
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.01.24





【Deanna】Okay, so if you’re unhappy with your job, do you think you should quit or stick it out?

【Kai】Um, I think that if this job is putting, like unnecessary pressure on you, and the stress level’s so much that it’s affecting your mental health, then probably leaving that job might be the better choice.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】But if it’s just because, like, “I don’t like my coworkers…”

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…or, like, “I don’t really like this area,” or something like that, then I think that sticking it out might be okay, because…I don’t know. Like, staying with a company, there’s definitely benefits in, like not moving on sometimes…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…like you can reach, like levels that you might not be able to if you’re gonna (going to) have to start all over again.


【Kai】And if you make it a habit of always leaving a company…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…then the growth also stops there too.

【Deanna】Right. And I was listening to this podcast about, like the longer you stay in one area, or like, with a job, then the more opportunities you get, versus thinking like, “Oh, the more I leave something, like, the more opportunities I’ll get.” So it’s kind of, like the reverse

【Kai】No, I definitely believe in that too…


【Kai】…’cause (because) there are connections being made within that company that you’re at…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…that could extend…

【Deanna】Yeah, exactly.

【Kai】…to better opportunities along the way.

【Deanna】That’s…uh huh—sorry.

【Kai】I feel like a lot of us are into that whole instant gratification type of thing.


【Kai】So, like, “I’m gonna quit.”

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】“And then I’m gonna find a new job and it’s gonna be great.”


【Kai】And they go there with that expectation of, like, “It’s gonna be better.” And it’s not better, and they’re like, “I’m gonna quit that job,” and like, go onto another one.

【Deanna】Yeah, um…

【Kai】So, there’s a difference, right? It’s affecting you—like, seriously affecting your mental health.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】I feel like you need to pull back, like, gather yourself.


【Kai】And then, probably move on.

【Deanna】Right, right. Yeah. I feel like this is kind of ironic, ‘cause we’re talking about sticking it out…


【Deanna】Even though we both quit our…

【Kai】Well, that…

【Deanna】That’s different.

【Kai】That was a different—right, ‘cause that…that was when we were in school, and we were pursuing our passion.

【Deanna】Yeah. And if your heart’s not in it, it’s…


【Deanna】That’s different too. You—you shouldn’t…I don’t think you should stick out something that you’re not completely passionate about.

【Kai】No, that’s 100 percent true because it—whatever job you’re in, if you have clients or customers or patients or students, if you don’t have some form of passion or want…

【Deanna】Or purpose. Mm hm.

【Kai】…of being there, it’s gonna be conveyed to those people…


【Kai】…and it’s not fair for them, either.

【Deanna】Yeah, that’s true.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When does Kai believe a person should consider quitting their job?
  2. What are some advantages of sticking with a job long-term that Kai and Deanna discuss in this episode?
  3. What are negatives to staying in a job one isn’t passionate about, according to Kai?



  1. Kai believes that if the job is causing excessive or undue stress on a person to the point that it is severely affecting their mental health, they should quit their job.
  2. Both talk about the long-term growth that can occur when a person stays with one company for a long time, rather than frequently changing jobs.
  3. Kai believes that if one isn’t passionate for the job they are in, their lack of enthusiasm will be conveyed onto customers and clients, who will suffer as a result.



Deanna and Kai discuss the subject of quitting one’s job. Both share thoughts on when and in what scenarios it is wise to quit a job, and when it is wise to remain.

Kai believes that if a job causes a person excessive stress to the point of affecting their mental health, then that person should consider quitting their job. However, if a person dislikes their job for a more trivial reason, like friction with coworkers, Kai believes a person should remain.

Deanna mentions a podcast she listened to describing the benefits of remaining at a company long-term, such as personal and professional growth. Kai also believes that staying with a company long-term can produce important relationships that could also lead to greater opportunities.

Both Kai and Deanna believe passion for one’s work is an important part of a job. For Kai, if a person doesn’t have passion in their job, that will translate into poor performance, which can harm customer experience.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Stick it out (最後までやり抜く)

Stick it outは「最後までやり抜く」ことを意味する表現です。以前のエピソードで紹介したstick with it/stick to itと意味は似ていますが、stick it outは困難や辛い状況に耐える意味合いが含まれます。

  • I know it’s tough but just stick it out.
  • I’m glad I stuck it out to the end. It was worth it.
  • Don’t give up now. You only have one month left. Just stick it out.

2) Just because(〜だからといって)

Just becauseは「〜だからといって」や「〜だからというだけで」を意味し、アメリカ人の日常会話ではよく耳にする表現の1つです。「I went for a walk just because I felt like it. (ただ気が向いたので散歩に行きました)」のように肯定文で使うこともあれば、「You don’t have to buy things just because they’re on sale.(セールだからって買わなくてもいいんだよ)」のように、否定文でも使います。

  • また、何か質問をされて「いや、何となく」と答える場合にも使われますが、使い方によって良い響きにも悪い響きにも聞こえます。
  • You can’t quit your job just because you don’t like your coworkers.
  • Don’t get down yourself just because you made a mistake.
  • Why did I suddenly start studying English? I don’t know, just because.

3) Make a habit of (〜する習慣をつける)

Habitは「習慣」を意味することから、何かをする習慣をつけることをmake a habit of ____と表現しofの後には動詞のing形が続きます。例えば、「今年は英語で考える習慣をつける」は「This year I’m going to make a habit of thinking in English.」と言います。

  • Make a habit ofの代わりに make it a habit toも使えますが、その場合toの後は動詞の原型が続き、「I’m going to make it a habit to think in English.」となります。
  • I’m trying to make a habit of studying English for 30 minutes every day.
  • My new year’s resolution is to make a habit of trying new things.
  • This year, I need to make it a habit to wake up early.

4) Instant gratification(すぐに得られる喜び)


  • We live in the age of instant gratification.
  • Focus on delayed gratification, not instant gratification.
  • Why do you think people seek instant gratification?

5) Gather oneself(自分を取り戻す)

Gather oneselfは、感情が乱れている状態から「冷静になって落ち着く」ことを意味する表現です。例えば大勢の前でスピーチをする友人が緊張してソワソワしているとしましょう。その友人に、「Gather yourself. You’re going to do fine. (しっかりして。きっとうまくいくよ)」と声をかける場合などに使われます。

  • ちなみに日常会話では、pull oneself togetherも同じ意味で使われます。
  • Gather yourself. Your presentation is in one minute.
  • He needs a moment to gather himself.
  • I know you’re going through tough times but these are the times you have to pull yourself together.



  • Affect・・・影響を与える
  • Mental health・・・精神
  • Reverse・・・逆
  • Convey・・・伝える


  • Start all over again・・・ゼロから出直す
  • Along the way・・・途中で
  • Move on・・・前へ進む
  • Pursue one’s passion・・・情熱を追い求める
  • Heart is not in it・・・本当の興味はそこにない



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Shinobu より:

    Thank you so much for uploading new episode. I always enjoy listening to your interesting podcast.

    Today’s topic is totally interesting for me. I got mental illness when I was working, and that’s why I decided to quit the previous office.
    It took me for a while since quitting job, and I’m recently feeling like I shouldn’t have done that.
    However, as you said in this podcast, I wouldn’t try to learn English if I didn’t take time away from work. Currently I make it a rule to study English everyday, and I ended up to learn talking with English speakers without my mother language. Still, I actually suck at speaking in English, but I’m going to keep at studying more.
    Your thoughtful message encouraged me and made me happy. I really want to tell to you, thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Shinobu,

      Thanks for the message! Quitting is never an easy thing to do but if you feel like it’s having a negative effect on you, you have to learn to walk away from it. I had to learn that the hard way but when I realized it was OK to “quit”, things got much better. By “quitting”, you open up new opportunities. I’m happy to hear that you are doing better and quitting your job has led to you study English every day. Keep it up!

      Btw, your English is excellent. It doesn’t suck at all 😉

  2. Tomie より:

    Hi Jun san

    with regards to prepositions. Could you please explain
    “both share thoughts on when and in what scenarios”

    どのような時に、= on when?
    そしてどのような状況において =in what Scenarios?
    I didn’t know I can translate どのような時 is “on when”

    I’m not good at using preposition. If you have another topic or Youtube channel which you explained it before,Please let me know. I will have a loot.



    • Jun より:


      ここでは、on when ではなく、thoughts on ~ (〜についての考え)の組み合わせです。in what scenarios は「どのような状況において」になります👍

  3. Olive より:

    Hi Jun-san
    This is my first time to send a comment although I have been enjoying your podcast for years. I really like your podcast because not only live conversations but also your introductions and wrap ups are very interesting. Your positive thinking always encourages me a lot. This time’s topic- definition of success and failure is also really thought provoking! Could you tell me in which podcast you have found this interesting definition? Thank you very much.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Olive

      Thanks for the message. I’m happy to hear you are enjoying my podcast. You can find more about the definition of success and failure by Googling “The Formula for Success and Failure by Jim Rohn”. You should check it out! It’s really interesting!

  4. Saku より:

    こんにちは、いつも楽しく聴かせていただいてます。会話の途中でお二人が笑っているところがありますが、これは270回で二人が日本に来たいきさつを考えると、議論がstick it outの方向に進んでいるのはironicだね、という意味でしょうか?

    • Jun より:



  5. Maho より:

    Hi Jun san,

    This is the 3rd time to leave my comment here!
    I am getting used to do that and defenitely wanna to make it habit of learning Engish with you everyday!
    Anyway i really appreciate for replying to my comment! Your words motivate me to learn English harder!
    You mentioned about success and failure, I totally aggree with you!Because i have actually such a failure experience before…
    Last year, I decided to learn English everyday as my new year resolution, but I often skipped it and after all 2019 ended before i knew it (TT)
    But this year, I have a little bit more confidence than last year to stick with it to the end!
    Thank you for your fun episodes! I’m looking forward to next Podcast too!

  6. Chieri より:

    ここで「yeah, I agree with you」とYesで答えることもできますか?
    その前のDeannaさんの「やめればやめるほどチャンスを得られる」のところもKaiさんは「No I definitely believe in that too」と答えていましたが、こちらのNoも Yeah I definitely believe in that…と置き換えることはできますか?

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