
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.09.13





【Jason】So Christian, when do you think would be a good time to retire?

【Christian】Right now. (laughs)

【Jason】(laughs) Oh, that would be the dream!

【Christian】That’s the dream. Um…no. So I don’t know. Like, uh…I think, personally, if I found a job that I truly love…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…I don’t think I’d wanna (want to) retire. Uh maybe not until like, 70-80…


【Christian】…when I’m like too old… (laughs)


【Christian】…to function properly.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Yeah, I don’t know, with today—the technology and science—um what that age would be. But um…yeah. I don’t know. Like or me, I think it’d be really boring to not have to do anything.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】And I would probably let myself go and get really fat. (laughs)


【Christian】‘Cause (because), you know, part of the, like, have to go to work, you gotta (got to) dress nice…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…and you gotta like…

【Jason】You gotta look presentable.

【Christian】Presentable. You know? That kind of fades away sometimes, like even after college, like I was like, “Oh yeah, I don’t have to really dress nice anymore.” (laughs)

【Jason】You don’t have to care much about grooming or…

【Christian】Yeah, yeah.



【Jason】You’re just at home all the time, right?

【Christian】Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Now the, like, um…yeah. I think it’s like, I don’t know. It’s really important for me to find a job that you really like. And for me I would want to do something that I really enjoy and keep on doing it.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um, just my—as well as my mental health and just, um to go outside and enjoy, like, what I do.


【Christian】Um, definitely, I think it would change maybe if I had kids. Whereas I would probably—that would probably be my whole life then, you know?


【Christian】Even though I would still need to work, I would want to spend more time with them.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…or somehow incorporate, uh…them into my work life. I don’t know.


【Christian】Yeah, so it’s kind of like finding that, uh…that fine line, of like, you know…if you enjoy your work, then it’s fine, you know? You can keep on doing it, and maybe you don’t wanna retire. Uh, but you also want to have time for your kids so…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】So, you gotta find time.

【Jason】You have to find that healthy balance.

【Christian】Yeah, exactly.

【Jason】It’s like, ‘cause right now, let’s say if you’re single or, you know, you’re not really thinking about a family, you work as much as you want. Try to make as much money as you can. But once other people’s lives are involved, then you can…you have to start thinking about them, not just yourself.


【Jason】So, you know, I agree with you, that you have to…if you find a job that you love, I personally don’t think I would ever quit. I’ll keep working until either the job says, “All right you’re too old. Get out.”

【Christian】Yeah, yeah.

【Jason】…or I can no longer physically, you know…am able to do it, or I’m six feet under, type of thing.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Christian think might happen to him if he stopped working?
  2. What does Christian say he would do if he found a job he really liked?
  3. What do both Jason and Christian say a parent must do while working?



  1. He fears he might “let himself go,” failing to dress up and possibly gain weight.
  2. In such a job, Christian says he would work until he was no longer able, rather than retire before such a time came.
  3. Jason and Christian feel once a working person has children, that person must strike a balance between time spent pursuing income and time spent with children.



Jason and Christian spend this episode discussing the subject of retirement, and when one should retire from work in general. Christian begins by saying that if he was working a job he enjoyed, he would not want to retire until he was 70 or 80 years old.

Christian thinks that if he stopped working, not only would life become more boring, but he worries he would “let himself go.” He fears that he might gain weight or stop paying attention to how he dresses himself.

Both Jason and Christian feel that if they found jobs they truly enjoyed, they would work as long as they were physically able. But Christian feels that once a working person had children, one’s working life becomes more complicated.

A parent must balance their work lives with spending time with children. Jason feels that a single person is freer to pursue income with his or her time, but once children become involved, time must be spent with them too.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Function (機能する)


  • I checked your laptop. Everything is functioning properly.
  • I’m having trouble focusing today. My brain isn’t functioning.
  • I’m feeling under the weather. I feel sluggish and I can’t function at all.

2) Let oneself go(自由に振る舞う)

Let goは本来、何かを「手放す」ことを意味することから、let oneself goは、抑制された状態から自分自身を解放することを意味します。周りを気にせず自分の気持ちや感情を出すポジティブな意味合いで使われることもあれば、自分の外見を気にしなくなり、太ったり不健康になるネガティブな意味でも使われます。

  • Stop worrying about others and just let yourself go.
  • He gained so much weight. He really let himself go.
  • He really let himself go since he got married.

3) Fade away(徐々になくなる)

Fade awayは、徐々に消えていったりなくなったりすることを意味する日常表現です。音や光が徐々に消えていったり、色や記憶が薄れていったり、一時人気を集めた人物や物がすたれるなど、様々な状況で使うことができます。

  • Didn’t you just buy that shirt? The color is already fading away.
  • Memories fade away overtime. That’s why I take a lot of pictures.
  • Whatever happened to that singer? He totally faded away since the scandal.

4) Let’s say(例えば〜としましょう)

Let’s sayは、「例えば〜としましょう」「仮に〜したとして」といった意味で使われる表現です。可能性の度合いに関係なく使うことができ、日常会話ではjustを加えて、Let’s just sayと言うこともあります。

  • Let’s say it doesn’t work out. What are you going to do then?
  • Let’s say money is no object. What career would you pursue?
  • Let’s just say no one signs up by next week. What should we do?

5) Six feet under(死んでいる)

Six feet underは直訳すると「6フィート(約183cm)下」ですが、「死んでいる」や「埋葬されて」を意味する口語表現です。アメリカでは死体を埋める穴の深さが6フィート(約183cm)であることが、この表現の由来です。

  • I’ll most likely be six feet under by then.
  • If you keep living that kind of lifestyle you’re going to end up six feet under.
  • All the money means nothing when you’re six feet under. You can’t take it with you.



  • Presentable・・・見苦しくない
  • Groom・・・手入れする、きれいに整える
  • Whereas・・・~であるのに対して


    • Mental health・・・精神的健康
    • Fine line・・・微妙な/紙一重の差



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Rina より:

    Hi. I always listen to your podcasts!
    It helps me a lot.

    I’d like to ask one thing.
    What does it mean “type of thing“.
    Does it have the same meaning “something like that”?

    • Jun より:

      Hi Rina

      Thanks for listening to my podcast. I’m glad you are enjoying it! “Type of thing” means 「〜のようなこと」. It’s similar to “something like” 👍

  2. Rie より:

    Whatever happened to that singer? He totally faded away since the scandal.


    • Jun より:


      Whatだけでも通じますが、”whatever happened to ~”は「~は一体どうなったの」を意味し、人の消息や、立ち消えになったかもしれない企画などについて使われます。

  3. Kenichi より:


    • Jun より:


      会話の和訳はプレミアム版で販売しています → https://www.hapaeikaiwa-shop.net/products/detail.php?product_id=333

  4. Yoshinao より:


    • Jun より:



  5. Tak より:

    Fade awayの例文「Didn’t you just buy that shirt?」で質問です。

  6. Kumiko より:

    Thank you for the podcast and all the lessons.
    I have a question. In one of the example sentences above, I have found you wrote ‘over time’. Whenever I see it, I get mixed up with ‘with time’. Is there any difference between these two in meaning and usage?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Kumiko

      Thanks for listening to my podcast. It’s a very subtle difference. In most cases, “with time” and “over time” are interchangeable and in my opinion, it’s comes down to preference. Some prefer to use “with time” while others prefer to use “over time”.

  7. Takuma より:


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