episode 99. She has been through a lot in the past 30 plus years but it has definitely made her a strong woman. The next episode with my mom will be a good one too!

  2. さわも より:

    it’s my hope that I’ll be living in the countryside too, versus living in the city here.

    ここでの「versus」は、living in the city here を「都市に住むのではなく、田舎に住む」というように否定しているのですが、どういう時にこういう使われ方をしますか?

  3. hui より:

    Hi,Jun, I have been listening to you podcast for a long time but it is the first time to leave a message. I just want to say your podcast is so good. English and Japanese are both foreign languages for me, so listening to your podcast is like 一石二鳥for me!
    Besides that, I also learn a lot from your attitude towards life! Thank you so much and I would alway support you!

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