
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.08.09





【Christian】So Jason, what qualities do you look for in your boss?

【Jason】Um, the most important thing I look for is someone who is willing to help. A lot of the times…previous jobs don’t teach us things that we need to know in our current job, and so if I’m stuck on something, or something I don’t understand, I should not be afraid to go to my manager, my boss, and be like, “Hey, you know, some—this came up. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do here. Do you…can you help me?”
And they should be like, “Sure, absolutely.” You know, “I’ll come help.” And, you know, she’ll train me, while she helps me, and that’s something I look…that’s the number one quality in a boss that I look for…is definitely the training and the hands-on teaching…


【Jason】…for me.

【Christian】Yeah, I agree. I think, uh number one I look for is, like, I guess patience.


【Christian】Is she patient enough to, um deal with everything she has to do in the company? But if I make a mistake, does she have time to, like, you know, understand that like, “Oh, just need to work on some of these points.”

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um, you know, ‘cause (because) you kinda (kind of) want to build a good relationship with your boss. Uh…professional relationship. And you wanna (want to) see how you do well in the company through her.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】But um…yeah. So patience and…can the boss, like—or the manager teach them, uh sufficient—a lot of times I’ve had jobs where the manager—or boss—doesn’t really teach me anything. And she, you know…of course, they’ll uh, distribute that to someone else.

【Jason】Mm hm, mm hm. Yeah.

【Christian】But then they’re like, “Oh, well, learn from him, and also learn from him.” And you get different things. Like, you learn different ways and you don’t know which way is right or wrong. Sometimes I’ve gotten in trouble for what the boss, uh…what the, uh person that taught me…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…showed me, and what I actually needed to do.

【Jason】Oh yeah. That’s happened to me quite a few times. Definitely.


【Jason】Yeah, and like they—he would—he taught me his—quote-unquote “his way” of doing it. I went, “Okay, this seemed perfectly okay. I could do this.” And then I do it and I show my boss. And she’s like, “What is this? What are you doing? That’s not how I taught you.” I’m like, “Well, you didn’t actually teach me.”

【Christian】(laughs) Yeah.

【Jason】“You had someone else teach me. So I learned his habit. If you want me to learn how to do it correctly, you need to teach me your habit.”


【Jason】“You need to teach me how to do it first, and then I’ll learn it that way. Just don’t hand it off to somebody else to teach me.” It’s not…for me it just doesn’t work that way.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What quality in a boss is most important to Jason?
  2. What quality in a boss is most important to Christian?
  3. What situation do both Christian and Jason describe in which they both got in trouble from their bosses? Why did they get in trouble?



  1. Jason values willingness to help employees as the most important quality a boss can have.
  2. Christian values patience as the most important quality a boss can have.
  3. Christian and Jason both tell of stories from past work in which their bosses were unhappy with their work because an employee below the boss taught them how to carry out a job in a way contrary to how the boss wanted the job to be done.



Christian and Jason continue their discussion of features of the workplace by talking about the qualities they most value in their bosses. For Jason, a willingness to help employees is what he most values in a boss.

Jason wants to feel comfortable asking his boss for clarification on job assignments or for instructions on how to do specific tasks. He hopes that his boss will show willingness to teach and instruct him and his fellow employees.

Christian values patience in a boss. If Christian makes a mistake, he hopes his boss will be understanding and willing to show him the correct way to do a task.

Both Jason and Christian describe situations in which their bosses from past work did poor jobs of instructing them on how to carry out certain tasks. Both got in trouble at least once from their bosses for doing tasks according to the instructions of a lower-level employee, not the boss’s. Jason explains that if a boss is unhappy with how he carried out a certain task, the boss herself should have instructed him, not a lower level employee.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Be stuck on(〜に行き詰まる)

Stuckが「身動きが取れない」状態を表すことから、be stuck onは、問題が解決せずに行き詰まっている状態を表します。数学の問題が解けない、仕事のトラブルが解決しないといった状況で使われます。

  • I’m stuck on a problem. Can you help me out?
  • I’ve been stuck on this problem for hours.
  • I’m stuck on a coding problem. Can you take a look at it?

2) Hands-on(実践の)

Hands-onは直訳すると、「手で触れる」を意味し、説明や講義を受けるのではなく、実践的に体験することを意味します。例えば、「実地訓練」はhands-on trainingと言います。

  • また、マネージャークラスの上司が現場に出て部下と共に仕事をしたり、自ら実務に携わる場合にも使用される表現です。
  • Hands-on training is the best way to learn.
  • There were a lot of hands-on activities at the seminar.
  • I like my boss because he’s very hands-on.

3) Make a mistake(間違える)

Make a mistakeは「間違える」「ミスをする」という意味の表現です。Mistakeは「間違い」「誤り」という意味の名詞なので、「間違える」という行為を表す場合は、mistakeの前に動詞のmakeを加えることがポイントです。「間違えました」は、「I mistake」ではなく、「I made a mistake」と言います。

  • Sorry, I think I made a mistake.
  • I came across a couple of careless mistakes.
  • It’s OK to make mistakes. Just make sure to learn from them.

4) Get in trouble(怒られる)

Get in troubleは、トラブルに巻き込まれることを意味する表現ですが、あやまちや誤りを注意されたり怒られたりする場合にも使われます。仕事のミスを上司に注意されたり、授業中に携帯を使って先生に怒られたりするなどがその例です。

  • I got in trouble because I was late to work today.
  • Do you think I’ll get in trouble if I smoke here?
  • I got in trouble for looking at my cellphone during the test.

5) Hand off(引き渡す)

Hand offは、リレーのバトン渡しから派生した表現で、日常会話では、仕事を誰かに割り振ったり引き継がせることを表し、特に上司が部下に仕事を任せる状況で使われます。

  • I’m going to hand off this project to John.
  • Why don’t you hand that off to one of your coworkers?
  • Do you mind if I hand off this assignment to you?



  • Patience・・・辛抱強さ
  • Distribute・・・〜に任せる
  • Quote-unquote・・・いわゆる〜
  • Habit・・・やり方


  • Willing to・・・〜する意思がある
  • I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do・・・どうしていいか分からない
  • Deal with・・・〜に対応する
  • Build a good relationship・・・良い関係を築く
  • Quite a few times・・・何度も



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Pon より:



    今回のQuestion of the dayのAnswer(3)について質問なのですが、
    文中のBecause以下の”an employee”に対応する動詞はどこにあるのでしょうか?


    • mori より:

      すみません、通行人ですが、動詞は taught だと思います。

      an employee (below the boss) taught them how to …



      • Pon より:


        てっきりtaughtはthe bossの動詞かと思っておりました・・・


      • Jun より:



    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!moriさんが書いてくれたように、動詞は taught になり、”employee (below the boss) taught ….”、「上司の下にいる社員に教えてもらった」ことを表します。

      • Pon より:

        Junさん moriさん


  2. たこすけ より:


    • Jun より:



  3. Yuya より:

    会話のはじめの方でJasonが話している a lot of the times ですが、どういった意味でしょうか?「何回も」という意味で使うのならば a lot of times では間違いでしょうか? the は必要ですか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございますい。a lot of the times は「大抵の場合は」を意味し、a lot of timesのように表現することもできます。

  4. Ys より:

    今回の会話の中で、that came up.というフレーズが出てきます。

    i see this phrase ‘come up’ or ‘come up with’ many times during english conversation, i’m not sure the correct meaning of them, because i think this has a lot of meaning according to a context of conversations. are there good way to understand them easily during conversation? thank you

    • Jun より:


      いつもPodcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございます。come up は状況に応じて、様々な意味を持つフレーズで、文脈でどの意味で使われているのかを理解する必要があります。今回は、「〜が発生する・起きる」の意味として使われ、問題が発生したことを表します。全部の意味を暗記するより、英語にたくさん触れて、その都度その都度覚えていくのがいいと思います。

  5. Ami より:


    Quote-unquote の使い方は”namely” と同じで大丈夫ですか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!hapa英会話をフルに活用していただき、ありがとうございます。Quote-unquoteの意味と使い方についてはこちらの記事を参考にしてください → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=10847

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


