
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.06.21





【Joshua】And so, you know, even today I still play video games. You know, I started Final Fantasy VII. I was addicted, seven games later, to Final Fantasy XIV, which is an online game. You know, you’d meet the most interesting people in those kind of games.
Um, the most interesting person I ever met in Final Fantasy XIV was actually a Japanese woman. I was trying to practice my Japanese. And she told me that this was her escape from reality. She was married, but that she was also married in the video game.
And I asked her, “Well, is that cheating?” And she’s like, “No, no. Game is game, and real life is real life.” And I was like, “I don’t know. I don’t know about that.” She’s like, “Yes, but I feel like I’m alive in the video game.” She was always online.
So I think gaming has kind of moved from that, where you’re just kind of into the story by yourself, to now you play with other people. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing, but I’ve met a lot of interesting people through video games. Some of which I met in, uh…some of them I’ve actually met in real life, which is, uh…if you’ve ever heard of “catfishing” people, um…yeah.
Some people have showed up, and I didn’t know who they were. You know, maybe they showed me a picture from high school, and that’s now twenty years later. I still look the same, from my high school, so you know. But uh, have you had any similar experiences with video games?

【Stephan】Uh, yes I have had similar experiences. So, uh…


【Stephan】I would be going to the arcades pretty much every single weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, just to play the newest Japanese games, which were, uh rhythm games at the time, so…

【Joshua】Oh, that’s right.

【Stephan】But then games like, uh Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania…


【Stephan】…DrumMania, GuitarFreaks, Pop’n Music, Keyboardmania, Para Para Paradise.


【Stephan】And, uh I got good at those games. So I, uh used to enter tournaments a long time ago and, uh sometimes I would go all the way to, uh Northern California, Las Vegas, just to enter tournaments, and uh that’s how I would meet some friends.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. In what game did Joshua meet and talk to a Japanese woman?
  2. What did Joshua find most interesting about the woman he met in Final Fantasy XIV?
  3. What genre of arcade games did Stephan become skilled at?



  1. He met this woman in the online game Final Fantasy XIV.
  2. The woman he met was married in real life and also “married” in the virtual world of the video game.
  3. He became skilled at rhythm games, prominent in arcades.



Joshua and Stephan continue their discussion of video games in this episode. Joshua opens by discussing how after his introduction to the Final Fantasy series with Final Fantasy VII, he kept playing the games in the series up to at least Final Fantasy XIV.

As Final Fantasy XIV is an online game, Joshua met many interesting people while playing it. One player he met was a Japanese woman with whom he practiced his Japanese. While playing and talking with this woman, Joshua learned that she was both married in her personal life as well as “married” in the virtual world of the video game.

Joshua believes gaming has developed into more of a social activity than simply just a single-player experience. He has even met some of the people he met online through video games in real life, though they were not always exactly who they said they were in the video games.

Stephan enjoyed Japanese rhythm games in arcades he frequented when he was younger. He often visited arcades on weekends to play the newest rhythm games, and became so good that he even entered tournaments in Northern California and Las Vegas.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Addicted(〜にはまっている)


  • I’m addicted to this new show on Netflix right now.
  • Once you try surfing, you’re going to be addicted.
  • These cookies are so addicting. Once you start, you can’t stop.

2) Escape from reality(現実逃避する)


  • What do you do to escape from reality?
  • I play video games to escape from reality.
  • Reading books and watching movies are good ways to escape from reality.

3) I don’t know about that(どうかな)

I don’t know about thatは、相手の意見や考えに疑いを持ち、あいまいに反応する場合に使われる表現です。「それはどうかな」や「どうでしょうかね」に相当する表現です。

  • You think he’s going to agree to that? I don’t know about that.
  • He said he’s going to finish it by tomorrow? I don’t know about that. He didn’t even start yet.
  • I don’t know about that. Maybe you should look into it a little more.

4) Catfish(なりすまし)


  • It turns out the person I met on Instagram was a catfish.
  • Are you sure she’s a real person? I think you’re getting catfished.
  • Do you think this guy on Twitter is catfishing?

5) All the way(はるばる)

All the wayは、遠くへ行くことを強調する日常表現で、「はるばる」や「わざわざ」といった意味があります。日本で行われる結婚式に、はるばるニューヨークからやって来たり、絶品料理を求めて遠出するような状況で使われます。

  • My buddy came all the way from New York to attend my wedding.
  • You went all the way to Tochigi just to eat gyoza? You’re crazy.
  • Thanks for driving all the way out here to pick me up.



  • Cheating・・・浮気
  • Arcade・・・ゲームセンター


    • Show up・・・現れる
    • Every single (weekend)・・・毎(週末)



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Pon より:

    Hi Jun!


    「I would be going to the arcades pretty much every single weekend.」
    と言っている部分ですが、wouldとbe going toを組み合わせた表現の意味が

    と言っているので、used toと同じ意味なのかな、と推測はできるのですが・・・


    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。そうですね、ここでは、”I would go to”と表現した方が適切だと思います。I would は I used to と似たように、昔習慣的にしていた出来事を表します。I wouldの使い方はこちらの記事をチェックしてください。http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=12755

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