
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.01.31





【Kai】So here’s a funny debate. Do you believe that a hotdog can be classified as a “sandwich?”

【Deanna】I do. I think…I do think that a hotdog is part of the subcategory of “sandwiches…” (laughs)


【Deanna】…because sandwiches, I believe, are two pieces of bread…




【Deanna】…with something in the middle. Doesn’t matter what. I don’t know. I haven’t looked it up, but…and a hotdog is basically that.


【Deanna】But it’s also a category of its own. So I feel like it’s a branch-off of sandwiches, or something.

【Kai】So would you ever go to your friends and be like, “I have a sandwich today for lunch,” and bust out a hotdog?



【Deanna】Wait, that changes everything. (laughs)

【Kai】Like you have—you’re with your friends, or your coworkers, and you brought lunch, and then they’d be like, “Oh, what do you have today?” “Oh I have a sandwich.” And then you take it out…

【Deanna】And it’s a hotdog? Oh man. When you put it like that, it changes everything.


【Deanna】But, like I said, like I said, a hotdog is not a sandwich, it’s a…it’s a subcategory of sandwiches. So, technically I wouldn’t—it wouldn’t be wrong. They might give me weird looks. But I could say, “Oh no. You know, it’s a hotdog. It’s a type of…I had brought a type of sandwich.”


【Deanna】No, that doesn’t sound right either. I don’t know.

【Kai】“What did you bring for lunch today?” “A type of sandwich.”

【Deanna】(laughs) You know what? All right. You win. I think…

【Kai】No, no, no! (laughs) No, no, no.

【Deanna】You know what? I don’t think…I actually think they’re separate now. Now that you put it like that. I’ve changed my mind.

【Kai】So, what makes it different for you now? Then…

【Deanna】Maybe because a hotdog…

【Kai】Do you think it’s the type of bread? Like, generally, sandwiches are, you know, a loaf…a cut loaf or bread. But like, the hotdog buns are like a hoagie. Well, a hoagie’s a sandwich.

【Deanna】Yeah. A hoagie’s a sandwich.


【Deanna】Um, I don’t know.

【Kai】Or is it just the meat that classifies it?

【Deanna】No, I think…I think it’s just ‘cause (because) it’s the name “hotdog.”


【Deanna】So, people who call it “sandwiches” would just…it would just be weird if they called it, like…that.

【Kai】So if we use the hotdog bun, and we put, like tuna inside…

【Deanna】Uh huh.

【Kai】…and with the lettuce, or we put like…

【Deanna】Yakisoba. (laughs)

【Kai】Yeah, yakisoba inside. Like…would you still call that a sandwich?

【Deanna】Because—okay, if I…if I was your friend and I said, “Hey, I brought a hotdog today.” And then I pulled out, like a hotdog bun with yakisoba inside, you’d be like, “That’s not a hotdog.”

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Deanna】So, I don’t think that would be a sandwich.



【Kai】So if we used the traditional bread loaf that’s cut…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…and you put the hotdog inside that, would that be a sandwich?



【Deanna】That would be a sandwich.

【Kai】So it’s the bun.

【Deanna】Yeah. Maybe it’s the bun.


【Deanna】Because if I brought it out—if I brought that out and said, “It’s a hotdog…”


【Deanna】…you’d be like, “No way.”

【Kai】I totally agree. (laughs)

【Deanna】(laughs) All right, it’s the bun. We’ve reached a decision.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. At the beginning of the episode, why does Deanna classify hotdogs as “sandwiches?”
  2. What example did Kai give Deanna that caused her to rethink her initial opinion on hotdogs?
  3. What do Kai and Deanna eventually decide is the most important feature determining whether something is a “hotdog” or a “sandwich”?



  1. Deanna believes sandwiches are two pieces of bread with something in the middle, and that hotdogs are essentially that.
  2. Kai suggested that if Deanna brought a hotdog with her to lunch and declared to others around her that she had brought a “sandwich,” they would find what she said strange.
  3. Both agree that the bun is the distinguishing feature between hotdogs and sandwiches.



Deanna and Kai engage in a fun debate over whether hotdogs can be classified as “sandwiches.” Deanna begins by sharing her belief that hotdogs can be classified as sandwiches.

Deanna supports this belief by defining sandwiches as two pieces of bread with something in between. On that definition, hotdogs can be classified as sandwiches, though Deanna clarifies that hotdogs are a “subcategory” of sandwich.

Kai however offers a counterpoint. How would someone respond if they were eating lunch with Deanna and she brought with her a hotdog, but then referred to it as a “sandwich?” This caused Deanna to question her original opinion.

The two continue the debate, discussing the details of each dish and what features could help them determine whether or not hotdogs are truly sandwiches. They explore the ingredients, the meats used, and finally the types of bread. Eventually, both decide that the bun is the defining feature of both dishes, suggesting that if a hotdog sausage was placed inside sandwich bread, it would become a “sandwich.”


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Classify (分類する)


  • 「AをBに分類する」は、classify A into Bと表現します。
  • Is a tomato classified as a vegetable or fruit?
  • The participants are classified according to their age.
  • Garbage in Japan is generally classified into four types: Burnable, non-burnable, oversized garbage and recyclable garbage.

2) Bust out (急に〜し出す)

Bust outは「急に〜し出す」という意味の口語表現ですが、「急に~を取り出す」という意味でもよく使われます。今回の会話の中でカイが言った「Bust out a hotdog.」は、後者の意味で「ホットドッグを急に取り出す」となります。Pull outも何かを取り出すことを意味しますが、取り出す動きが突然であることを強調する場合はbust outを使うといいでしょう。

  • 他にも、「突然笑い出す」を意味するbust out laughingという表現もよく使われます。
  • My friend busted out a lizard from his pocket and scared the hell out of me.
  • Let’s bust out the champagne and celebrate!
  • When I saw your text message, I busted out laughing in the train.

3) Put it like that(そのような言い方)

Put it like thatはsay it that wayと同じ意味で、「そのような言い方」という意味の口語表現です。「そういう言い方はやめて」は「Don’t put it like that.」、「あなたがそんな風に言うのなら」は「If you put it like that.」といった感じで使われます。「言い方を換えよう」は「Let me put it like this.」で、この場合thatではなくthisが使われます。

  • Put it like that/thisの代わりにput it that way/this wayとも言います。
  • Why do you have to put it like that? Be a little more positive.
  • I guess if you put it like that, it makes sense.
  • Let me put it this way. I don’t think he can handle the job.

4) Change one’s mind(気が変わる)

Change one’s mindは、一度決めた計画や予定、意見などについて「気が変わる」「考えが変わる」ことを表します。

  • 気が変わりやすい人や優柔不断な人には「Make up your mind!(はっきりして)」と言います。
  • She’s fickle. She always changes her mind.
  • I thought you were going to study abroad this year. Why did you change your mind?
  • You’re so indecisive. Can you just make up your mind?

5) Reach a decision (決断を下す・結論に到達する)

Reachは「達する」、decisionは「決断」なので、reach a decisionは「決断を下す」「結論に達する」ことを意味します。「決断を下す」はmake a decisionとも言いますが、reach a decisionには、悩んだり議論した末に決断するニュアンスがあります。

  • Have you guys reached a decision yet?
  • After discussing this issue for the past few days, we’ve finally reached a decision.
  • When do you think you guys will reach a decision?



  • Branch-off・・・枝分かれ
  • Loaf (of bread)・・・ひとかたまりのパン
  • Hoagie・・・ホーギー(サンドイッチ)


  • Look up・・・〜を調べる






  1. かわもっちゃん より:

    今日のフレーズ(2)のBUST OUTですが、似たような表現で「BURST INTO」があると思いますが、同じ意味・ニュアンスなのでしょうか?
    例えば「BURST INTO LAUGHING」と表現できるでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます!burst intoも「突然〜しだす」を意味します。Burst into laughter と表現します。意味はbust out laughingと同じですが、形式が違うだけです。

  2. Maho より:

    Hi Jun san,

    This is the 4th comment to leave it here!

    This week’s topic was really funny and i am totally agree with your opinion, “Hot dog is just Hot dog” haha(((:I enjpyed this topic and listend it again and again!
    I was really enjoyed Kai and Deanna’s conversations a lot! because they sounds very fun and i like Deanna’s laughing voice:))) Very cute~! I hope they would be back soon again on your Podcast!
    Anyway I am really looking forward to next Podcast too!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Maho

      I’m glad you enjoyed this episode! This is a fun conversation topic, isn’t it? After we recorded this episode, we talked about this for another 30 minutes. lol. But I think that a hot dog is a hot dog! 😂

  3. とみー より:


    It’s very sad that people pass away in an accident.
    My condolences go to all the victims.

    By the way, this was a funny and interesting debate. Calling a hotdog “a type of sandwich” was hilarious.
    I’d like to listen to this type of topic more. Thanks.

    • Jun より:


      I’m glad you enjoyed this episode. It was really fun recording it too! We were all laughing the whole time. I’ll record more topics like this in the future!

  4. Satsuki より:

    Hello Jun-san

    This topic is really interesting!
    A hotdog is a hotdog.
    But I think that the hotdog is the distinguishing feature between hotdogs and sandwiches.
    Even if you put a hotdog in two pieces of bread, I still call it ”a hotdog with regular bread”.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Satsuki

      I’m glad you enjoyed this topic. It was a funny one! Everyone has their own definition of a hot dog. That is why it’s a great debate😆

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