
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.10.16





【Christian】Danielle, when it comes to language learning, what do you think you’re good at, and what do you think maybe you’re bad at?

【Danielle】I think the thing I’m best at is definitely just straight up memorizing, like just straight up memorizing vocab lists. Like, I remember when I first started learning Japanese, like three years ago, about, I…I could memorize like 100 words in a day, no problem.


【Danielle】And I think that’s why I was able to learn it, like so quickly.


【Danielle】But then, memorizing the words was only like, 20% of the battle, you know?

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】Then like, actually – not necessarily, like putting the words in use – but like, understanding what people were saying to me.

【Christian】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Danielle】Like, for example, like, an 80-year-old man is – might be more difficult to understand than talking with someone my own age.

【Christian】Oh, yeah, a hundred percent.

【Danielle】You know what I mean?

【Christian】Hundred percent.

【Danielle】So like, being able to understand a wide variety of different people and their different ways of speaking. Like not only age ranges, but also like where they’re from, like someone from like, I don’t know, like…like, Sapporo is probably going to sound a lot different than someone from like, Okayama or something.

【Christian】Mm hm. Oh, yeah, I agree. Hundred percent. Definitely getting used to like, the different ages and different areas, the way people speak is a big challenge that I always have thought about too. Like, I have some friends now that are from Hyogo, Hyogo-ken, which is like really strong, you know, kansai accent. And when I first met them, I could maybe understand half of what they were saying.


【Christian】I had been in Japan for quite some time. I’m like, “What are you saying, man?” It just takes time. I think just listen to them… …you’ll get used to them and how they speak. So that’s a big hurdle I think for a lot of language learners. Yeah.

【Danielle】So what do you think you’re best at when it comes to learning?

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When it comes to learning a language, what is Danielle strong in?
  2. What age range of people does Danielle find somewhat difficult to communicate with in Japanese?
  3. Why could Christian only understand about half of what people from Hyogo were saying to him?



  1. She is strong in memorizing vocabulary.
  2. Danielle feels older Japanese, in their 80s for example, are more challenging to speak with than people her age.
  3. They speak in an accent he was unfamiliar with.



Danielle and Christian discuss what they feel are their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning languages, specifically in this case, Japanese. For Danielle, her strength is memorizing vocabulary.

When Danielle was first learning Japanese, she sometimes memorized 100 words a day. She thinks that’s partly why she learned to speak it so quickly.

Danielle found however the real challenges came when she had to listen to what other people were saying to her. She noticed older Japanese were more difficult for her to understand than people her age.

Christian has some Japanese friends from Hyogo. When he first met them, he had trouble understanding what they were saying on account of their accents.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) When it comes to(〜に関しては)

このフレーズは、ある特定のトピックやテーマについて話し始める時に「〜のことになると」や「〜に関して言うと」の意味として用いられます。例えば、英語の先生が文法に関しては非常に厳しい場合は「When it comes to grammar, my teacher is really strict.(文法のことになると、私の先生は非常に厳しいです)」となります。

  • When it comes to teaching English, there’s no one better than her.
  • I’m generally not too picky about things but I’m very particular when it comes to coffee.
  • When it comes to coding, I’m completely clueless.

2) Straight up(本気で)

Straight upは「本気で」や「ガチで」を意味するスラングで、ある出来事を強調する時に使われます。その他、自分の気持ちや考えをストレートに言う時にも使われ、遠回しなことは一切言わず、はっきりと物事を伝えるニュアンスがあります。

  • John lost his temper and straight up yelled at me.
  • He straight up lied to my face.
  • If you don’t want to go, just tell me straight up.

3) Only ____% of the battle(全体のわずか〜%にすぎない)

Only ____ of the battle は、何かを成し遂げるために必要な努力やタスクが足りない事、または十分ではない事を表します。今日の会話でダニエルは「Memorizing the words was only 20% of the battle.」と言いましたが、これは単語を暗記することは実際に会話ができるようになるために必要となる能力のわずか20%にすぎないことを表します。この表現は一般的にbe only half (of) the battleの形で使われ、その場合、「~はまだ半分にすぎない」や「終わりではない」といった意味で使われます。

  • ちなみに、be half the battleには「〜が一番困難である」と言う意味があり、「始めることが一番大変だ」は「Getting started is half the battle.」と表します。
  • Knowing is only half the battle. You have to apply it in real life.
  • Getting to the gym is half the battle. Once you get there, it’s easy.
  • Getting out of bed in the morning is half the battle, especially in the winter time.

4) Put in use(〜を使用する)

Put in use は「〜を使用する」や「〜を応用する」を意味します。今日の会話でダニエルは「Put the words in use」と言いましたが、これは単語を暗記するだけでなく応用しないといけないことを表します。

  • 一般的にはput to useと言います。
  • Thanks for the rice cooker. I’ll put it to use this weekend.
  • I study English every day but I don’t know how to put it to use.
  • I want to work for a company where I can put my skills to good use.

5) Hurdle(ハードル)

Hurdleは陸上競技で使われる「ハードル」を意味し、日常会話では乗り越えなくてはならない困難を表します。Obstaclesやdifficultiesの代わりに使うことができ、「困難を乗り越えた」はovercome hurdlesと言います。

  • She’s been through a lot in life. She has overcome countless hurdles.
  • Don’t get down on yourself. It’s just another hurdle you have to get over.
  • This is going to be the most difficult hurdle but we’ll clear it.



  • Vocab・・・単語
  • Quite・・・結構


  • A wide variety of・・・いろいろな
  • Age range・・・年齢層







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Naoki より:


    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。Naokiさんが英語で話して、相手が日本で返答するというのはどうでしょうか?私は妹たちと話すときはいつもそんな感じでごちゃ混ぜになっています(笑)あとはちょっとレッスンぽくなるかもしれませんが、お互いに「これから30分は英語only」「そのあとは30分日本語 only」のようにルールを決めて話してもいいと思います👍

  2. Santa より:


    ダニエルが「自分と同年代の人」というときに”someone my own age”と言っていて、Junさんの質問の答えでも”people her age”としていますが、この場合”someone of my own age”のように前置詞は付かないのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:

      いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。「自分と同年代の人」は Someone my own age や people my ageと言います。 of one’s own は「自身の〜」を意味し、一般的に所有物を強調する時に使われます。

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