
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.05.22





【Deanna】Tell me Lawrence, do you have a favorite book or are you listening or reading any books right now?

【Lawrence】Uh, favorite book is kind of like asking my favorite movie. It’s very difficult.


【Lawrence】Umm, for the past few years I’ve been reading… umm mainly fantasy. The main reason was because of “A Song of Ice and Fire” series which is the books that Game of Thrones is based off of. Umm, currently… umm the last book I read I finished a couple days ago was actually a Deadpool book. And not a comic book surprisingly but a novel book.


【Lawrence】Yeah, it’s the first… Deadpool novel.

【Deanna】Is it based off the movies?

【Lawrence】No it’s not. It’s just a stand-alone unrelated… just Deadpool story.

【Deanna】Oh, never heard of it.

【Lawrence】Yeah, I didn’t either until I saw it a couple days ago.

【Deanna】How is it?

【Lawrence】It was good.

【Deanna】It was good? Okay, that’s cool.

【Lawrence】Very… Deadpool.

【Deanna】Oh, how about you Ken?

【Ken】Umm… I don’t really read books that often. I’m always, you know, reading about the news but a book that has popped up into my head that I like is Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.

【Deanna】Aww, rest in peace.

【Ken】So yeah, I’m a big fan of his but that’s a great book. Umm, you know I’m a big foodie, so that’s a great book. If you haven’t read it, you know, go out and read that, Kitchen Confidential.

【Deanna】Okay, oh yeah he’s a great… ugh I miss him.h

【Ken】Yeah, yeah definitely. How about you Deanna?

【Deanna】Umm, I don’t have a favorite book. I was actually never that type of person that read… I’m gonna (going to) get a lot of hate for this, but Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, I read the first one of each series, but didn’t get into it. Umm, I’m reading on an audible book right now called “Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World.” Have you guys ever heard of it?


【Ken】No, what is that?

【Deanna】It’s by uh… Haruki Murakami.

【Lawrence】Oh okay.

【Ken】Oh okay. It sounds like uh… it sounds like one of those titles.

【Deanna】Totally… bizarre title, yes.

【Lawrence】I read one of his books umm, earlier this year or and last year, yeah.

【Deanna】Oh nice, okay. Did you? What book was it?

【Lawrence】It was umm… Colorless… Tsukuru… Person’s Name and His Years of Pilgrimage.

【Deanna】Right, another bizarre name.


【Deanna】Yeah, he’s… he’s awesome, so I just started that book and it’s pretty cool. Umm, I don’t quite know what it’s about just yet, but Haruki Murakami… I think that’s one of my favorite authors. Umm, and… there’s another one… umm, John Green? Have you guys ever heard?

【Ken】Oh the author… John Green.

【Deanna】Yeah, John Green. It’s totally sentimental, like romance type thing. And uh, he does a lot of sob. So, if you want a good cry he’s a good author to go to, I think.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why has Lawrence read mostly fantasy recently?
  2. Who was the author of Kitchen Confidential, a book Ken mentioned he was reading in this episode?
  3. Which Japanese author do Deanna and Lawrence discuss at the end of the episode?



  1. His experience reading A Song of Ice and Fire books inspired him to continue reading in the fantasy genre.
  2. The late Anthony Bourdain was the author of Kitchen Confidential.
  3. They talked about Haruki Murakami.



Deanna, Ken, and Lawrence discuss the various books they have been reading recently in this episode. Lawrence talks first about his reading of fantasy books, brought on by his reading of the series from which Game of Thrones was inspired, A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lawrence has also recently read a stand-alone book about the comic book character Deadpool. Ken himself has recently read the book Kitchen Confidential by the late Anthony Bourdain.

Deanna had difficulty getting into famous book series like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings. She has however been reading books by Haruki Murakami, specifically Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

In the end, Deanna mentions the author John Green. He specializes in writing sentimental, romantic novels. She believes that if one wants a sad, emotional experience, he is a good author to read.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Based off (of)(〜に基づいて)

Based off は「〜に基づいて」という意味の日常表現で、based off of と言っても同じです。「この映画は実話に基づいている」は、「This movie is based off (of) a true story.」、「直感に従って決断を下した」は「I made a decision based off (of) my intuition.」と言うことができます。

  • 本来はbased off ではなくbased on が正しい表現ですが、1990年代半ばよりbased off (of) が使われるようになりました。意味とニュアンスは全く同じなので、覚えやすい方を使ってください。
  • Is this book based off the author’s real life?
  • This movie is based on a true story.
  • Tonight’s dinner is based off of a recipe from Cookpad.

2) Pop up(跳び出す・現れる)

Pop up は人や物が急に出てくることを意味する日常表現です。 pop は本来、シャンパンの栓が抜ける時の「ポン」という音を表し、トースターからパンが飛び出すさまを想像するとpop upのニュアンスがつかめると思います。前触れもなく人が訪ねてきたり、ネットの画面に突然広告が出てきたりするなど様々な状況で使うことができます。

  • その他、アイデアがひらめいたり、急に疑問がわいたり、とっさに何かが頭に思い浮かぶことをpop (up) into one’s mind/head と表現し、up は入れても入れなくてもOKです。
  • I really hate pop-up ads.
  • I’m sure another used car that you’re looking for will pop up on the internet soon.
  • What’s the first word that pops into your head when you hear the word “LA”?

3) Foodie(食通)


  • Do you consider yourself a foodie?
  • I’m a foodie. I love to eat, find little-known restaurants and try new things.
  • If you are looking for good restaurants in Tokyo, you should ask Hiro. He’s a big time foodie.

4) Get into(〜に興味を持ち始める)

Get into は状況によって様々な意味を持つ表現ですが、今日の会話では何かを好きになり始めたり、何かに興味を持ち始めたり打ち込んだりすることを意味します。スポーツや音楽、趣味や食べ物に関して使われる傾向があり、例えば、「ホットヨガに興味を持ち始めました。」は 「I’m getting into hot yoga.」、「最近、赤ワインにはまってきました。」は 「I’m getting into red wine lately.」 という具合に使われます。

  • Be into も「夢中になる」や「はまる」を意味する表現ですが、「I’m into hot yoga.」と言うと、既にホットヨガにはまっていることを表します。何かを好きに “なり始めた” ことを強調するにはget into を使うといいでしょう。
  • I’m getting into journaling lately. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
  • I tried getting into pilates but it wasn’t for me.
  • You should try getting into swimming. It’s a great full body workout.

5) Sentimental(感情的な)

Sentimental は「感情的な」を意味する単語で、感情的な人や感傷をそそる本や映画を指して使われます。「感情的になる」は get/feel sentimentalと言います。

  • ちなみに、「思い入れがある」は have sentimental valueと言います。
  • She is a sensitive and sentimental person.
  • I just saw a sentimental movie and cried the entire time.
  • I can’t get rid of this because it has sentimental values.



  • Novel・・・小説
  • Stand-alone・・・独立した・単巻の
  • Bizarre・・・変な
  • Sob・・・すすり泣く


  • (I’ve) never heard of it・・・聞いたことない
  • That’s cool・・・いいね
  • Rest in peace・・・ご冥福をお祈りします
  • A big fan of・・・〜が大好き
  • Earlier this year・・・今年の初め



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. tepima より:

    Hi Jun! I always study your podcast, Youtube, and so on.
    After I listened this podcast, I have two question!

    ①:Wolud you tell me pronunciation of the word “pilates”?

      Wolud you tell me Family Situation in US that has a suspected person?

    • Jun より:

      Hi tepmia

      Thanks for listening to my podcast. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. The pronunciation of “Pilates” is “puh·laa·teez”. Obviously it depends on the degree of the crime committed but generally speaking, if a family member goes to jail or is convicted of a crime it’s not a big deal. You would not be treated differently just because someone in your family is in jail.

  2. Hiroshi Matsuzaki より:

    Junさん。いつもポットキャストやYouTube利用させていただいております。ありがとうございます。要約のところの文法について質問なのですが、Deanna had difficulty getting into famous book series like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings.のhad + ing は文法的に正しいですか。それとも口語的な表現でしょうか?自分で調べてみましたが、解決しなかってので質問させていただきました。お時間ありましたら回答していただけると幸いです。

    • Jun より:


      いつもPodcastやYouTubeを視聴していただき、ありがとうございます。「have difficulty + 動詞ing」の組み合わせで使われるフレーズです。この表現は「〜が困難である」ことを意味する表現です。

  3. にーこ より:

    I’m a big fan of his
    I’m a big fan of him

  4. Narisa Mizuno より:

    From my perspective ,Beurre d’ ECHIRE cost an arm and leg.I won’t pay an arm and leg for that butter by my self,I think.

    I paid an arm and a leg for my P.C.I took the plunge and bought it.This P.C. cost an arm and a leg ,but it’s worth the money.

  5. ya-ko より:

    Thank you for sharing me this excellent podcast. I can enjoy english lesson through it.
    My favorite japanese author is Akio Morisawa. His nevels are sentimental and bitter sweet. Reading his books makes me happy.

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


