
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.07.17





【revel】What did you do while you were locked up in your house? How have you been spending your time?

【Kame】(laughs) I would love to tell you that I got my PhD…


【Kame】…I stuck to a really regimented physical schedule of working out and learned how to cook a bunch of amazing things. But…(laughs)…the truth is that, um I had to start working. I’m super lucky. I got to keep my full-time job. We just moved online. And so, the first week there was some uncertainty about who would be laid off and how much I’d be working.
And so I made this incredible to-do list of all of these things I was going to accomplish and how I was just gonna (going to) completely change myself. And after kind of falling into the routine of working online, um I really—the only extra time I had was, you know, not having to commute to work and then also not having a social life on the weekends.
And so, really what I’ve been focusing on are things I’ve been wanting to do, books I’ve been wanting to read. For example, I, um…I signed up for a “Book of the Month” club, which started sending me about…I chose, like three books a month, um…I started studying French more regularly. This has been one of my goals for a really long time and actually, I started listening to this really awesome French podcast for French learners.

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】Uh…it’s really helped me a lot. It’s great, probably kind of like Hapa Eikaiwa. Um, and I’ve also tried to be more, um just okay with being, uh still…writing in my journal, and uh I’ve been calling my family and friends a lot over Zoom.
Uh, I know, like my grandma, for example—she has been alone for almost three months now. And um, she’s a very social person, so I’ve made it…um, I’ve made it a habit to really call her often and make sure she’s doing okay and stuff like that. Um, and I also starting playing, um board games with my fiancé, like almost every day.


【Kame】We really like board games. We also like puzzles and things like that. And we found this really cute, um board game shop in New York. Uh, we kinda (kind of) stocked up before the whole thing happened. And so each day we would sit down and just play while we were drinking coffee or something like that.
And so, yeah. I mean, while I didn’t work out at all like I thought I would and I didn’t take any online courses as I’d planned, I feel like, comfortable with just being able to, uh sit, relax, and kind of, just slow down. And what about you? How have you been spending your time?


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did the stay-at-home quarantine change Kame’s routine to give her more free time?
  2. Who specifically has Kame been reaching out to over Zoom calls?
  3. What have Kame and her fiancé been doing in quarantine in particular?



  1. She got more free time from not having to commute to work and not being able engage in her usual social activities on the weekends.
  2. Kame has been calling her grandmother regularly to check in and see how she’s doing.
  3. The two have been playing various board games.



Kame shares her experience working from home and adjusting to life under quarantine. She jokes about how she wishes she could say she got her PhD, exercised regularly, and learned how to cook various new dishes.

Kame was fortunate enough to keep her full-time job and continued working from home for much of the quarantine. Still she found herself with more free time as a result of not having to commute to work and no longer going to social activities on the weekend.

Kame joined a “Book of the Month” club and began listening to a French language podcast, similar to Hapa Eikaiwa. She also spent time calling family and friends over Zoom, particularly her grandmother, who is sociable and has been alone at home during the quarantine.
カメは「Book of the Month」という読書クラブに登録したり、Hapa英会話のフランス語版のような、フランス語学習のためのポッドキャストを聞き始めました。またZoomで家族や友達と連絡を取っていますが、社交的な性格ながら自宅待機中1人で生活している祖母には特に連絡をしています。

Finally, Kame and her fiancé have been spending much of their down time playing various board games. They discovered a board game shop in New York and stocked up on several games before the quarantine got fully underway.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Lock up(閉じ込める)

Lock up はドアに鍵をかけたり、鍵をかけて閉じ込めることを意味する表現で、家や部屋に自らこもる場合にも使われます。

  • ちなみに、「刑務所に入れられる」は get locked upと言います。
  • Did you lock up the house?
  • Ever since the pandemic, I’ve been pretty much locked up at home.
  • Apparently, he’s getting locked up for over 10 years.

2) The truth is(実は)

直訳すると「真実は」ですが、The truth is は「実は〜」や「実のところは〜」という意味の表現です。良い意味でも悪い意味でも真実を包み隠さず伝える状況で使われ、to tell you the truthやto be honestの代わりに使えます。

  • The truth is, I don’t really like running.
  • The truth is, I’m self-conscious about my English too.
  • The truth is, I didn’t want to move abroad, but I’m glad I did.

3) Lay off(解雇する)

Lay offは「解雇する」、受動態のlaid offは「解雇される」を意味します。Fire も「クビにする」という意味ですが、 fire は従業員のトラブルや勤務態度が理由であるのに対し、lay off は業績悪化など会社都合であるため、通常、失業手当が出るなどの違いがあります。

  • That company is planning on laying off over a thousand employees.
  • I’m looking for a job right now because I might get laid off.
  • I got laid off but I received a pretty generous severance package.

4) Still(じっとした)

Stillと言うと「まだ」という意味が思い浮かぶと思いますが、この単語には「動かないでじっとしている」や「静かな」という意味もあります。例えば、「じっと座っていて」は 「Sit still.」と言ったり、静かで落ち着いた環境を still を使って表すことができます。

  • My kid has a hard time sitting still in class.
  • It was beautiful this morning. There was no wind and the lake was still.
  • Can you be still for one minute?

5) Stock up(まとめ買いする)

Stockは「在庫」を意味することから、stock up は「まとめ買いする」を意味します。食料や日用品をお得にまとめて買っておく、という意味でネガティブなニュアンスはありません。「〜をまとめ買いする」は stock up on ____と言います。

  • When I go to Costco, I usually stock up on snacks and frozen foods.
  • The curry is really cheap today. We should stock up.
  • You really stocked up on wine. You have enough wine for a month.



  • Regimented・・・厳しく
  • Uncertainty・・・不確実な
  • Social life・・・社会生活


  • Stick to・・・守る
  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの
  • To-do list・・・やることリスト
  • Sign up・・・登録する
  • Make it a habit to・・・〜習慣をつける












  1. かじゅ より:

    How have you been spending your time? と会話分にありますが、これは文法的に今現在も自粛期間が、続いてるということですか?

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