
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.06.26





【Deanna】So guys do you guys have any favorite restaurants in the area?

【Lawrence】Uh, so I really like Mexican food it’s probably my favorite type of cuisine. So I really like… this is kind of more… it’s pretty local, El Burrito Jr. There are other places more or less chain, technically El Burrito is a chain, there are…


【Lawrence】I think four… uh locations and there are some other places that I would say that are more authentic more… umm… singular places but I think you can’t really go wrong with El Burrito Jr.

【Deanna】Mhmm, how about you, Ken?

【Ken】Umm, I am pretty into Italian food so there’s a ton of great Italian places in L.A. so I usually just go up the road to Downtown L.A. or maybe the west side of L.A. umm, few places off the top of my head that I could recommend… umm, chi SPACCA, that’s an Italian steak house, probably my favorite restaurant in all of L.A. So, if you are looking to uh, you know, do something special, I definitely recommend there. Umm, couple other places, actually right next door, Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza. So, one is kind of a little bit more formal sit down Italian food and the other one serves pizza and that’s probably some of the best pizza that you can get here in Southern California in my opinion.


【Ken】 Yeah.

【Lawrence】What about you Deanna?

【Deanna】Uh I don’t really go to restaurants that much to be honest because I cook at home. But I like uh big on dessert places. Umm, Handles have you guys ever been to Handles?

【Ken】No, what is that?

【Lawrence】What kind of dessert?

【Deanna】It’s an ice cream parlor and it’s all homemade from scratch there. And they have one called “graham central station”. And that’s just graham crackers like with chocolate it’s so delicious. Yeah.

【Lawrence】Actually, question, umm I’ve been trying to umm try more Indian food. Are there any Indian food restaurant places… restaurants you would recommend?

【Deanna】Yeah, I think umm… The best ones are the hole in the wall type places. So, one of them is called ugh… it’s like curry and sweet shops. India Sweets! And it’s just a little shop that sells like, you know, grocery market type stuff and they have a little cafeteria area and you, for five dollars you can get some samosas and some curry and it’s on a plastic little plate, but it’s delicious it’s so good. So, India Sweets that’s a really good one.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Mexican restaurant does Lawrence really enjoy?
  2. What restaurant does Ken believe serves some of the best pizza in Southern California?
  3. Why doesn’t Deanna go out to restaurants very often?



  1. He likes El Burrito Jr.
    彼は「El Burrito Jr」が気に入っています。
  2. Ken thinks Pizzeria Mozza has some of the best pizza in Southern California.
    ケンは「Pizzeria Mozza」のピザは南カリフォルニア屈指だと思っています。
  3. She doesn’t go to restaurants often because she mostly cooks at home.



Deanna, Ken, and Lawrence talk about their favorite restaurants and the different foods they enjoy eating while going out. For Lawrence, he enjoys Mexican food, and his favorite Mexican restaurant is El Burrito Jr.
ディアナとケンとローレンスがお気に入りのレストランや外食時に好んで食べる様々な食べ物について話します。ローレンスはメキシコ料理が好きで、好きなメキシコ料理のレストランは「El Burrito Jr」です。

Ken really enjoys Italian food and finds most of his favorite Italian restaurants in L.A., such as in the Downtown or the West side. He recommends chi SPACCA, an Italian steakhouse, Osteria Mozza, a more formal Italian restaurant, and Pizzeria Mozza, which Ken believes has some of the best pizza in Southern California.
ケンはイタリア料理がとても好きで、お気に入りのレストランの多くがロサンゼルスのダウンタウンや西側にあります。彼のおすすめは、イタリアのステーキハウス「chi SPACCA」、フォーマルな雰囲気のイタリア料理店「Osteria Mozza」、そして、ケンが南カリフォルニア屈指のピザを提供すると信じている「Pizzeria Mozza」です。

Deanna doesn’t go out to eat much herself since she mostly cooks her food at home. However, she does enjoy dessert foods, and recommends Handles, an ice cream parlor.

Lawrence wanted to learn about good places to get Indian food. Deanna recommended a place called “India Sweets,” which is like a small grocery market with a cafeteria that sells good Indian dishes.
ローレンスは美味しいインド料理が食べられるお店を探していました。ディアナが勧めたのは、カフェテリアがあって美味しいインド料理を販売する小さなスーパーのようなお店「India Sweets」です。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) More or less(大体)

More or less は、数量や程度が大体であることを表します。2つの物を比較して大体同じであれば「They are more or less the same.」、自分のプロジェクトがほぼ終ったら「I’m more or less finished with my project.」、イベントに大体20人の参加者が集ったら「There were 20 people at the event, more or less.」と言うことができます。

  • I’m more or less finished with my work. Let’s call it a day and grab dinner.
  • I’m more or less satisfied with my job.
  • It’ll take you 30 minutes to get there, more or less.

2) You can’t go wrong with(間違いない)

この表現は、「〇〇だったら間違いないよ」と何かを勧めたり太鼓判を押す時に使われる表現で、you can’t go wrong with ____の形でよく使われます。例えば、初めて日本を訪れるアメリカ人がどんな日本食を食べようか迷っていたら、「You can’t go wrong with sushi.(お寿司だったら間違いないでしょう)」と言うことができます。

  • You can’t go wrong with that brand.
  • It might be a little pricey but you can’t go wrong with MacBooks.
  • On a cold, rainy day, you can’t go wrong with hot pot.

3) Off the top of one’s head(パッと思いついたもの)

この表現を直訳すると「頭のてっぺんからパッと出る」、つまり深く考えることなくアイデアや回答がパッと浮かぶことを意味します。質問の答えがすぐに思いつかない状況で「I don’t know it off the top of my head.(すぐには答えが出てきません。)」のように使うことがよくあります。

  • I can’t remember his name off the top of my head.
  • Off the top of my head, I’d say it’s about five thousand dollars.
  • You wouldn’t happen to know his phone number off the top of your head, would you?

4) From scratch(一から)

From scratchは「一から」や「最初から」、または「手作りで」を意味します。何もないところからビジネスを立ち上げたり、ホームページ作成ツールを使わずにゼロからウェブサイトを作成したり、材料を全て一からそろえて料理や芸術作品を作るなど、幅広い場面で使うことができます。

  • Did you make this from scratch? That’s amazing!
  • I started my business from scratch when I was 25 years old.
  • My dad built this bookshelf from scratch. Pretty impressive, isn’t it?

5) Hole in the wall(汚い感じのお店)

Hole in the wall は直訳すると「壁に空いた穴」ですが、これは、見た目は小汚いが味は絶品の飲食店を表す表現で、主にチェーン店ではなく個人経営のこじんまりとしたレストランやバーを指します。外観や内観はそれこそ壁に穴が空いていてもおかしくないような店構えですが、アットホームで本格的な料理を提供してくれそうなお店です。

  • アメリカでは、主にレストランやバーに対して使われますが、手狭で小汚いオフィスやアパートなどを指して使ってもOKです。
  • I love going to hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
  • I came across this little hole in the wall by my house yesterday.
  • You might not believe it, but that hole in the wall there serves the best ramen.



  • Cuisine・・・料理
  • Authentic・・・本場
  • Ice cream parlor・・・アイスクリームパーラー


  • In the area・・・この辺で
  • A ton of・・・たくさん
  • Next door・・・隣
  • Formal sit down・・・フォーマルなお店
  • Big on・・・大好き



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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