
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.04.12





【Deanna】Do you believe in talent or hard work?

【Clayton】So I mostly believe—and I think that I’m in the minority on this—that there is, like very little such thing as talent, really. Like, there are definitely people who have talent…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…and are able to use that.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】But I think mostly, it comes down to the work that you put in, pretty much. And like, often you’ll see like, these prodigies who are, like really amazing at, uh…at different things like, uh I also, um come from a music background

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…and so you see a lot of people who are very good at their instruments, naturally.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】But like, a lot of them, almost all of them, put in like, hundreds of hours, you know?

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】Into practicing thousands of hours, like every day and like, people see them and they’re like, “Oh, that person must have always been talented.” But they don’t see, like all of the work that goes in and like, the sweat and the tears and, yeah.

【Deanna】I see. I’m glad you addressed the prodigy thing…


【Deanna】…because—but then you took it in a direction that I wasn’t expecting…


【Deanna】…because I was gonna (going to) say that a lot of the prodigies don’t—this might be disagreeable but—don’t need to put in the work, or it kind of just came to them. For example…


【Deanna】All right, for example: Ariana Grande, her voice.


【Deanna】Uh, Mariah Carey. I think of singers…


【Deanna】…for example. But I do know that they have to train, train-train-train, but naturally they were born with that talent, I think.

【Clayton】For sure. Though, uh especially with singers, um…there are a lot of people who are naturally—they’re like, prodigies.


【Clayton】They have amazing voices.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】But by the time they’re 25, their voice will be blown out, because they don’t know the training. They don’t have the practice to use them, correctly.


【Clayton】And so you’ll see, like uh, a lot of pop singers…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…or something. Like, their career’s over by the time they’re 26 or 27. It’s because they can’t sing anymore, really.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Does Clayton believe in talent or hard work?
  2. What example does Deanna give of people with inherent talent?
  3. Why does Clayton think many pop singers see their careers end in their late 20s?



  1. He believes more in hard work and is skeptical of whether there really is such a thing as talent.
  2. She thinks some singers exhibit talent in their natural voices, such as Ariana Grande or Mariah Carey.
  3. He says that’s because most of them lose the strength in their voices by that time in their lives.



Deanna and Clayton discuss whether they each believe more in the principles of hard work or the value of talent. Clayton believes more in hard work and less in talent.

Having come from a music background, Clayton has seen many people who are very good at the instruments they play. He knows however that most of that skill comes from extensive practice, even though some audiences look on those musicians and sometimes assume their skill is due to inherent talent.

Deanna on the other hand does believe in talent and thinks many musicians actually embody that principle. Specifically, Deanna thinks of singers with naturally beautiful voices, such as Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande.

Deanna believes that musical prodigies don’t have to work as hard at practicing their skills because of innate talent. Clayton agrees, but raises the issue of some singers ending their careers in their late 20s because their voices have lost strength by that point in time and the singers themselves lose practice.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Come down to(〜にかかっている)

Come down toは、「〜にかかっている」を意味するフレーズです。問題や物事の最終的な決め手となることを伝える際に使われ、「カギとなるのは〜だ」のように訳すこともできます。

  • In the end, it comes down to how bad you want it.
  • I’m excited about the job offer but it comes down to the pay.
  • Preparation and hard work are important but sometimes it comes down to luck.

2) Put in ____ (力を注ぐ、時間を費やす)

仕事や勉強において目標を達成するために努力をしたり時間を費やしたりすることをput in ____と表現します。put in work(注力する)やput in hours(時間を費やす)の形でよく使われます。

  • If you want to be successful, you have to put in the work.
  • She’s been putting in a lot of work to improve her English.
  • He put in countless hours into planning this event.

3) Prodigy(天才児)


  • Child prodigyとも言いますが、childがなくても意味は同じです。
  • Sota Fujii is a shogi prodigy.
  • Why do most child prodigies fizzle out?
  • Did you hear about a 10-year-old prodigy that turned down a job offer from Google?

4) Come from ~ background(〜の環境で育つ)

Come fromは「〜から来る」ですが、come from ~ backgroundと言うと、「〜の環境で育つ」という意味になります。芸術家の両親の元で育ったり、裕福な家庭や不遇な家庭環境で生まれ育った、という状況で使われる表現です。

  • My dad’s a pianist and my mom’s an artist. I come from an artistic background.
  • You have to be patient with that kid. He comes from a troubled family background.
  • I’m all about working hard. I come from a blue-collar background.

5) Blood, sweat and tears(最大限の努力)

Blood, sweat and tearsは直訳すると「血と汗と涙」。まさに、「血と汗と涙の結晶」に相当する表現です。今日の会話では、クレイトンがbloodを抜いてsweat and tearsと言いましたが、一般的にはblood, sweat and tearsと言います。

  • I put my blood, sweat and tears into starting this company.
  • I poured my blood, sweat and tears into that company but they laid me off.
  • After many years of blood, sweat and tears, his dreams finally came true.



  • Minority・・・少数派
  • Instrument・・・楽器
  • Disagreeable・・・反対の声


  • Blown out・・・出なくなる
  • By the time・・・〜の時までに



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Suzuki より:


    • Jun より:



  2. Ryosuke より:


    Phrases of the dayで紹介されている例文、In the end, it comes to how bad you want it に関して質問です。

    how bad you want it ➡︎どのくらい悪いことを欲する??




    • Jun より:


      ここで使われるbadは「悪い」の意味ではなく、「〜したくてたまらない」を意味する口語的な表現です。以前、Hapaのブログに”bad”の使い方について記事を掲載しましたので、こちらのリンクを参考までにチェックしてください!スクリプト → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=9267


      • Ryosuke より:


        Thank you very much!!!

  3. 田代島から来た猫 より:

    Hi. I found your teachings at Spotify so I can learn English when I’m out. Thank you very much!!

  4. Yuka より:

    I found your podcast a couple of months ago and since then, I have been listening to it. Thank you for making this great tool to study English. I like your opinion regarding this topic. I just finished the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. I totally agree with your idea that consistent work is more valuable than hard work itself. I am grateful to you for giving us important life lessons too.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yuka,

      Thanks for your kind message! I’m glad to hear you are finding the podcast useful! “Grit” but Angela Duckworth is a great book! Her TED Talk is excellent too. I really believe in the power of consistent work. Consistency and grit can take you a long way in life! Keep up the great work!

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