
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.11.15





【Lawrence】So Athrylis, to you, what is good customer service?

【Athrylis】I think customer service is good as long as you’re doing your job and getting me out of there as quickly as possible. Having worked in customer service myself, I think it’s ridiculous to hold, um…hold them to a standard, um that is not representative of their salary…


【Athrylis】…’cause (because) when they’re working minimum wage jobs, then I’m not going to expect anything, you know, above and beyond.

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】As long as they’re polite and they don’t do anything incorrectly…

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】…as far as, like overcharging or, you know, making my experience worse, then why would I have any problem with that? I…what do you think?

【Lawrence】Customer service is kind of hard ‘cause there are a lot of customers who are kind of…


【Lawrence】I was gonna (going to) say “rude,” but yes, awful.

【Athrylis】Okay. (laughs) Yeah, and I think sometimes you’ve got those customers who really just want to complain.

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】Right? Like, they have no other joy in their life…

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】…besides making someone else suffer. (laughs) And so, in—in those situations, I mean, do you cater to that? Do you let them get away with it? Or do you just say, “Okay, that’s enough from you,” and keep on moving through the line and if you’re not going to shop here next time, that’s fine. You can go somewhere else. Like, do you try to keep that kind of customer loyalty?

【Lawrence】I think—I think, like the head um, business owner, whoever would want them…

【Athrylis】Right, the manager has to sort of…

【Lawrence】Yeah. Do you think that overall the U.S. has, kind of, good customer service reputation, or…?

【Athrylis】Um…no. (laughs) But, I mean, yeah. I think that—that most of the time the customer service in the U.S. is pretty much the bare minimum. But sometimes I’ll see a waitress, right?


【Athrylis】Doing her job, doing her best, and the—the couple at the next table is just impossible. Everything she’s doing, you know, they say, “Oh, that’s not what I ordered,” and, “No, just take it away,” and, “How dare you not bring me a straw?” And all of this stuff instead of just being like, “Oh, excuse me. Could I change this?” Whatever it is. And then I think, “Oh, now I feel obligated to tip more.”


【Athrylis】Because I can tell that they’re not going to tip correctly, and I—I want to show that…the waitress that, “You’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine. They’re just a bad…bad people. They’re bad people.”


【Athrylis】“And you still deserve to get paid.”


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Athrylis expect from customer service in general?
  2. What is Athrylis’s overall opinion of customer service in the United States?
  3. When Athrylis goes to a restaurant and sees a waitress dealing with extremely difficult customers, what does she feel obliged to do?



  1. For her, as long as the customer service personnel are doing their jobs and helping her solve the problem as quickly as possible, her expectations are met.
  2. She believes overall the U.S. has a poor customer service reputation, with most service being the bare minimum needed to solve problems.
  3. When Athrylis sees waitresses in those situations, she feels compelled to tip more to show the waitress her own appreciation for her hard work.



In this episode, Lawrence and Athrylis discuss customer service and what are reasonable expectations to have of people in that line of work. Athrylis herself once worked in customer service, and her experiences inform many of her opinions on the subject.

Athrylis believes that as long as customer service personnel are doing their jobs and helping to quickly and politely solve problems they are presented with, then that is enough. She believes that one should not expect “above and beyond” service from most of these personnel because many are in minimum wage positions.

In general, Athrylis believes customer service in the United States is rather poor and often only the bare minimum needed to solve problems. In her own experience, Athrylis often had to decide how far she was willing to go for difficult and outright rude customers, including whether or not she would lose that customer’s business, and how valuable that rude customer’s business really was at all.

Sometimes, when Athrylis visits restaurants, she will see a waiter or waitress who is forced to deal with very rude and ungrateful customers. In situations like that, Athrylis feels obliged to tip more out of her own gratitude to the waiter/waitress and to say that she believes their hard work and patience deserves to be validated.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Overcharge (過剰請求する)


  • Excuse me. I think you overcharged me.
  • I’m really sorry for overcharging you. I’ll get that fixed right away.
  • The taxi drivers will try to overcharge you. Be careful.

2) Awful(ひどい)

Awfulは「ひどい」を意味する単語で、very badを1語で表すぴったりの表現です。Awful smell(ひどい臭い)、awful person(ひどい人)、awful movie(ひどい映画)など、様々な状況で使うことができます。

  • Awfulの副詞awfullyは「とても」や「非常に」を意味し、veryのインフォーマルな表現として使われます。例えば、 「とても疲れている」は「I’m awfully tired.」、「彼はすごく上手だ」は「He’s awfully good.」のように、veryと置き換えが可能です。
  • That was an awful movie. What a waste of time.
  • Our vacation was awful. It was pouring the entire time we were there.
  • It’s awfully cold today. It feels like winter.

3) Bare minimum(最低限の)

Minimumだけでも「最小限」や「最低限」を意味しますが、より強調する場合はbare minimumが使われます。最低限の仕事や勉強や努力、または出費など、目的のために何かを必要最小限に抑える状況で使われます。

  • I hate working with him. He only does the bare minimum.
  • I’m not sure if he’s lazy or efficient but he always just does the bare minimum and somehow gets by.
  • We need to keep our expenses to the bare minimum this month.

4) Take away (下げる)

Take awayは本来、何かを取り上げたり奪い取ったりすることを意味する表現ですが、今日の会話では「下げる」という意味で使われています。レストランで店員が客にあいた皿を下げていいかと尋ねる時に、「Can I take this away?」と聞いたり、逆に客が店員に「これを下げてもらえますか?」と頼む場合は「Can you take this away?」と言います。

  • Excuse me. Can you take these away?
  • Are you still working on that? Can I take it away?
  • We’re all done. You can take them away.

5) How dare you(よくも〜)


  • 日常会話では、「How dare you!」だけで使われることも多く、「よくもそんなことを!信じられない!」といった意味になります。
  • How dare you lie to me!
  • How dare you talk to me like that.
  • You ate the cake that was in the fridge? How dare you! I was going to eat that tonight.



  • Ridiculous・・・馬鹿げている
  • Representative・・・見合う
  • Suffer・・・苦痛を味わせる
  • Cater・・・要求に応じる


  • As quickly as possible・・・できるだけ早く
  • Minimum wage job・・・最低賃金の仕事
  • Above and beyond・・・期待以上に、期待を遥かに超える
  • Get away with・・・許される
  • Obliged to・・・余儀なく〜する



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. life long journey より:

    会話の中で、文頭で使われている”Having worked in customer service myself〜”という文なのですが、普通は分詞構文は会話では使わないと習いました。これは例外ということでしょうか。それとも、そもそも考えている完了形の分詞構文ではないのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:

      life long journey


  2. naorin より:


    Question of the dayの3で、”Obliged to”とありますが、文中、Athrylisは”Obligated to”と言っています。同じ意味で使われていると思ってよいですか?

  3. ふわ より:


    as far as, like overcharging or,,,,
    ここのas far asはどういう意味ですか?

    keep on moving through the lineはどういう意味ですか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Podcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございます。as far as は「〜に関しては」を意味する表現です。keep on moving through the line は「次のお客様対応にうつる」を表します。これからもPodcast、頑張ってください!

  4. toru より:

    〜getting me out of there as quickly as possible.
    とありましたが、ここでのget me out of there

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