
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.10.02





【Christian】American slang…do you use any slang? Is there any slang you like to use in your daily conversation?

【Danielle】Well, being from Chicago I think the most common slang that we have is saying “pop” instead of “soda.” I don’t know.


【Danielle】Christian, what do you tend to say when you’re talking about like, “soda,” or “pop,” or whatever?

【Christian】Well, of course I use the correct version, which is “soda.” Always.

【Danielle】Okay. I had no idea…like, I have no idea what the correct one is because I’ve always been saying “pop” my whole life. Like, if someone went up to you and said “pop” would you know what they were saying? Like what they were talking about?

【Christian】Yes, it’d be a slight delayed reaction, I would say, you know, so.


【Christian】You know, I’m from Georgia too, so like, you know, Coke is in Atlanta, like the hub of Coke. So sometimes even “Coke” can be kind of, like widely used for…

【Danielle】Ah, okay.

【Christian】…various dark sodas, even. Yeah, but that’s kind of more taboo. So just “soda.”

【Danielle】So, yeah, how ‘bout (about) you?

【Christian】Huh, me? Well, Atlanta is kind of, like known for like, you know, the hip hop, you know, capital of the South, really. So that there’s a lot of, I think slang that gets mixed in with that. I know personally I’ll use, like the word “finna” a lot…


【Christian】…which is just casually, like “I’m finna go,” which is like, “I’m fixing to go,” you know, shortened. I use that a lot like, “I’m finna go eat,” you know, “finna take a bath,” I’m finna go out for a walk.” It’s quite common for me.
Other than that, kind of like what you said, we just shorten things, like instead of “about to,” like, “‘bout,” “bouta,” “about to,” you know? Things like that. It’s kind of older now, but among my friend group occasionally, we’ll still throw in, like the word “lit.” “It’s lit,” you know, for something that’s, you know, good or fun or exciting. “It was lit.” It might show my age there a little bit but, yeah, we still use “lit.” So, do you guys use “lit” in Chicago ever?

【Danielle】Oh, yeah, I think – I think that’s just, like a city thing at this point. Like…

【Christian】Okay, yeah. I think it’s pretty – yeah, pretty countrywide, I would say, so.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What, according to Danielle, is the most common form of Chicago slang that she knows and uses?
  2. According to Christian, what word do Georgians sometimes use for “soda,” and why?
  3. What slang adjective does Christian use to describe something fun or exciting?



  1. Danielle says Chicagoans say “pop” instead of “soda.”
    ダニエルによると、シカゴの人は “soda “の代わりに “pop “と言います。
  2. Georgia is the home of the Coca-Cola Company and therefore Georgians sometimes say “Coke” to generally refer to any dark soda.
    ジョージアはコカ・コーラ社の本拠地であることから、ジョージアの人は一般的に色の濃い炭酸飲料であればどんなものでも “Coke”と呼ぶことがあります。
  3. He sometimes uses the word “lit” to describe fun or exciting things.
    彼は、楽しいことやわくわくすることを表現するために “lit “という言葉を使うことがあります。



Danielle and Christian discuss their experiences with American slang. They share various slang words and terms based on the regions in which they grew up.

Being from Chicago, Danielle says that the most common slang used there is saying “pop” instead of “soda”. Christian says that since the Coca-Cola Company is based in Georgia—the state he is from—many Georgians say “Coke” to refer to dark sodas generally.
シカゴ出身のダニエルは、シカゴで使われている最も一般的なスラングは “soda” の代わりに “pop”を使うことだと言います。クリスチャンは、コカ・コーラ社が彼の出身地、ジョージア州を本拠地としているので、ジョージアの人の多くは一般的に色の濃い炭酸飲料を指すときは “Coke”を使います。

Christian likes saying “finna,” which is short for “fixing to” do something. Both Christian and Danielle think the custom in American slang of shortening words or combining multiple words into smoother, more easily spoken words is common throughout big American cities.
クリスチャンは、”fixing to ~(do something)” を省略した “finna” という表現を好んで使います。クリスチャンもダニエルも、アメリカ英語のスラングにおいて、単語を短くしたり、複数の単語を組み合わせてより滑らかで話しやすい単語にする習慣が、アメリカの大都市では一般的だと考えています。

Finally, Christian says he and his friends will use the word “lit” to describe things or events they find fun, interesting, or exciting. Danielle has heard this word in Chicago too and thinks it is also common in American cities.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Pop (ソーダ)

Popはコーラやファンタなど炭酸飲料を意味する単語です。炭酸飲料の表現の仕方は地域によって異なり、カリフォルニア州やフロリダ州ではsoda、アメリカ中西部ではpop、アメリカ南部ではコーラを含む炭酸飲料全般を cokeと呼びます。

  • What do you want to drink? I have water, pop and juice.
  • Can you pick up some soda on your way home?
  • I’m trying to cut down on pop lately.

2) Go up to someone(〜に近づく)

Go up to someone は誰かに近づくことを意味し、approach someone のより口語的な言い方として使われます。特に他人に近づいて話しかけたり、質問をしたりするような状況で使われます。

  • 逆に他人からアプローチされた場合は、「He came up to me.」のようにcome up to が使われます。
  • Don’t be scared. Just go up to him and introduce yourself.
  • I went up to a random person at the train station and asked for directions.
  • This guy came up to me and asked me if I could help him with his YouTube video.

3) Hub(中心地)


  • Silicon Valley is the hub of the tech industry.
  • Is Osaka the hub of the Kansai region?
  • Shinagawa station is the hub of various train lines.

4) Finna(これから〜する)

Finnaはfixing toを省略した言い方で「これから〜する」を意味し、gonna(going to)と同じ意味合いで使われます。私が知っている限りではカリフォルニアではほとんど耳にしない表現で、一般的にアメリカ南部で使われているスラングです。

  • I’m finna work out. You want to join me?
  • I’m finna go to the convenience store. Do you want anything?
  • I’m finna study English right now.

5) Lit(楽しい)

Litは「楽しい」や「最高」を意味する口語表現で、awesomeやamazingと同じような感じで使われます。一般的に高校生や大学生など若者が使う表現で、「It was lit!”」と言うと、「めっちゃ楽しかった」や「最高だった」を意味します。

  • ちなみに、lit はお酒で酔っていたり、ドラッグでハイになっている状態も表すので使い方には気を付けましょう。
  • The party last night was lit. I had a blast.
  • The concert is going to be lit. I can’t wait.
  • Tom was lit last night. He was so drunk he was slurring.



  • Slight・・・少し
  • Taboo・・・タブー
  • Shorten・・・縮める


  • Delayed reaction・・・間がある
  • At this point・・・現時点では







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. life long journey より:

    こんにちは。いつもなさ楽しく聴かせて頂いています!1:45〜のところでsharpest clay in the box〜?と聞こえるのですがなんと言っているのでしょうか?宜しくお願いします!

  2. 原動力は女の子 より:


  3. Acorn より:

    Pop (ソーダ)ですが、東海岸では、何と言いますか。

  4. くろ より:

    I really inspired by your quote from Jim Rohn “Work harder on yourself than do on your job”.
    At the same time, I’m also inspired by your comment “It’s not success that leads to happiness in fact it’s happiness that creates success.”
    I will keep these words deep in my mind!

    • Jun より:

      Hey くろさん

      Those are two quotes that I have written on the first page of my journal. I look at it every day 😃 I hope these quotes have a positive effect in your life too 😉

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