
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.12.27





【Deanna】Kai, tell me, does age really matter to you when it comes to dating?

【Kai】That’s a really difficult question. I feel that, I guess, if your love is strong enough…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…like, age shouldn’t really play a part in your partner.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】But…I mean, there’s a lot of factors when it comes to that. I mean, there’s generation gaps. We have the whole, like Generation X…

【Deanna】Mm hm. Mm hm.

【Kai】…Generation Z, Millennials—there’s so much differences between these generations…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…that it could play, like a heavy part on that relationship. But as corny as it sounds, if you both have some form of emotional connection, you should be able to transcend those generational gaps.

【Deanna】Okay. So it sounds like age is not that important. Maybe the generation you’re in or your interests and values are important.


【Deanna】Like, if they need to match up.

【Kai】…if you’re 20 years old and your partner’s 70 years old and they happen to be rich or something, then I might find that to be a little bit suspicious.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】But I mean, if you genuinely have that emotional connection with that person, then I personally don’t find any fault.

【Deanna】Okay. So, like Hugh Hefner’s, uh lifestyle…


【Deanna】Do you…?

【Kai】Right. I mean, for me it’s a little suspicious.


【Kai】But, who am I to judge those kind of people?

【Deanna】I see, I see.

【Kai】How do you feel about the whole age gap?

【Deanna】Um, I…I feel the same way. I think, like—I think age is just a number. However, I do believe—okay, so, as most people know, under 18…

【Kai】Oh, right, right. (laughs)

【Deanna】…if you’re a minor, like, you can’t be with someone who’s older than 18. I think that’s really the limit…


【Deanna】…that I draw—is like, if someone’s younger than 18. Um, but I’m 25 now, and like, I feel like anyone younger than 21 feels really young to me.

【Kai】Okay, okay.

【Deanna】For some reason. And it might be the generation thing…

【Kai】Well, what if you were, like 35 and they were 31?

【Deanna】That’s fine.

【Kai】Okay, okay.

【Deanna】I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m not 31 yet.


【Deanna】So I don’t have an answer. Yeah.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Which age-related factor does Kai believe plays an important role in relationship compatibility?
  2. Generally, what does Kai believe about age differences in relationships?
  3. What is Deanna’s hard limit on age differences in relationships?



  1. Kai believes that generational differences can influence a relationship between two partners.
  2. Kai believes that as long as two people have genuine love for one another, age differences are relatively unimportant.
  3. Deanna believes that anyone older than 18 shouldn’t date anyone younger than 18.



Deanna and Kai share their thoughts on age differences between partners in romantic relationships. Both discuss their beliefs on how age influences partners’ compatibility with one another as well as their views on the limits of age differences in relationships.

Kai generally believes that age should not matter too much in a relationship as long as both partners possess genuine love for one another. However, Kai also believes that generational differences can play a role in compatibility between partners.

Deanna shares Kai’s view that, for the most part, age differences should not be as important as genuine attachment and love between partners. She does set the hard limit that no one above the age of 18 should date minors, that is, those below the age of 18.

Deanna also states that for her, personally, as someone who is 25 years old, she would feel uncomfortable dating someone that was under 21 years old. That said, Deanna feels that if she was 35 and her partner was 31, that age difference is fine.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Matter (重要である)

Matterは状況によって意味が異なる単語ですが、今日の会話では、何かが「重要である」「大切である」ことを意味し、importantと同義で使われています。「重要なの?」は「Does it matter?」、「重要です」は「It does matter.」、「重要ではない・どっちでもいい」は「It doesn’t matter.」と表現します。

  • For me, speaking English matters because I need to communicate with my coworkers.
  • It doesn’t matter. I’m up for anything.
  • What matters to you most?
    (あなたにとって最も重要なことは何ですか? )

2) Corny (ダサい)

Cornyは「ダサい」「古臭い」という意味の単語で、オリジナリティーがなく使い古された言動に対してよく使われます。具体的には、ありきたりでつまらない発言や、面白くないジョーク、新鮮味のない映画などを指して「That’s corny.」と言います。

  • It may sound corny but I love helping people.
  • That’s corny. I think you should change it.
  • He’s a funny guy. His jokes are corny at times though.

3) Happen to(たまたま〜する)

Happen toは偶然の出来事を表す口語表現です。例えば「私たちはたまたま同じ電車に乗っていました」は「We happened to be on the same train.」ですが、by chanceやcoincidenceを使うよりも口語的な響きがあります。

  • また、Do you happen to ____ と疑問形にすると「ひょっとして〜」というニュアンスになり、柔らかい尋ね方になります。例えば「ひょっとしてブライアンを知ってる?」を「Do you happen to know Brian?」と表現すると「Do you know Brian?」と意味は同じですが、より控え目な印象を与えます。
  • We happened to be visiting Kyoto at the same time.
  • What are you up to? I just happen to be in the neighborhood. Can I drop by?
  • Do you happen to know anyone who can translate legal documents?

4) Who am I to ____?(私には〜する権利がない)

Who am I to ____?は、自分には何かをする権利がないということを表す表現です。具体的には、人の言動や思考、悪い癖やライフスタイルなどについて、「自分に口出しする権利はない」と言う場合によく使われ、Who am I to say ____?やWho am I to tell ____?、Who am I to judge ____?などの形をとるのが一般的です。

  • Who am I to say how she should spend her money? It’s her money.
  • Who am I to tell her how to live?
  • We don’t know what he’s been through. Who are we to judge?

5) Age is just a number(年齢なんて関係ないよ)

この表現を直訳すると「年齢は単に数字にすぎない」ですが、これは日常会話において「年齢は関係ない」と言う際に使われる定番のフレーズです。例えば「この年齢で英語の勉強を始めるなんて遅いかな?」と言う人に対して「Definitely not. Age is just a number. (決してそんなことはない。年齢なんて関係ない)」といった具合に使われます。

  • You’re not too old to start learning English. Age is just a number.
  • Age is just a number. Maturity is what really matters.
  • Don’t let your age stop you from doing anything. Age is just a number.



  • Generation gap・・・世代間のギャップ
  • Emotional connection・・・感情の繋がり
  • Transcend・・・超える
  • Suspicious・・・怪しい
  • Genuinely・・・純粋に
  • Minor・・・未成年


  • When it comes to・・・〜に関して
  • Play a part in・・・〜に関係する
  • Don’t find any fault・・・何もおかしなことはない



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ken より:



    How was 2019 for you? Were you able to archive the goals that you’ve set for yourself? Or did you come up ?? on some other things you set out to do. Whatever the case may be I’v always found it helpful to spend some time at the end of the year to look back on the kind of the year that you’ve had.

    2、play a part in or play a part onはどちらでも正しいでしょうか?どちらもKaiが言っていたセリフですが、通常はplay a partの後ろにinはFollowされるべきだと思いますが、onもOKですか?(細かくてすみません)

    Kai: Age shouldn’t really play a part in your partner.
    Kai: It could play like a heavy part on that relationship.


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます。イントロの部分ですが、”short on”です!基本、play a part inの形式が使われます。

      • Ken より:



  2. Lily より:

    Hi, Jun!
    I restarted learning English with Hapa Eikawa materials last year. I will never give it up this time in spite of the fact that I am a mother of two small rambunctious kids. Plus, knowing your way of thinking and living as well through the podcast inspired me a lot and drove me to learn English again. Thanks Jun, and happy joyful new year to you!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Lily!

      Thanks for your kind message. I’m happy to hear you are finding Hapa Eikaiwa useful. The key to learning is to have fun. Learning is lifelong. Enjoy your English journey! Happy New Year to you too! Hope you have a wonderful 2020!

  3. Fumiko より:

    通勤の電車内でいつもiPodで勉強させて頂いてます。次男の産休中から始めたので約5年になります。仕事で海外出張が多いので話せる英語を身につけたいと始めました。子育てと仕事でなかなかじっくり勉強とまではいかないので、ひたすら通勤中に聞いて耳を慣らし、気になった言い回しはメモする といったレベルですが、昨年の出張で今までより聞き取れて話せる力がついたな!と実感できました。4年目にして初めて感じた手応えでした^_^

    • Jun より:


      明けましておめでとうございます!Podcastをスタートした、最初の頃からずっと聴いてくれているんですね。ありがとうございます。英語がちょっとずつ聴き取れるようになったこと、great newsです😊レッスンの提案ありがとうございます。親子の日常会話は他の方達も求めていると思います。ノートにメモっておきました。今年もよろしくお願いします!

  4. YUSUKE より:



    Who am I to say how she should spend her money. It’s her money.

    • Jun より:



  5. cardiologist より:

    Textbook 3ページ目 1段落目 4行目
    I’ve always been a firm believe in being consistent,
    I’ve always been a firm believer in being consistent,

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