
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.06.14





【Stephan】So Josh, do you play video games?

【Joshua】Yes, I play video games. Actually, I’ve been playing video games ever since…I think I was six years old. I got my first Nintendo NES. You know, the one where you had to blow in the cartridge and slam it in to get it to work. I had that, and you know, Super Mario Brothers, I grew up with that. It…it was that era. You know, it was the era of the console gaming. Um, and so I was a big Nintendo fan when I was a kid, and that makes sense that’s—that’s their target audience.
Uh, but later on I got a SEGA Genesis. I’m a big fan of Sonic, although some of the…the attempts to make different kinds of games for Sonic have…have kind of flopped. But the traditional, you know, just running through a maze and trying to get to the end goal, um that’s—that’s classic Sonic. And so as long as they stick to that formula, I love that franchise.
But as I grew up, um I got a PlayStation. Um…and PlayStation was a big change for me, ‘cause (because) I was introduced to a lot of games from Japan. I was a big fan of the RPG genre. Um, so I started off with Final Fantasy VII, which to me is completely—is one of the most overrated games—I’ve gone back and played Final Fantasy VII. It’s not as cool as I thought it was when I was a kid. And it’s not as cool as everybody still thinks it is.
But uh, I used to stay up all night playing Final Fantasy games. I was a bad student. I—I would…I would skip homework. I wouldn’t study for tests, to play video games. So if I look at it that way, it wasn’t really a good thing. But at the same time, those kind of games you had to read. And so in my neighborhood, you know…it wasn’t the greatest neighborhood. People were tossing around slang and uh…no one really spoke proper English.
So people ask me, “Oh, you don’t sound like you’re from Brooklyn.” That’s because I grew up—I grew up inside of Final Fantasy where, you know, there was proper English, you know, on the text. And so it—it really hurt my street cred ‘cause I—I really don’t sound like I’m from quote-unquote “the ‘Hood,” right? So, uh…I think that’s a good thing. You know? Uh, I learned a lot of words. I learned how to read through Final Fantasy.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Joshua’s first video game console?
  2. Which video game does Joshua credit with helping him learn proper English in childhood?
  3. What neighborhood did Joshua grow up in?



  1. His first game console was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
  2. He credits Final Fantasy VII with helping him learn proper English through its in-game text.
  3. He grew up in Brooklyn.



In this episode, Joshua talks about his experience with video games growing up. The first video game console he ever owned was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Joshua grew up playing Super Mario Brothers and, after getting a SEGA Genesis, he played Sonic the Hedgehog series. However, he doesn’t like the newer additions to the Sonic franchise as much as the classics.

Later in his childhood, Joshua got a PlayStation, on which he was introduced to a lot of Japanese games. In particular, he grew up playing Final Fantasy VII, though he now feels that game is a bit overrated.

Joshua credits Final Fantasy VII with helping him learn proper English grammar and spelling through its in-game text. He believes that through playing Final Fantasy VII he avoided learning improper English.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Slam(強く打つ)


  • My teacher was so angry that he slammed his book on his desk.
  • Can you not slam the door? You’re going to break it.
  • I wasn’t paying attention and I slammed my head against a sign.

2) Flop(大失敗する)


  • His restaurant was a flop. It closed down in under a year.
  • Our business did well in Japan but it flopped in the U.S.
  • I wonder why that app flopped. I thought it had potential to do well.

3) Stay up all night(徹夜する)

「徹夜する」は、stay up all nightと言います。「徹夜して勉強する」はstay up all night studying(all nightの後に動詞 + ing)としても、stay up and study all night(stay up and動詞)でもOKです。

  • I stayed up all night studying for my final.
  • I’m exhausted. I stayed up and worked all night last night.
  • This book is so good! I stayed up all night reading it.

4) Skip(サボる・やらない)


  • I don’t feel like going to class today. I’m going to skip it.
  • Is it OK if I skip the meeting today?
  • I’m so sore. I’m going to skip my work out today.

5) Toss around(話し合う)

Tossは本来、何かをポイっと投げることを意味しますが、そこから派生して、アイデアを出して話し合ったり検討したりすることをtoss aroundと言います。何かを決定するというよりは、くだけた雰囲気の中であれこれ意見交換をするニュアンスがあります。ちなみに今日の会話でジョシュアは、people were tossing around slangsと言いますが、これは、「スラングが飛び交っていた」ことを表しています。

  • Let’s toss around that idea.
  • There are a few ideas I want to run by you. Can we toss them around later?
  • We were tossing around suggestions for improving our service.



  • Era・・・時代
  • Overrated・・・過大評価されている


    • Ever since・・・〜からずっと
    • Blow in the cartridge・・・カセットに息を吹く
    • Console gaming・・・ゲーム機
    • Target audience・・・対象者
    • Running through a maze・・・迷路を走り抜ける
    • Stick to・・・〜から離れない・〜し続ける
    • Start off with・・・〜から始める
    • Street cred(credibility)・・・信頼性



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ススム より:

    It closed down in under a year.の文ですが、
    It was closed down in under a year.とは言わないのですか?

  2. あいあい より:

    The reception lasted (省略) and friends and family members all just having ………←ココ何と言っていますか?
    その続きでAt the end of the night,……the dance ……… opened up. 何と言っていますか?
    They were smiling from year to year,and just seem them happy brought …………joy to me. 何と言っていますか?

  3. りょう より:

    Phrases of the dayの3つ目の例文について、
    12:57からの「I thought it had…」の部分が全く聞き取れません。何か特別なリダクションやリンキングのルールがあるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      なぜでしょうかね。potential の pの音が若干落ちているのかもしれないです。

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