
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.07.24





【Kame】So what habit have you started or broken during your time in quarantine?

【revel】Uh, I’ve been smoking since I was 18 years old and…

【Kame】That’s… (laughs)

【revel】I stopped…

【Kame】I was gonna (going to) say something too. (laughs)

【revel】(laughs) I’ve stopped smoking dozens of times.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】Uh, I’ve a friend who says quitting smoking is easy, uh staying quit is difficult.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】So I’ve quit several times and 90s days, uh without leaving the house means I couldn’t go buy tobacco even though it was permitted. One of the essential items in Spain you could buy was tobacco.

【Kame】Yeah. (laughs)

【revel】You could go out in your car if you were buying tobacco, but I didn’t. I didn’t. And well, it—it wasn’t easy. It continues to not be easy. I think maybe this time I’ll be successful. Uh, I’m going to buy myself a new, uh cellphone as a—as a reward if I accumulate enough money from not buying tobacco. So basically that. And starting a habit; the new podcast. I’m plugging myself a little bit.


【revel】But I won’t say the name of it. But, yeah. Starting the podcast is something that I really wanted to get into the habit of loading episodes and loading my thoughts and ideas and speaking about them. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Kame】It’s…yeah. It’s very funny you—you got off smoking. I was going to say the exact same thing, so actually, I—I had started smoking when I moved to New York. Just, kind of the lifestyle um…it—it just kind of happened. And, uh with going to work—so, I would usually smoke on my commute to and from work and then I would have a lunch break, and then, like one other break. Um, and so, it wasn’t, like constant. You know? It was like a few cigarettes a day.
And then when the coronavirus hit, I was stressed and I convinced myself, like, “Oh, I can have more breaks throughout the day.” So I noticed I was going outside more and more for these cigarette breaks and then I realized, like, “I don’t want to do this. This isn’t healthy.” Um, and so I actually just quit, cold turkey.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What item did revel say the Spanish government deemed to be an “essential” item during quarantine?
  2. What reward was revel going to give himself if he successfully quit smoking?
  3. When did Kame start smoking herself?



  1. revel said the Spanish government had decided tobacco was an essential item during quarantine.
  2. He would use the money he would have spent on tobacco to buy himself a new cellphone.
  3. She started smoking when she moved to New York.



Kame and revel talk about habits they started and broke during their coronavirus quarantine periods. revel began by discussing his efforts to quit smoking during the quarantine.

revel began smoking at the age of 18 and had tried to quit several times in the past. However, because Spain’s quarantine required residents to stay at home for a period of 90 days, that gave him the opportunity to kick the habit.

revel believes this time he will be successful with quitting and if so, he will buy himself a new cellphone with the money he would have spent on tobacco. While in quarantine, revel also started his own podcast as a new habit.

Kame similarly learned to quit smoking during quarantine. She began smoking when she moved to New York and once the quarantine was under way, she began smoking more frequently. However, she decided what she was doing was unhealthy and successfully quit smoking cold turkey.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Quarantine(隔離)


  • He tested positive for the coronavirus so he’s been in self-quarantine.
  • I’ve been in quarantine for about 3 months.
  • How are you dealing with the quarantine life?

2) I was going to say(〜を言おうと思っていました)

I was going to sayは、「私は言うつもりだった」を意味する便利な相づち表現です。自分が言おうとしたことを相手が先に発言した場合、「I was going to say the same thing.」 や「I was going to say that.」、 もしくは「That’s (exactly) what I was going to say.」と言うことができ、これらは「私も同じことを言おうとしていた」という意味になります。

  • I was going to say that same thing. This place reminds me of Hawaii.
  • I was going to say that. I think this pasta needs a little more salt.
  • That’s exactly what I was going to say. You took the words right out of my mouth.

3) Commute(通勤する)

Commute は「通勤する」という意味の単語です。「電車で通勤する」は「I commute to work by train.」、「通勤中にポッドキャストを聞く」は「I listen to podcasts on my commute.」のように表現します。

  • How long is your commute to work?
  • I commute to work by train. It usually takes me about an hour.
  • I usually study English on my commute.

4) To and from(行き帰り)

To and fromは「行き帰り」を意味し、例えば、「I commute to and from Shinawaga.」は、品川まで行き、そして品川から帰ってくることを表します。お客さんを駅まで送迎するなど、2地点を往復する状況で使われます。

  • I drive my little brother to and from school every day.
  • We’ll pick you guys up to and from the station.
  • How much are tickets to and from Yokohama?

5) Quit cold turkey(きっぱりとやめる)


  • I haven’t smoked in a year. I quit cold turkey.
  • Did you slowly cut down or did you quit cold turkey?
  • I think the best way is to quit cold turkey. Once you make up your mind, just do it.



  • Broken・・・やめる
  • Permitted・・・許可されてた
  • Accumulate・・・貯まる
  • Lunch break・・・お昼の休憩


  • Dozens of・・・何度も
  • Plug oneself・・・宣伝する
  • Get into the habit of・・・習慣にする
  • Convince oneself・・・思い込む









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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