
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.04.19





【Deanna】Do you believe in karma?


【Deanna】What goes around comes around?”

【Clayton】Um…no. (laughs)


【Clayton】Definitely not. Uh, I think that um…honestly, I think it’s uh…you hear it a lot because it’s a super popular idea…


【Clayton】…karma, in American culture right now. But um, I think that um…no, because people do bad things every day and then get away with it. You know?

【Deanna】Mm, that’s true. I think it’s just…I think karma is just something that was manufactured by people…


【Deanna】…to believe in something…

【Clayton】Yeah. I think that, like…

【Deanna】…or to…it sounds like a cynical…bad point of view, but it’s true.

【Clayton】It’s the ultimate moral fantasy.


【Clayton】It’s like there’s this moral law that, like will manifest, uh your reality. You know? Like, everything will end up okay in the end.

【Deanna】Yup. It satisfies our emotional needs

【Clayton】Yes, exactly.

【Deanna】…for survival. That’s all it is.

【Clayton】Um, so you don’t believe that, uh, “what goes around comes around?”

【Deanna】No, I don’t believe it. I do believe that people in the world are inherently good. That’s just, like, my optimistic point of view. But I—I agree with you. People get away with bad things.


【Deanna】Yeah. Mm hm.

【Clayton】And honestly, like people who have been, like kind of shafted for a lot of their life, I feel like they might be resentful

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…about that idea because, like they can see, like that person is going to be fine, like the person who’s shafted me forever.

【Deanna】Right. Mm hm.

【Clayton】Uh and so…yeah. I feel like, um it’s sort of a…kind of a popular idea, but no real basis.

【Deanna】No. Maybe in the movies and stuff.

【Clayton】Yeah, in the movies…

【Deanna】The bad guy…

【Clayton】It’s always nice in the movies, right? Like…

【Deanna】There’s tons of karma, yeah.

【Clayton】Definitely, definitely.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Deanna and Clayton share the same opinion on karma. What is it?
  2. What is Deanna’s opinion of people in general?
  3. In what part of culture does karma manifest for Deanna and Clayton?



  1. Neither of them believes that it’s real and think of it merely as a moral fantasy.
  2. She believes that people in general are inherently good.
  3. They both believe karma is a popular idea present in many movies.



Deanna and Clayton discuss their views on karma, that is, the belief that “what goes around comes around,” and that people will be morally accountable for their actions. Clayton believes karma doesn’t exist.

Clayton’s main reason for not believing in karma is the fact that people who do bad things often go unpunished or get away with their wrongdoing. Deanna agrees, believing “karma” was a concept manufactured by people.

Deanna thinks karma became a popular idea because it satisfies emotional needs. There is something cathartic about believing that people who do bad things are appropriately punished for them.

Clayton thinks that people who have been especially unfortunate in life may feel resentful of the notion of karma. And those who treat the unfortunate badly often seem to go unpunished. But both Clayton and Deanna agree that the concept of karma appears often in movies, as indeed it is a popular idea in American culture.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) What goes around comes around(因果応報)


  • You shouldn’t do that. What goes around comes around.
  • What goes around comes around. I believe in karma.
  • Always treat people with kindness and respect. You know what they say, what goes around comes around.

2) Get away with(逃げ切る)


  • I got caught cheating but luckily I got away with just a warning.
  • You were 40km over the speed limit and you didn’t get a ticket? How did you get away with that?
  • How does he always get away with not paying?

3) Cynical(ひねくれた)


  • I consider myself a pretty cynical person.
  • Is there anything you are cynical about?
  • I feel like the older I get, the more cynical I become.

4) Satisfy needs(ニーズを満たす)

「ニーズを満たす」ことをsatisfy ____ needsと表現します。「顧客のニーズを満たす」はsatisfy the customers’ needs、「精神的ニーズを満たす」はsatisfy one’s emotional needsのように、具体的なニーズがsatisfyとneedsの間に入ります。satisfy the needs of ____と言うこともでき、「顧客のニーズを満たす」はsatisfy the needs of the customersでもOKです。

  • We need to do a better job satisfying our users’ needs.
  • Our goal is to fully satisfy the needs of our customers.
  • Eating and shopping satisfy my emotional needs.

5) Shafted(ひどい目に遭う)

Shaftedは、不当な扱いを受けたり、だまされるなどして「ひどい目に遭う」ことを意味します。一般的に、get shafted、もしくはbe shaftedの形をとります。

  • You don’t get any company benefits your first year? It sounds like you’re getting shafted.
  • The recycle center only paid you a hundred bucks for all your furniture? I think you got shafted.
  • Make sure you read the fine print on the contract so you don’t get shafted.



  • Karma・・・カルマ
  • Manufactured・・・作り出した
  • Manifest・・・明示する
  • Inherently・・・本質的に
  • Optimistic・・・楽観的
  • Resentful・・・怒り


  • Moral fantasy・・・道徳上の空想
  • End up・・・最終的に
  • No real basis・・・現実に基づいてない
  • Tons of・・・たくさんの・〜だらけ






  1. Ree より:





    近々、ロスアンジェルスからグランドキャニオンを旅行します。 楽しみです!


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!ゲーム感覚で英語を学習されているようで嬉しいです。何をするにも楽しくやることが一番だと思います!Grand Canyon行かれるんですね。Have fun!

  2. K より:

    I have been listening your podcast for 2 month for preparation of IELTS. I started from latest story and went back to previous episode. Now is episode 82. My score improved from 5.5 to 7.0. Thanks a lot. And I continue to listen your podcasts!

    • Jun より:

      Thanks K! I’m really happy to hear that your English is improving! All that hard work is paying off. Keep it up 💪

  3. tomoko より:

    LAでの生活、奥様とともに楽しんでくださいね。今後もしLAに行くことがあれば訪ねて行っていいですかー? よろしくお願いします!

    • Jun より:


      横浜のセミナーに参加していただき、ありがとうございました!無事ロスに帰国し、今はLAより返信しています😎 ロスにくる機会があればぜひ、遊びに来てください。いつでもウェルカムです!

  4. Kimi より:

    Hi, Junさん、
    I am a listener who is from Taiwan started listening your podcast around a year ago. I always want to
    thank you for your effort on providing such wonderful podcasts that not only keep practicing my English but also learning Japanese. Being as a foreign student, there are so many things to challenge and especially the language. I thought I might have had a chance to attend your seminar, unluckily I missed them. But no matter how, I would like to show my appreciation. Junさんのおかげで、私の英語と日本語を何度なく上手になっていきます。まことにありがとうございます。これからもつづけて聞きますので、よろしくお願いします。
    Wish you all the best!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Kimi

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m really happy to hear you are finding my podcast useful. It’s always really cool to meet someone like you who uses the podcast to learn both English and Japanese. That is really amazing. I hope to see you at the seminar one of these days. Till then, keep up the great work!

  5. Blackbird より:


  6. 本城東 より:


  7. ishihara より:

    real basisの意味の解説のところに、「現実に基づいていない」と書いてありますが、これは no real basisの意味ではないですか。

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