
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.11.06





【Christian】So, Danielle, why did you decide to learn Japanese, exactly?

【Danielle】Okay so, for me, I think I have to go back all the way to elementary school.


【Danielle】My…I’m not sure about you, Christian, but in your elementary school did you have to learn a second language?


【Danielle】Because to my knowledge, like most elementary schools or, like middle schools, high schools in the United States, usually you learn Spanish as a second language, right?

【Christian】Okay. We could…yeah, sure.

【Danielle】And then, my school instead of Spanish we had to learn Mandarin Chinese.

【Christian】What kind of school did you go to? (laughs) What kind of school did you go to? That’s—that’s pretty rare, I feel like. Interesting.

【Danielle】It was just, like an elementary school in Chicago.


【Danielle】Like, in the Chicagoland area, most schools, they teach Spanish. But for some reason my school taught us Chinese, so.

【Christian】Interesting. Okay, cool.

【Danielle】From a young age, I’ve been learning, like Asian languages.

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】And I also had experienced kanji, you know?


【Danielle】So then, like my last year of high school, I was still learning Chinese in high school, and I was progressing pretty well. And I thought to myself, “Well, Japanese also has kanji so…”

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】“…I might as well jump from there because I can already read it.” So then…


【Danielle】…when I, like started, like around, like university first year, like I started, like studying Japanese, like every day, like really seriously. So how about you?

【Christian】Oh, I don’t know. (laughs) It’s a little different, I guess. So, yeah. In Georgia, at least, education-wise we don’t learn a second language until high school…


【Christian】…and only Spanish is offered, only 2 semesters. So, I took Spanish 1 and 2, and that was about it. So…but then, going, you know, my senior year, going into college I was undeclared major, and I was like, “What am I going to do with my life?”
And at the time, I was kind of fed up with, like south Georgian culture as being very, you know, like country music, you know, Friday night football, you know, very Southern, you know, strong tradition—like, I was just kind of tired of that, you know? It was like, my whole life…


【Christian】…I was kind of sick of that, you know? Southern charm, I guess. It has some good points but I wanted to do something very different. And, I was like, “What is the complete opposite of that?” And I was like, “Yeah, Japanese is pretty opposite of all of that.” So.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What language did Danielle learn before learning Japanese?
  2. Why did Danielle decide to switch from learning Chinese to learning Japanese?
  3. Why did Christian decide to learn Japanese?



  1. She learned Mandarin prior to learning Japanese.
  2. She grew up learning Asian languages and since she already had a grasp of kanji through Chinese, she thought switching to Japanese would be that much smoother.
  3. At the time, he was fed up with Georgian culture and wanted to immerse himself in a culture completely opposite of that, and so he chose to study Japanese.



Danielle and Christian share the different paths they took to deciding to study Japanese. Both were influenced by where they grew up and the schools they attended.

Danielle’s school in Chicago offered Mandarin Chinese as a second language a student could learn and so she first studied that. And generally, she had been exposed to Asian languages while growing up.

Because she learned kanji characters through her study of Chinese, Danielle thought that transitioning to Japanese would be that much easier as a result. Then when she entered her first year of university, she studied Japanese with seriousness and enthusiasm.

Christian on the other hand chose to learn Japanese in response to his discomfort with the culture of his home state, Georgia, that he was feeling at the time. He wanted to experience a culture totally opposite to that of Georgia’s, and so chose to study Japanese and immerse himself in Japanese culture.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) To one’s knowledge(〜の知る限り)

to one’s knowledgeは「自分の知る限りでは」を意味する表現です。相手から何かを聞かれたときの前置き表現として使われ、「間違っているかもしれないけど私が知っている範囲では」というニュアンスになります。as far as I know と意味はほぼ同じですが、to my knowledgeの方がややフォーマルな響きがあります。

  • 強調する場合はto the best of one’s knowledgeのように表現することがよくあります。
  • To my knowledge, only foreign tourists can use the JR pass.
  • To my knowledge, John took the rest of the week off.
  • Did they split up? Not to my knowledge.

2) Middle school(中学校)

middle school は「中学校」を意味します。中学校はjunior high school とも言い、厳密に言えば middle school は6年生から8年生まで、junior high school は 7年生から8年生までの学校を指しますが、基本どちらを使っても問題ありません。

  • ちなみに小学校は elementary school、高校は high school と言います。
  • Which middle school did you go to?
  • I started playing basketball when I was in middle school.
  • I’ve been friends with Tom since junior high.

3) Might as well(〜した方がいい)

might as well は、他により良い選択肢や方法がないが故に「〜をした方がよさそうだ」と提案するときに使われる表現です。例えば、終電後にタクシーが捕まらない状況で「We might as well walk home.(歩いて帰った方が良さそうだ)」のように表現します。

  • The next bus isn’t coming for another 30 minutes. We might as well walk.
  • You only have one chapter left? You might as well finish it.
  • It’s only 10 dollars more for all-you-can-drink? We might as well do that.

4) -wise(〜に関しては)

-wise は「〜に関しては」や「〜的に」、「〜の点で」といった意味になる口語表現です。例えば、「お金に関しては」はmoney-wise、「教育に関しては」は education-wise、「時間的には」はtime-wiseのように基本的に名詞の後に-wiseを加えます。

  • He’s struggling a little bit money-wise.
  • If you’re OK time-wise, do you want to grab lunch after this?
  • Food-wise, I can pretty much eat anything.

5) be fed up with(〜にうんざり)

be fed up with ____は、これまでずっと我慢してきたことに耐えられなくなったり、愛想が尽きたり、何かにイライラする様子を表し、日本語の「~にうんざりしている」や「~に飽き飽きしている」に相当する口語表現です。特に、困難な状況や辛い出来事に耐えられなくなった時や、誰かの失礼な態度や軽率な振る舞いに対して我慢の限界を超えうんざりしている時に使われます。

  • I’m fed up with this service. I’m going to cancel my membership.
  • I’m pretty fed up with my job. Maybe it’s time for a career change.
  • I got fed up with the hustle and bustle of a big city and decided to move out to the countryside.



  • Elementary school・・・小学校
  • Rare・・・珍しい
  • Semester・・・学期


  • Go back・・・遡る
  • Sick of・・・〜を嫌に思う







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Chiaki より:

    “ On the edge of one’s seat “ と言うイディオムに出会いました。以前Hapa で出たものだ!と思い、文脈からも何となく意味を思い出す事ができました。(本当、こういう瞬間って嬉しいです 笑)
    (なんかこの単語見たことあるな〜) から実際に使えるようになれるまで頑張りたいと思います!
    YouTube も楽しみに見ています。

    • Jun より:

      Chiakiさん、勉強した表現を急に出てくると本当に嬉しいですねよ!私もその気持ち、すごくよく分かります。日本で日本語を勉強していたときに、いつも1人で喜んでいました😅 もちろん、全てを覚えることは難しいと思いますが、これからも「この単語知っている!」と嬉しく思う瞬間が多くあるといいですね。It’s the best feeling 😆

  2. […] 第312回「日本語学習を始めたきっかけ」 […]

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