
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.08.28





【revel】Did you discover something that you didn’t really need—that you couldn’t get—that you didn’t really need?

【Kame】One thing that’s been hard for me to reconcile is that I don’t need to be in the classroom with my students.

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】Um, this has been difficult for me to accept because for me as a teacher I love to be in the classroom. I love making a physical connection with my students, seeing them, uh doing activities, just being together. And as we’ve transitioned to being online, um we have still been able to cover material that they need to learn.
And I guess, um, it—it kind of makes me question, yeah like what kind of things do we need to be in person to do and, um…yeah, I’m still—I’m still trying to figure out what’s—what’s the best answer, like what—should we…should we go to classes just ‘cause (because) that’s how it’s always been and—and it feels comfortable or should we try to do everything online because it—it saves transportation and it’s convenient and things like that?
But I guess I…yeah, I realize I don’t need to be in the classroom with my students in order to teach them and still have a connection because we’re doing it over Zoom and we’re still seeing each other every day and interacting just virtually, so this is been a little bit weird for me. Um, what about you? What is something you realized you don’t really need?

【revel】I’m going to be a good boy and say tobacco.


【revel】(laughs) Which is not true at all.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What has Kame come to question about her work since the start of the quarantine?
  2. How has Kame been interacting with her students these days?
  3. What did revel jokingly say he learned he does not need?



  1. She has come to question what things she has to or should do in person versus what things she should or can do virtually.
  2. She has been using Zoom to interact with her students.
  3. He jokingly said he does not need tobacco.



Kame and revel talk about things they have learned they do not need during the quarantine. Kame begins by sharing her thoughts on the quarantine’s changes to her job as a teacher.

Kame normally likes seeing and teaching her students in person. However since the quarantine began, she has come to question how much of her work she needs to do in person and whether or not it is wiser to reduce her in-person contact with students.

Kame wonders if considerations of transportation and convenience should also play a role in deciding how much of her work she does in person. In any case, during the quarantine, she mainly interacts with her students through Zoom.

When asked what he feels he no longer needs, revel jokingly says he has learned he does not need tobacco. However he admits this is not really true.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Reconcile(調和させる)

Reconcileは、対立する主に2つの考えや見解を調和・和解させることを意味し、一般的にreconcile A with Bの形をとります。

  • Reconcileに は「仲直りする」という意味もあり、多少フォーマルな響きがあります。
  • It’s difficult to reconcile work and family life.
  • They were able to reconcile their political differences.
  • It took a few weeks but they finally reconciled with each other.

2) Difficult for someone to accept(〜にとって受け入れ難い)

Difficult for someone to accept は、真実や概念、結果などが受け入れ難いことを表します。Difficult for someone toが「〜にとって〜するのが難しい」を意味することから、「~にとって言いずらい」はdifficult for someone to say、「~にとって理解しにくい」はdifficult for someone to understandのように表し、動詞を変えることができます。

  • Difficult の代わりにhard を使ってもOKです。
  • It’s difficult for me to accept that we have to give up on this project.
  • I think it’s difficult for me to understand because I didn’t grow up in the U.S.
  • I can’t make up my mind. It’s really difficult for me to decide.

3) Cover(取り上げる)

Coverに は、スピーチやプレゼン、ミーティングやレッスンなどで議題や話題を「取り上げる」という意味があります。例えばミーティングを始める前に「今日は〜について話します」と言う場合は、 「In today’s meeting, we’re going to cover ~.」となります。

  • In today’s meeting, we’re going to cover the promotion for next month.
  • She covered a lot of interesting topics at the seminar.
  • That pretty much covers everything. Do you guys have any questions?

4) Has always been(〜はずっと〜でした)

「昔から〜したかった」や「昔からこうなんです」と言うときはhas always beenが使われます。例えば、「昔から〜するのが夢でした」は「It has always been my dream to ~.」、「私は昔からシャイでした」は「I’ve always been shy.」、「ずっとそんな感じだったよ」は「It’s always been like that.」のように表します。

  • It’s always been my dream to become a fluent English speaker.
  • He’s really positive and optimistic. He’s always been that way.
  • I’ve always been fascinated by Japanese culture ever since I was a kid.

5) Do over(〜を使って〜する)

「Zoomでミーティングしよう」は「Let’s do the meeting over Zoom.」と言います。Over は using と似た役割を果たしますが、スカイプやZoomを使ったビデオ通話や電話での通話、または電話会議をするような状況で主に使われます。

  • Can we do the English lesson over Skype tomorrow?
  • Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of seminars over Zoom.
  • Do you want to do the meeting over Zoom or Skype today?



  • Physical connection・・・物理的なつながり
  • In person・・・直に


  • Makes one question・・・疑問がわく
  • And things like that・・・~のようなもの









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yas より:



    2014年から2020年のエピソードを通して, 英語だけでなくJunさんの人生も垣間見た気がします笑



    例えば 「take advantage of」は10回と218回で取り上げられてますし,  「take for granted」は81回と225回で取り上げられています. 中には3回も取り上げられてるのもありました.

    沢山の表現を知りたいので, 被らないと大変嬉しいです.

    とは言え, 私のように過去から遡らず, 最新エピソードから始められる方も多いと思うので,
    過去に紹介された表現は「Expressions(表現)」に追加されて, URLで過去のエピソードにとべると学習しやすく感激ものです.


  2. Ai より:

    こんにちは!質問ですが、over とwithの使い方の違いはありますか?なにかを使って、というときはwithだと思っていました。ニュアンスの違いがあるのであれば知りたいです!

  3. なお より:

    they finally reconciled with each other とありますが、they were finally reconciled with each other とした方がよいのではないでしょうか?

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