
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.07.26





【Christian】So Jason, what do you look for in a job?

【Jason】When I look for—let’s say I’m looking for a brand new job—what I’m looking for from the employer is them having the ability to trust me.


【Jason】Um, that means they’re willing to invest their time, definitely invest their money into me. So room for growth is my number one thing.


【Jason】If—if it looks like it’s a small company for now but it’s…the plans are it’s supposed to be, “Oh we’re gonna (going to) blowing up in, like a year or two,” and then, room for growth is plentiful. You know, then I might think about it. But, um definitely room for growth is number one obviously, salary.


【Jason】Salary is definitely the second most important thing, ‘cause (because) I gotta (got to) eat.

【Christian】Yeah, exactly.

【Jason】I gotta pay bills too.

【Christian】You can’t really say it, but like, money is really important.


【Christian】You can’t say in an interview, like, “Oh, I’m just really here for the money.” But like, yeah, that’s the reason you’re going to the job.

【Jason】You kind of have to BS it during the interview.


【Jason】It’s kind of like, “Yeah, you know, this company looks great. You know. I like the products,” and things like that. The bottom line, mm, $60,000 a year? Pretty good to me. You know? (laughs)

【Christian】Exactly, yeah.

【Jason】And—you know, benefits definitely is a huge bonus as well. You know if you have a good, you know, holidays or you know, sick days are increased. Uh, paternity leave. You know, things like that. You know, those are also, uh what I look for as well.

【Christian】It’s funny because I think the older you get the more benefits, uh, you know…the company’s benefits are more appealing to you. ‘Cause, when you’re, like maybe high school or college, you don’t care about that.


【Christian】Like, benefits? Uh, yeah, 401K? Like, who cares? You know? Like…

【Jason】I’m young.

【Christian】Yeah, I’m young. I’m here for a good time not a long time.

【Jason】(laughs) Yes.

【Christian】You know? If like, now that you’re getting older and you—maybe your tooth starts to ache, you’re like, “Oh, yeah. That dental plan sounds good right now.” (laughs)

【Jason】Yup, yup. That is definitely what’s happening right now.

【Christian】Yeah, yeah, so it’s crazy how your mindset and like, all that takes to account when you’re, like—as you’re getting older. You know?

【Jason】Yeah, definitely. Definitely, yeah. ‘Cause now, you know, I’m—I like the job that I’m at, but you know, I feel stuck.

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Jason】So right now, I’m currently looking around, right now. And then, you know, seeing these places that offer more benefits I want to have now. I’m like, “I’m willing to take a pay cut if I get better benefits,” you know?

【Christian】Yeah, yeah.

【Jason】Type of thing.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the number one thing that Jason looks for in a new job?
  2. Besides salary, what other part of employee compensation do Jason and Christian believe is important in a job?
  3. When people grow older, how does this affect the way they value employee compensation, according to Jason?



  1. He looks for room for growth within a company.
  2. They both believe good benefits packages are important in employee compensation.
  3. Jason thinks as people grow older, they begin to appreciate benefits packages more.



Jason and Christian discuss the things they look for and value in a job. Jason begins by saying that finding room for growth in a company is the most important feature in a job for him. Jason likes it when he hears a company has desires to expand and grow.

But in addition to this, Jason looks for salary in a company. However, Jason feels it’s inappropriate to tell an interviewer that money is the sole reason for a candidate’s decision to apply to a job.

Both Jason and Christian feel that benefits packages are also important parts of a job’s employee compensation in addition to salary. Christian thinks that younger people care less about benefits and are more concerned with salary.

Jason feels that as people grow older, they begin to value benefits packages more in their jobs. Jason himself is willing to accept pay cuts for better benefits packages in his own job search.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Room for(〜の余地)

Roomは本来、「部屋」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では、改善や交渉の「余地」、家や車に人が入る「スペース」といった意味合いでも使用されます。また、お腹の中のスペースという意味で、デザートは「別腹」という場合にもroom forを使うことができます。

  • Do you guys want to hop in? We have room for two more in my car.
  • There is always room for improvement.
  • I’m so stuffed. But I always have room for dessert.

2) Blow up(大成功する)

Blow upは、「爆発する」という意味から派生し、ビジネスが急成長したり商品やサービスが爆発的な人気を得たりすることを表す口語表現としても使われます。短期間で成功したり人気が出たりすることがこの表現のポイントです。

  • Uber blew up in the U.S.
  • I think your product has potential to blow up.
  • Which start-ups do you think are going to blow up within the next few years?

3) The bottom line(結論は)

The bottom lineとは、本来ビジネス用語で「最終的な損益が記入された企業会計表の最下行」を指しますが、日常会話では「結論は〜だ」と言う場合に使われる表現です。また、話の要点や肝心な部分について伝える時にも使われ、「要するに」や「つまり」に相当する表現としても使えます。

  • So what’s the bottom line?
  • The bottom line is we have to pull the plug on this project.
    (要するに、このプロジェクトから撤退しないといけません。 )
  • He just wants to be appreciated. That’s the bottom line.

4) Take into account(〜を考慮する)

何かを「考慮する」ことを表す日常表現が、take into accountです。Considerと同じ意味ですが、より口語的な響きがあります。決断したり行動に出たりする前に、それによって生じるメリットやデメリットなどあらゆる可能性を考えることを意味します。

  • You have to take into account that there’s going to be traffic.
  • You’re absolutely right. I didn’t take that into account.
  • I’ll take your advice into account before I make my decision.

5) Take a pay cut(減給を受け入れる)

Pay cutは「減給」を指す表現です。「減給を受け入れる」は、take a pay cutやaccept a pay cutと言います。Take a cut in payとも言いますが、意味はtake a pay cutと同じです。

  • Why did you take a pay cut?
  • I decided to take a pay cut and stay with my company.
  • I‘m not going to take a cut in pay no matter what.



  • Brand new・・・新しい
  • Employer・・・雇用主
  • Plentiful・・・十分に
  • Benefits・・・福利厚生
  • Sick days・・・病気休暇
  • Appealing・・・魅力的な
  • 401K・・・確定拠出年金
  • Ache・・・痛み


  • Invest one’s time・・・時間を投資する
  • Pay bills・・・請求書を支払う
  • BS・・・嘘をつく
  • And things like that・・・〜のようなこと
  • Paternity leave・・・父親の育児休暇
  • Dental plan・・・歯科保険プラン



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Pon より:

    Dear Mr. Senesac


    「it’s crazy how your mindset and like, all that takes to account when you’re, like—as you’re getting older.」



    • Jun より:



  2. Nihonjin より:


    • Jun より:



  3. mina より:

    会話の中でひとつ教えていただきたいのですが、what I’m looking for from the employer is them having the ability to trust me.の文構造がよくわかりません…。
    よければ教えてくださいm(_ _)m

    • Jun より:



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